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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. So far is am on just liquids and worried I do not have a warning sign. I definitely get pain when I drink too much but it goes away as quickly as The liquid runs through. This terrifies me as I can’t imagine that pain hanging around as long as food does. Yikes.
  2. ShoppGirl

    Not hungry but I want to eat!!

    Can’t help you with the crunchy part but I found if you are allowed Greek yogurt now that if you take plain Greek yogurt (I used oikos) and add ranch dressing mix it makes a nice dip For veggies but for now a spoonful or two may satisfy the savory craving.
  3. I don’t take it but know from other issues that zinc supplements can cause excessive sweating so if possible (and it’s not critically low) you may want to consider trying to bring it up with diet first.
  4. Before surgery I could not stand broth or cream of soups but I was “craving” (head hunger) something savory so bad I decided to try it and it tastes great now. I am curious to see what other taste changes I have as I am able to eat more. The nurse practitioner said that most people find that they prefer healthier foods after surgery which would be great. Just FYI it’s a real thing for me at least.
  5. You are in my thoughts. Let us know how you are doing as soon as you are feeling better. 🤗
  6. ShoppGirl

    Am I doing this wrong??

    The best thing you can do for yourself right now is listen to your body and rest if you need Rest!! You are recovering from major surgery and your doing it on very limited calories. I have been on the couch or in bed watching tv aside from the required walking around to prevent blood clots. Your doctor will tell you when you are ready to do more, but the worst thing you can do is cause a complication by overdoing it which will only set you back. Also if it helps, I think they tell us not to weigh ourselves right now for a reason. I did just out of curiosity and I didn’t lose anything for four days and then the next I lost 3 pounds overnight. You will lose it, don’t worry.
  7. ShoppGirl

    Not hungry but I want to eat!!

    I had the sleeve and very little pain so far as well and I am 4 days post op. I mean I felt it getting up and lying down but other than that I was just weak and I skipped the morphine and had just Tylenol. Now that I am home I have had to remind myself not to overdo it so yes this does happen but based on reactions from the doctors and nurses it is anything but the norm so I wouldn’t expect it. I am not hungry either. I have to force myself to eat and to drink and I have been keeping a log the last two days to measure fluids and protein and set alarm to check progress a few times a day cause it is easy to forget. I have been drinking the clear protein juice because it’s fluid and protein and not quite as sweet as the shake which I normally don’t mind but it bothers me when it takes several hours to drink it. My doctor who is head of the bariatric program at my local hospital says the typical patient has the decreased grehlin for a year or two but for some it lasts longer. This matters because we can’t rely entirely on eating smaller portions. We must change WHAT we eat or we will gain it back when the hunger hormones come back.
  8. ShoppGirl


    I am only three days post op so I will not be posting anything today but what a fun topic to add. You ladies all look amazing. Congratulations on your success.
  9. ShoppGirl

    Not hungry but I want to eat!!

    Do they make seafood flavor baby food? I do not have kids so I’m not sure but, I know i am allowed baby food on the puréed diet and spices as tolorated so you could maybe doctor up the baby food to satisfy the seafood craving.
  10. ShoppGirl

    8 hours post op

    It’s me again. Two days post op and struggling a little with the liquids but other than that I am good. They allowed me to go home after only one night. I am walking as much as possible and using my spirometer. They said I’f I find that liquids are serious issue I can go back and get an iv as an outpatient so I have to figure out where to go if that becomes necessary.
  11. Ok so far I have been extremelj lucky I am only on anti inflammatory and Tylenol and I don’t have a lot of pain. I am able to drink so easily that they gave me a little cup to slow me down. I can walk around short distances by myself. I am soooooooo thankful for all the tips people on this chat gave me to bring pajama pants, chap stick and dry mouth spray as I have used them all and they have resolved aloe of issues. The hospital did give me chapstick too as well as toothpaste and toothbrush but of course I packed My own. The nurses here are wonderful. They are so attentive and so amazed that I had surgery today and am feeling as well as I do. I am not out of the woods yet. They are considering a catheter as I am having trouble passing urine but they said it will not have to be left in just to drain my bladder for now as this is not unusual and I should be fine soon. overall I am thrilled about my recovery and glad to be able to pass on the morphine they offered as it always makes me nauseous. I just wanted to check in and say thanks to all of you and let you know I appreciate all your kind words, tips and support. . 🥰
  12. ShoppGirl

