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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. ShoppGirl

    Any October 2021 Surgeries?

    Good luck. You will do fine. 🍀
  2. I have had more sweet cravings than I ever did pre sleeve as well. Mine are satisfied with fruit though. If it’s really bad I will have strawberries with Splenda on it or apples with cinnamon and Splenda. I guess you can’t have those quite yet but maybe some sugar free applesauce with Splenda added??
  3. If I had to take liquid Tylenol I would definitely take it with something flavored like crystal light maybe but if allowed I concur that the pill will go down better. I hope things are going better for you now.
  4. ShoppGirl

    Food Before and After Photos

    So many salad lovers. I love them too but not without dressing. This makes me wonder if others have found better dressings. What are some favorite lower calorie salad dressings (with brands). I am a ranch lover and I have found a low calorie dip alternative (ranch dressing seasoning mixed with plain Greek yogurt) but I haven’t yet found a good low calorie dressing, ranch or otherwise that I like so far. Suggestions please.
  5. I just had to fill out paperwork and watch a video.
  6. ShoppGirl

    ProCare Health One A Day Vitamin

    I asked the nurse practitioner if I should stop taking it with the shake because of the calcium. She said so far everything looks great so keep doing what I’m doing. She explained that it isn’t that calcium or iron cancels the other out. They are just absorbed into the same place so they compete to get absorbed. I guess since there is so much iron even if the calcium wins a little bit I still absorb as much as i need. I am also 7 months out and can eat more than most at this stage so I am absorbing a lot from food as well.
  7. ShoppGirl

    ProCare Health One A Day Vitamin

    I have been taking this for two months now and I just got my labs back and they were right in line with what They were three months before taking the bariatric advantage. Just FYI for those considering it. I like iT because it’s truly one a day and it’s cheaper.
  8. ShoppGirl

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Congratulations to all the November surgery dates. 🎉
  9. ShoppGirl

    ms.sss: 3 years, baby

    Congratulations. You look amazing.
  10. ShoppGirl

    Gastric sleeve

    Well at my last appointment they told me that some people never get out of the obese BMI so my being “overweight” now and nearing “normal weight” is really good. I have done nothing more or less than just following the plan, though. Many people I have heard from on here have far surpassed that 60% of your excess weight statistic.
  11. ShoppGirl

    Get ready for my surgery

    Try to focus on WHY you are doing the surgery. Not just for what the scale says but the non scale victories you hope to achieve. There is a thread here called “weirdest non scale victories” that has many of them listed. Maybe scroll through that to remind yourself all the reasons that this surgery will be worth it.
  12. ShoppGirl

    Gastric sleeve

    I am 5’8” I was 235 at my highest, 220 after pre op diet and I’m 7 months out now still losing (I hope) at 177 currently.
  13. ShoppGirl

    3 weeks post op Rny

    I had a sleeve but the post op diet was same for both. I lived on the ricotta bake around that time.
  14. I didn’t gain any weight while in the hospital. But then again I was clearly not overly hydrated as most people are because I had to go back and get fluids. My clinic did tell me not to weigh myself for the first two weeks though and I think that was probably because of fluid and inflammation causing weight gain.
  15. I haven’t dealt with this yet but I think I would probably politely tell them that I appreciate their concern for me but am working with a doctor and nutritionist so there is no need for them to worry about my health. If they continue to push after that id probably say something along the lines of I think I will get my medical advice from the experts.
  16. ShoppGirl

    What do you consider "Starting Weight"?

    I use my weight at the start of the preop diet. Which was also my highest weight so it’s kinda an easy one for me.
  17. ShoppGirl

    What Was Your Biggest Challenge

    You won’t find it at the grocery store. You have to go to a tea shop. The good news is you can probably buy just a little bit to try or try it there.
  18. ShoppGirl

    What Was Your Biggest Challenge

    I can’t believe you are still dealing with this. At least you found that warm beverages help. When you said tea you made me think of oolong tea (I think that was the name) it’s a tea that I tried for weight loss. Supposed to be an appetite suppressant. Maybe that would help?? I did lose weight on it. I just gained it back like everything else pre surgery.
  19. ShoppGirl

    Alittle Confused

    My wait was about 5 months. My insurance required six visits of supervised weight loss but I had already satisfied one of these visits.
  20. ShoppGirl


    Just scroll down on the screen you are reading right now as you read this. WAY down, past where it says trending products, recent products, hot topics, etc and keep scrolling to where it says together we have lost…
  21. I wouldn’t stop there. At your next appointment I would let the team know so they can stop recommending that person. This is all confusing enough without being told to listen to someone who is handing out a once size fits all approach.
  22. It’s interesting to hear what people say on this. My nutritionist said to go by volume which was difficult with many foods. Like how do you squish a taco or pizza down into a cup (fresco tacos and cauliflower pizza). But does the weight of it give you much either? I have recently been going by serving size. At 7 months out I can eat almost a serving it seems of most things. I said this to the NP yesterday in fact and she said that is fine. I can eat a little more than some people at my stage but she said as long as it’s nutritious food that’s okay cause most people eventually get to one serving. I am not eating past restriction nor do I have a bigger pouch, I am just chewing it to where it goes through more efficiently she says. I still think my pouch has always been bigger but what do I know. Anyways, glad to know I was not the only one confused by the weight vs volume thing.
  23. ShoppGirl

    Food Before and After Photos

    Did you find the recipe online? Do you have a link?? It looks delicious.
  24. ShoppGirl

    Jumping in

    My fingers are crossed as well tbat it goes your way. If it does jim get pushed out though try to think of it as a chance to practice some of your post op behaviors beforehand. Many people on here have had to wait longer than they hoped and took the opportunity to lose a little weight and better prepare for post surgery. It’s a marathon not a sprint. Still crossing them that it’s sooner than later though.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
