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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. ShoppGirl

    Wow! Size 6?????

    You look amazing. Congrats.
  2. ShoppGirl

    April surgeries

    Good luck 🍀
  3. I used premier protein as well. It was in the list of recommended shakes. I would agree with others that you ask the dr directly if it really matters. If money isn’t an issue and you will drink them eventually I would just let it go (but that’s me and I am a “rule follower” to a certain extent as well).
  4. ShoppGirl

    April surgeries

    I started questioning it. But I knew in my heart that I had done well on diets before....until I didn’t (and then I gained it all back).
  5. ShoppGirl

    Food Before and After Photos

    To further what greentealeal suggested, try NetFlix for a while. No commercials so no food temptations.
  6. I replied to this as if it was kalassi saying it. Sorry for the confusion. I was just typing on a roll and thought it was same person. 😂
  7. ShoppGirl

    Mashed roasted cauliflower

    Awesome. I added cream cheese to my list for tomorrow so I can try those ASAP.
  8. Maybe. I think that the job of a good psychiatrist is to get it out of us though so they can do what your dr is doing to better prepare us to be successful. I have thought of asking for the list again and seeing someone else off the list on my own to try and work on the eating while board and I guess now the hiding it sometimes.
  9. I think that will be very helpful. I wish I could get to the root of why I eat so much whr I am board. Idk if that is considered disordered eating or not but I also have that. I felt like the psychiatrist I seen just gave a rubber stamp and really didn’t do me any favors to set me up for success. To be honest you may have to do a bit more work up front but it sounds like they are better preparing you for what is to come. Like right now I am 6 weeks out and I do not have actual hunger but I am home and I have thought about eating several times outside of eating time and it’s just boredom. I am able to control it without the hunger hormones on top of it but once they come back it would be helpful to know how to control the head hunger.
  10. I also have bipolar disorder which they didn’t care about because it’s being treated and my psychologist signed off. But When you mention hiding food from others I guess if that constitutes an eating disorder then I have one too. I have a history of occasionally eating poorly while I’m alone and then eating again so that My husband wouldn’t know I ate something bad for me (because I’m embarrassed and don’t want him to be disappointed that I couldn’t stick to my diet) but that didn’t come up at my psyc evaluation.
  11. ShoppGirl

    Mashed roasted cauliflower

    Did you try it with low fat or regular cream cheese?
  12. Good to know. I knew their had to be a reason. Thanks.
  13. I agree 100%. I had very little pain and no struggles so far. I almost feel guilty it has been so easy when I hear of others struggles.
  14. Tim, why do you do the two different types of protein powders??
  15. ShoppGirl

    Must Haves For Surgery Day

    You may want a pair of pajama pants to wear under gown as you walk the halls since it splits in the back.
  16. ShoppGirl


    I have never worn one but I woke up from surgery with a waist binder on. Not sure if waist trainers is a lot more pressure??
  17. ShoppGirl

    Kitchen supplies for early post-op

    You can wait to see if you like water cold or otherwise since they are kinda expensive but if you like it cold a yeti cup is a good investment.
  18. ShoppGirl


    Good luck 🍀
  19. ShoppGirl

    Food Before and After Photos

    That looks easy enough with the right knife. I think I’m going to have to invest in a knife sharpener and some new knives if I’m going to be cooking more at home. Thanks!!
  20. They sell water bottles online that have marks for ounces and time of day to help keep you on track.
  21. I am curious about this too. Being a slower loser part of me is glad hoping for less loose skin but another part is worried that the hunger will creep back in before I can reach goal and I won’t be able to.
  22. ShoppGirl


    I haven’t got there yet but people say to add calories but not volume. Adding higher calories yet still healthy foods such as nuts and avacados (maybe the vets can give you more suggestions) will put you into maintenance without stretching your stomach...Or adding a couple healthy snacks like mswillis5 suggested...Just don’t eat bigger meals.
  23. ShoppGirl

    Weight loss first two weeks

    I had lost ten pounds exactly at my two week post op appointment and the doctor was happy.
  24. ShoppGirl

    Emotional wreck

    Only you know yourself. For me at two weeks out I had doubts too but I knew that I had lost weight (even a great deal of it) on my own many times but I always gained it back (plus some). You have to make the best decision for yourself. The statistics say that the chances for someone at our weight (that qualify for this surgery) losing all the weight by diet and exercise alone and actually keeping it off are slim but there are some people that do. Only you know your circumstances, would you be healthy and happy if you lost some but not all of the weight? Also, I would say if you really are concerned that you could slow down the process (ask for a different surgery date) and even ask for referrals for the nutritionist and psychiatrist or psychologist they normally use. There is no reason that they should object to you seeing those people on your own if you think it will help you make your decision. I think most people will tell you that they had some doubts around the time of the preop diet though. Only you know if they are small doubts or real ones.
  25. Please let us know how it works out freezing it. I would do that as well.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
