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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. ShoppGirl

    Thinking about the sleeve

    I wish I could find the medical journal article I read that said something less than 5% of people who are obese can lose their weight and keep it off with diet and exercise alone. Maybe if you scheduled a pre op appointment and asked your wife to go with you so the doctor could tell her those statistics it would help her get on board.
  2. My taste for sweet changed immediately post op but now I like all the same foods I did before. I choose not to have many of them but have sampled and I have no issues. I Sorta wish I did Develop an aversion for unhealthy things but of course I wasn’t one of those who did. I have to admit that I haven’t had ALOT of anything so if I did I still may dump but so far I haven’t.
  3. ShoppGirl

    Pre-op diet weight loss

    Looks like the others have already covered it. I agree completely that the most important thing you can learn here is to NOT compare yourself to others. I am a slow loser as well and I am now 11 pounds from a normal BMI and still losing.
  4. ShoppGirl

    Gummy Vitamins/ibuprofen

    I take pro care health and my labs were great with them. They are truly a one a day vitamin and lower cost than some of the comparable ones. Make sure to choose the one with iron.
  5. ShoppGirl

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Good luck tomorrow 🍀
  6. ShoppGirl

    Goal met!

    Amazing. Congratulations!!!
  7. I did not have a lot for some reason but it is not at all uncommon to have doubts pre surgery. It is a major surgery which is a major decision. You are the only one who knows what’s truly best for you but my guess is that you are doing this because you have already tried everything else. Try to focus on WHY you want the surgery? And your non scale goals. You started down this path for a reason. What is your why and what do you hope to gain. There is a thread on here called “weirdest non scale victories” that I think everyone considering WLS should read. It will help you if you don’t already have a list on non scale goals for after surgery.
  8. ShoppGirl

    Gummy Vitamins/ibuprofen

    I was also told no gummies post surgery. Never asked why. And definitely no nsaids. I used to take alieve for sinus headaches which I get infrequently, but now I take actual allergy medication which works as well. Tylenol just doesn’t seem to work for me except as a fever reducer. It does work for some people though so don’t rule it out. My mom swears by it.
  9. I found this on Amazon. There are actually several brands that come up. Let me know if you try it.
  10. ShoppGirl

    Food Before and After Photos

    My friend used to get their stuff and she even ordered me the ranch and I never tried it. It just looked so watered down, then I forgot all about it. Possibly still at the back of my pantry but I’m sure it’s expired. She didn’t like ranch so she couldn’t say. Another person here mentioned the brand though. Have you tried the ranch?
  11. I had a BMI of 35 and don’t even have PCOS and I had the surgery. I tried every diet out there and nothing worked until surgery. I say get a second opinion. Edited to add I just realized you can’t get a second opinion but I’m glad he didn’t turn you down. I agree with others. Just ignore what he says and get the surgery. Chances are post surgery you will See a nurse practitioner anyways so hopefully they will have an entirely different attitude. If not, seek out support elsewhere. Whether it’s support groups, a bariatric therapist, or just hanging out on here A lot there is support elsewhere.
  12. I agree that sounds seriously NOT FUN. And you are taking it so well. I seriously hope The medicine works and you can return to a more normal state very soon. Glad it wasn’t anything more serious.
  13. ShoppGirl

    BCBS Vitamin Approval

    I take them and I don’t take extra b12 either and I have had labs and they were great. So unless your B12 was already borderline or something you shouldn’t need it. Just FYI
  14. ShoppGirl

    Sandwiches and chips

    Homemade fries in an air fryer are pretty good substitute if you eat them right away (they get soggy if not). I have some recipes for using other veggies too that would be even better option since potatoes still aren’t the best option even when air fried. Some Things I have seen used in place of potatoes are asparagus, zucchini and carrots. For sandwiches I’d try out some of the lower carb wraps. It’s the insides that give it the flavor anyways.
  15. ShoppGirl

    BCBS Vitamin Approval

    I use pro care health one a day as well. It’s truly a one a day and it’s cheaper than many other bariatric vitamins. I got my first labs back since I switched to it and they were great. I also take calcium citrate. I just googled that brand vitamin and it says it for b12 deficiency. Do you already have a deficiency or is your doctor anticipating one? Because I don’t think everyone with the sleeve becomes deficient. I am not sure what the levels of b-12 are in the pro care health if they would be comparable or not. That may be best to Ask Your team if that’s what they prescribed for You.
  16. ShoppGirl

    Last Supper

    I had mine a few days before so it wouldn’t be such a shock to get to the pre Op diet but I definitely had my last supper. It was Chinese. Sweet and sour chicken. I usually have that for New Year’s Eve. Not sure what I will do this year (lean cuisine version maybe)??
  17. ShoppGirl

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    Absolutely, you will probably feel a few more emotions before it’s said and done but you will do great. Good luck. 🍀
  18. I still don’t understand why people think this is the easy way out. It is by no means easy. It’s doable, but definitely not easy. Everyday I have to make choices of what I put into my body and how many times I eat. If you chose to eat junk food or eat too many times a day you wouldn’t lose the weight. The surgery is a tool but you still have to do all the work. You may be able to educate her on the surgery or you may not be able to get her on board but you should still do this for you. Statistically they say that something like less than 5% of people with an obese BMI can lose the weight and keep it off. Im guessing you like so many of us have tried dieting and either can’t lose or gain it right back. Maybe if your mom came along with you to the doctor so she could express her concerns the doctor or the nurse practitioner could help you explain to her that this is not the easy way out and it is necessary for your health.
  19. ShoppGirl

    "Behind" program guidelines

    Many of the programs don’t give calories like lizonaplane said. Mine didn’t either and when they do they vary so much at each stage. I wouldn’t force it if I was full, personally if you are getting a reasonable amount in you should be fine. Getting your protein is most important. I think if there is one thing every plan stresses it’s protein first. You should be able to eat a little more over time until you get up to about a normal serving size. I am almost 8 months and that’s where I am now. Well almost one serving. The NP said I got there a little sooner than most and she wasn’t concerned so it’s not an exact science.
  20. ShoppGirl

    Anyone with a traveling job?

    So you have to choose between scratchy sheets or cold food. I see your dilemma. Lol
  21. ShoppGirl

    Thanksgiving Strategy on Soft Foods

    You can always tell others that you have to eat another thanksgiving dinner so you are trying not to overdo it. I used to have to go three places with my ex and I actually had to eat smaller portions at each place. People seemed to understand that.
  22. I suffer from anxiety as well and have had a handful of full blown attacks. I was actually surprised that my anxiety level going into this was not through the roof. I think it helped that the surgeon operated on my uncle twice and they think he is the best doctor ever and a friend of a friend just got the same surgery done by him and had no issues either. I also read that the chances of dying are less than the chance of dying in a car crash and I figure the chance of a car crash doesn’t stop me from driving so why would a similar chance of a severe complication stop me from getting a surgery I want and need. Afterwards, my moods were a bit all over the place (I have bipolar disorder so this is not totally uncommon for me but it was different). It was from the surgery. I was just very hyper sensitive and emotional with a bit of anxiety. Nothing I couldn’t handle myself and work through though. I would say just to let your psychiatrist know that you will be getting surgery and that you may need some temporary adjustments to your medications and don’t be afraid to call and ask for those changes if you need them. I, thankfully didn’t have to change anything but my bipolar and anxiety were pretty stable with my meds going into it.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
