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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. Someone else posted the idea with a picture of her eggs In it and i said then how clever it was but I felt it worth mentioning again as I pulled my dressing cups out today to portion out my faux lasagna (a lasagna recipe without noodles someone also shared on this wonderful site that works great for purée stage to satisfy italian craving) https://bariatricbits.com/single-serve-baked-ricotta/ Anyways, I got mine in 100 pack on Amazon with lids but they have all different quantities and They work perfectly. Especially since I don’t know my pre full trigger yet it’s a good way to know when it’s time to SLOW down and be careful and it’s just about perfect amount for me. Another Helpful tip it’s also 1/4 cup which is one serving of shredded cheese so I toss one in the bag when I open it.
  2. ShoppGirl

    Rip Off!!!!

    Walmart has cauliflower crust now two in a pack for $6.50. It’s in the gluten free section not with the pizza.
  3. ShoppGirl

    GENEPRO & Other Must Haves

    I believe the cafe late has caffeine and some doctors do not allow that early on cause it’s a diuretic. Just check with your team.
  4. ShoppGirl

    GENEPRO & Other Must Haves

    Someone else mentioned it but said they couldn’t find it. They sell premier protein clear on Amazon in 12 pack in Peach and Fruit punch. It is the only thing that has got me through these first stages meeting protein and liquid cause it’s in one.
  5. ShoppGirl

    Any March 2021 Sleeve Patients?

    Soon the pain goes but the fatigue continues for a bit. I look at it as a good thing since we heal while we rest. I will be two weeks post op on Tuesday and I am still taking naps. Several since I am a light sleeper and don’t get as much as I need the first time but I don’t have to work and no kids so I am lucky enough to be able to. Just have a huge mess of a house to clean once I’m up to it from hubby being left alone for two weeks. Bless his heart but he is no housewife.
  6. ShoppGirl

    Any March 2021 Sleeve Patients?

    Congratulations on the beginning of your journey to a new you. 👍
  7. Wow. I am so sorry your supposed friend reacted like this. I was warned about these types of reactions. It’s most likely because they always knew they were bigger but it was okay because you were too and if you are doing something about it that means they should too. And not their so called honest hard work or whatever they called it but actual change like you have made. We all know that this process is far from easy and frankly even if it was wouldn't a true friend be happy. I hope you can have a heart to heart and not lose a long time friend over this but if not they weren’t really ever the friend you thought they were. Wishing you the best of luck in this situation.
  8. ShoppGirl

    Any March 2021 Sleeve Patients?

    Just take it one step/stage at a time. Remind yourself you can do anything for a few days and break it up that way. I have severe anxiety and don’t do well with change either but had surgery the 9th and am currently on the purée stage. (It’s two weeks so I broke it up myself by saying I will have the eggs after one week just to have something to look forward to. You CAN do this. If I can do it, you can 🤗 keep up talking about your feelings on here too. There is a great group of people here full of support that will get you through.
  9. Not only do I not love the food once it’s been puréed but I am also nervous that I am not making it mushy enough while not wanting to make it mushy at all. This is just NOT a very fun stage. Any tips or recipes would be appreciated.
  10. ShoppGirl

    How long to crush meds?

    Mine had to do with needing a certain number of calories for the medication to absorb properly. It’s one of very few meds that work that way though so it’s not the norm. My main point was that crushing them may be for a reason other than being able to swallow a pill because I took all my meds the day after surgery in normal pill form as many others said they did as well.
  11. ShoppGirl

    How long to crush meds?

    It could have to do with the absorbtion. Some Meds can absorb better when already broken down. That being said I never had to crush any either. I just changed from 300 ml of extended release to TWO 150 mg of immediate release of one of my meds (also for absorbing issues).
  12. I am seriously concerned that I do not get full like I should. When I drink liquid too fast I get a sharp pain in stomach but it goes away as quickly as the liquid passes through. I started puréed food yesterday and was expecting to feel full after a couple bites but I ate 4 oz and didn’t feel full. It was puréed really well (instant mashed potatoes and canned received beans i mashed even further just in case. I am afraid to just keep eating and make myself sick bit would feel Better if I was more like everyone else??
  13. My sleeve was the 9th so I am just over a week out. I feel like if I let myself I could sleep all day and all night. No pain, just tired. I know sleep is good for healing so I am taking naps but is this normal?
  14. I already posted this under another topic but I told my dr that I had appt two weeks post op for my vaccine and he said that’s fine.
  15. ShoppGirl

    Any March 2021 Sleeve Patients?