    Pro OP liquid diet

    Mine diet was a liver shrinking for 14 days which was mostly meats and veggies and then a liquid diet for two days. During the liver shrinking diet I ate ALOT if pickles because they were allowed unlimited and during the two day liquid diet I had protein shakes and found that they actually filled me up. I did feel like I wanted to chew so I had the allowed Jello for each meal or a fudge sickle which I was also allowed three of each day. All in all it wasn’t too bad. I expected to be starving but I was not at all. I know I got far more anxious than necessary about the pre op diet as if you just do you shake and then do something to distract yourself I know I felt full enough like I had consumed a meal.
  13. ShoppGirl

    8 hours post op

    Fortunately I am still felling pretty good. The nurses and nurse practitioner are talking about my going home today instead of tomorrow. Just waiting on Surgeon to agree. I was also able to pass urine so No more talk of Catheter. Thank god. Thank you for thinking of me and good luck on Your big day.
  14. ShoppGirl

    Any March 2021 Sleeve Patients?

    Welcome. You are in a great place for tips and support. I just had my surgery today and I felt so prepared after all the help and support from these chats.
  15. ShoppGirl

    Any March 2021 Sleeve Patients?

    Absolutely. It’s 2:15 And I have to be at hospital at 5:30 this morning and I am wide awake with all the same feelings. I will Check in afterwards when feeling up to it.
  16. OMG I can’t believe the time has finally come. I am down to my last day of liquid diet and I have to be at hospital at 5:30am tomorrow. To say I am nervous and elated would be understatements. Any last tips or advice?
  17. ShoppGirl

    Surgery is Tomorrow.

    Good for you. I won’t lie and say it goes by super fast but I do feel like I used the time to learn quite a bit of stuff that will help me be more successful in the long run so I guess it was a good thing I had to wait.
  18. ShoppGirl

    Skin dryness after sleeve?

    Vitamin D deficiency also causes dry skin so keep that in mind if water and lotions do not help.
  19. ShoppGirl


    Hello Everyone. I am new to this chat room. My surgery is March 9th and I am starting to feel super anxious. I am also on the two day “liquid” diet so there is that. I am trying to do everything I can think of to distract myself from Tuesday for now. Anyone else super close and anxious.
  20. ShoppGirl

    COVID risk

    I am a little nervous about the risk of Covid at the hospital. They are a non Covid hospital so if someone comes up with a positive test they ship them to another location but that doesn’t eliminate the risk entirely. I am guessing I won’t wake up every time someone comes into my room to put on a mask though and can’t imagine it’s too comfortable to sleep with one on. Anyone else have similar fears or any tips or how to deal with this.
  21. Hello again. Making a packing list for March 9th sleeve. Will I feel up to doing anything for entertainment such as a craft or puzzle or should I bring ipad, etc. What should I pack?
  22. I don’t eat at restaurants very often but I got a card on Amazon for after surgery that asks the restaurant to allow you to order off the children’s menu or to purchase a half portion. It’s called a medical alert special menu request. Maybe that will help a little.
  23. ShoppGirl

    Any March 2021 Sleeve Patients?

    I decided on the sleeve for this reason. I couldn’t get any clear answers even after talking to the manufacturers about either surgery but I know that absorption with sleeve is better than bypass. The best advice anyone could give was to tweak the extended release to immediate release and to go off my Medication that requires a certain calorie count for absorption. Also to just know that you may need to contact your doctor to adjust dosage and even change to a new medication entirely. I kept thinking LOW absorption doesn’t mean NO absorption so just increase the dosage and it will be fine but that’s not necessarily the case they say. However, after 10 years of fighting to find the right medication I thought I was on the only ones that would work for me and psychiatrist changed my meds PRIOR to surgery to help ease my mind that there was another medication that works for me. You don’t have as much time to do that but if you are still seriously concerned you could push your surgery date out a bit??
  24. ShoppGirl

    Weight gain issues

    Metformin is one of them. It’s a diabetes drug but it helps with weight loss.
  25. ShoppGirl

    Weight gain issues

    I haven’t had my surgery yet but this is something they have already prepared me for. There are tips they can give you and even medications. Definitely check in with your doctor sooner rather than later to help you get back on track. Good luck.

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