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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. ShoppGirl

    Determining Goal Weight

    Isn’t 20 smack dab in the middle of “normal” for BMI.
  2. ShoppGirl

    Feeling bad

    Did you do the test right away or a couple days after you had symptoms. I ask cause I read about a lot of false negatives with the self tests if you do it too soon. I am asking about a COVID test. Or were you referring to a pregnancy test.
  3. ShoppGirl

    Determining Goal Weight

    I’m sure that the psychologist wanted to make sure that you don’t have unrealistic expectations for the surgery because some people don’t even get out of the overweight category but they still reduce alot of their comorbidities by getting out of the obese BMI. That being said, many people reach even the lower end of normal BMI. My doctor didn’t give me a goal weight and I set a few for myself. The first being a weight where I at least feel good enough to go out and do things, the second is the top of a normal BMI and the third is lower. I am almost to the second and am starting to think that my body might be happy here since I am no longer losing. I can probably add more exercise and reach the second but may not ever reach the third.
  4. Hello and welcome. I see you already have a bariatric therapist which would have been my advice. I struggle with boredom eating and I am still trying to find a good therapist in my area to help with this. I’m losing but it’s more of a struggle than it would be without disordered eating issues (I assume). I have found bariatric pal to be a wonderful source Of support and hope you will too.
  5. ShoppGirl

    COMPLETELY fallen off the wagon :(

    Well at least you realized you need to do something before you gained weight. You can turn this around and start losing again.
  6. ShoppGirl


    Welcome. Where are you in the process?? Pre op? Post op?
  7. My grandma is In hospice so we are pulling shifts making sure someone is with her 24/7. I have gone ONE WEEK without tracking and I have gained TWO POUNDS!! I haven’t had anything crazy bad just a few more servings of the same foods and snacks I have been eating. I know that I should be able to lose it but wow- that was way too easy to gain.
  8. I decided on the sleeve instead of bypass because I worried about the absorption of my mood stabilizer and antidepressant as well. Since then I have read many many posts on here of people on psyc meds that did fine post bypass as well. From what I have learned it is mostly the extended release medications that can cause issues post bypass and sleeve. Other than that. There are a few people that had to adjust doses up or down but I have yet to hear of anyone who says that they had to switch meds or anything like that.
  9. ShoppGirl

    Easy go easy come.

    Thank you all for the well wishes and the prayers. A room just opened up at the hospice house and the staff there is truly AMAZING. They have been able to put her in positions that she just looks so comfortable and peaceful. Something that she hasn’t seemed even with the morphine for the last several days. Thanks for helping ease my mind about the weight. It’s funny cause if anyone else posted a similar concern I would be saying the same thing that it’s not likely to be a true gain in that short amount of time but when it’s your scale that goes up it’s just scary. But now I get it. I tried talking to my always been skinny cousin about it but she didn’t get it at all. I have been terrified since the start that I will be one that gains it all back and those two pounds just brought out that fear in me. Now if I can just keep resisting those fresh baked cookies at the hospice house I will probably be okay. 😉
  10. I had sleeve and I feel that my team prepared me for the surgery pretty well. The one thing I didn’t really absorb (although I know that they told me) is how easy it is to “eat around” the sleeve. In other words it truly is only a tool. If you wanted to you could eat a little bit every hour and still get in a huge amount of calories. It really is up to the individual to make better choices. Wish I could explain that to all those that think this is the easy way out.
  11. ShoppGirl

    Vacation......... finally!!!

    That sounds like so much fun. Enjoy it and your time with the grandkids.
  12. ShoppGirl

    Beer craving

    That was my first thought too but The NA beer still has a tiny bit of alcohol in it so if it’s the alcohol part that is acidic it may still be too harsh. I would worry about the carbonation so early out as well.
  13. ShoppGirl


    I agree with the others. Everyone has their own time frame for healing and it is kind of all over the map from what I’ve seen. Just listen to your body and don’t try to rush it. It takes what it takes. It does get a little better each day though so hopefully you will be feeling at least a little more energized soon.
  14. I like that idea a lot. Thanks for sharing.
  15. ShoppGirl

    First Appointment Successful

    Yea I met with the NP and the surgeon the first time and then I didn’t see him again until my pre op appointment. Great they gave you the binder already so you have time to really go over it and get organized (ask questions, etc). Good luck on your journey.
  16. If everything goes as expected you should be fine. For peace of mind You could ask about the incomplete process. If you were to have any complications and couldn’t keep up with classes or catch up you most likely could get a note from the doctor and take an incomplete which allows you to finish the classes the next semester.
  17. ShoppGirl

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Can’t you change the seat? You can on regular bikes.
  18. ShoppGirl

    Same shirt, new me!

    Great progress. Keep it up 👍
  19. ShoppGirl


    It’s amazing progress and great to set smaller goals along the way. Congratulations.
  20. Has anyone tried this pizza. I just seen it on targets website and I’m curious about it.
  21. ShoppGirl

    Surpassed Original Goal….

    That’s awesome. Good for you.
  22. ShoppGirl

    My experience… sleeved on 1/22/22

    Awesome. Glad to hear you are having a good recovery. Congrats on the loss. Keep it up.
  23. There was a lawsuit over the older one they said they claimed it had more protein in it than it did. I don’t think they chafed anything with the repackaging just that they updated the nutrition info to reflect the true protein count.
  24. I had fruits in smoothies pretty early out but I waited a while before having whole fruits because I worried about seeds and skin. A lot of programs introduce fruits and veggies earlier though. Dr wiener who is a surgeon who wrote a couple books on eating for weight loss and weight loss surgery is one that starts fruits and veggies earlier.
  25. Yes. I have had a stressful couple days and dreaded getting on the scale cause I thought I would’ve gained and I actually lost. Weird.

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