    It’s hard I will not lie. Someone on here suggested using a small shot glass or medicine cup and setting alarms. My only tip is the premier protein clear protein drink. That satisfies fluid and protein in one drink and both are hard requirements to meet.it only comes in peach and fruit punch as far as I can tell and I am not a huge fan of either but the fruit Punch was not as stromg or sweet as most to me. 🤞
  16. ShoppGirl

    Covid Vaccine

    I told my dr that I have an appointment for the vaccine exactly two weeks post op and he didn’t see any issue with that, even (I was first offered it the day before surgery but he said no to that). My guess based on that are the side effects would be the same with or without surgery. Although if being sleepy is a side effect I think it will be exacerbated for me cause I can’t seem to stay awake as it is. My husband keeps joking that every time he turns around I am off somewhere asleep again. I am such a light sleeper that I take extremely short naps so I have been taking a lot of them I guess.
  17. ShoppGirl

    Scared to have surgery!

    Someone told me hiatal hernia or heartburn surgery explains the eating habits after the fact if you must not tell the truth.
  18. ShoppGirl


    I am so sorry you are having to experience this. Hopefully they can fix the issue now that they know exactly what is going on. Hang in there. And remember It will be worth it in the long run.
  19. My husband is only a couple weeks niches taller and very fit. When we met I was smaller than him but that was at my smallest. Later the symptoms of my bipolar started up and between the depressive states and the bipolar and antidepressant meds I just gained and gained. Being bigger than your spouse as a female is definitely not fun. No matter how much I lost I could never get small as him and I always felt like I looked bigger standing next to him. Also his family was all small so While he never said anything negative about my weight he did mention it in terms of my Health quite often. I know that even if I lose 65% of my excess weight I will still be bigger than him, though so I have got to figure out a way to just love myself for who I am and not worry quite as much as what the scale says. I know he loves me regardless, I was heavier when he married me. He only cares about my health and my happiness and he knows I am not myself when I am heavier. My husband has to “carb up” which usually doesn’t bother me cause he eats pasta with marinara and I don’t like it but the past week I am craving anything that is real food he also can eat subs and frozen egg rolls and stuff that I gain weight if I just look at it and he doesn’t gain an ounce we are polar opposites
  20. ShoppGirl

    Not hungry but I want to eat!!

    Wow. Your plan progresses along much faster than mine. I am still on broth and pudding. 😢
  21. Wow, my dog is 12 pounds so I better come up with some other plan for my leftovers. I did find myself giving her an odd piece or two during pre op diet after I weighed out my portion if it was too much though but that can’t be the norm for her or she won’t be able to walk. 😂
  22. ShoppGirl

    Not hungry but I want to eat!!

    I hope you don’t mean solid food normal. Aren’t you supposed to be on liquids still. I worry you are going to hurt yourself.
  23. Scrambled eggs are listed on my puréed diet. Do they mean I need to put them in the blender or because they are so soft can I eat them as is? Does anyone else have similar diet?
  24. Ok so I’m normal times I would probably never be excited about these two options but I came up with a couple savory options for the liquid diet plan. Just two add ins for Greek yogurt, PB Fit and Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning mix. Both would be good fruit and veggie dips for later but for a bite or two of something different they worked for me. Also for later down the road French onion dip mix works great with Greek yogurt too but it has the minced onions so we can’t have it on liquid diet (actually the onion dip with Greek yogurt is better than sour cream to me). You can also add one packet Splenda if Greek yogurt is too sour for you and it helps. I tried two and it’s too sweet but one takes the edge off the sour. The PB Fit will add calories for the pre op diet but afterwards it’s adds protein.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
