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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. ShoppGirl

    July 2021 Surgery People!

    I am not a sweets person either. Are you allowed to have yogurt. I made a ranch dip with plain Greek yogurt and ranch dressing mix and ate that a couple spoonfuls at a time to satisfy the savory craving. If you are allowed raw veggies it’s an excellent veggie dip.
  2. ShoppGirl

    Had mine yesterday!

  3. ShoppGirl


    I wonder WHY they want you to wait a month? Perhaps the surgeon wants you to wait to avoid taking pills? I’m sure they are aware of chewables though so that doesn’t make much sense. Maybe you could do vitamin patches?? I agree with catwoman that it takes a while to deplete your vitamin stores but if you feel better taking them I would ask the doctor if chewables or patches are okay for now.
  4. ShoppGirl

    WLS & ADHD meds

    There is definitely an immediate release version. I was on it for a couple years because it was cheaper than the newer extended release version. It’s not uncommon to feel dips of energy later in the day when taking Adderal Xr either. Some doctors will prescribe the XR in the am and a small dose of the immediate release in the afternoon to help with this. That’s for non WLS patients though. The solution for you will most likely be as others suggested to take the immediate release a couple times a day.
  5. I think it was day three for me?? I think the nurse stopped my IV fluids a little early at the hospital though because I started seeing darker urine really shortly after I was released and some people are pumped so full of fluids on release that they even weigh more than when they went on so it will probably vary based on that.
  6. Try to drink, different flavors and different temperatures. But also Just know that going back to hospital as an outpatient and getting fluids is also an option if you do get too dehydrated and it’s needed. I didn’t know that and I had a bit of unnecessary stress thinking I was going to wind up back IN the hospital paying hundreds of dollars more. My doctor got me an appointment and I was given two bags of fluids and by then I could drink a little more so I was good to go.
  7. I was on phentermine years ago and it was also prescribed by my primary care physician. Have you asked yours about it?
  8. I don’t know anyone in Boynton but I also live in south florida and have an appt with someone who is in Port St. Lucie on Monday. I am a little ways from Port St. Lucie so it’s a telehealth appt. All I know is it was really hard to find someone who even claims to work with disordered eating near me but she does. Her name is Gina Eaton. I can’t seem to find her number right now but will save it when she calls me Monday.I scheduled my appt a few months ago so I would call ASAP as she has a long waiting list. 772-800-3037, she just called to confirm my appointment.
  9. Congratulations 🍾 your glowing in your after photo.
  10. ShoppGirl

    My journey and NSVs

    Wow. Amazing story.
  11. ShoppGirl

    Progress Update

    Glad to hear it. Your doing great!!
  12. ShoppGirl

    Was this a mistake?

    I questioned what I had done to myself for a few days after surgery as well. I was not in much pain but just the restrictions and feeling hungry for real food with the knowledge that I was months away from eating what I wanted. Day but day it just gets easier. 4.5 months out and I can eat everything I ever ate before surgery in much smaller portions of course. The only things I have not tried are popcorn and rice. I was lower BMI so I am over half way to my goal And so so happy with my decision to have this surgery.
  13. With my surgeons blessing I tried alcohol just recently (4.5 months out) keeping in mind that it is empty calories. My preferred drink was rum and Diet Coke so I had rum and crystal light. Well, it tasted so bad that I couldn’t even get it down fast enough to get a buzz. So for me, knowing that I was just drinking a ton of empty calories that tasted bad, it wasn’t even worth it. But no, it definitely did not hit me harder or faster??
  14. ShoppGirl

    What am I doing wrong?

    I agree with the others. I was a lower BMI too and I am losing it much slower than the average poster on here but it has been 4.5 months and the scale still keeps slowly creeping down. The important thing is that it is going down. This is a very effective tool. If you are using it correctly it will work. (That’s hard for many of us to believe After so many failed weight loss attempts in the past but you just have to trust the process).
  15. I am four and a half months out and have this already. I know that it has to be head hunger because there is no way the hunger hormones has come back already. I am scheduled to see a therapist that specializes in disordered eating soon. Perhaps something to consider.
  16. ShoppGirl

    Preop and divorce

    Another thing that might help is to watch you tube videos by dr wiener. He explains how the weight loss surgery is different than a diet and how our “set point” lowers after surgery making is more likely to lose it and to keep it off. Maybe you can show him parts of those videos to help explain why regular dieting doesn’t work once you get past a certain weight.
  17. ShoppGirl

    Preop and divorce

    For anyone who has a spouse that is not on board, have you tried bringing them with you to your appointments. Perhaps meeting the surgeon and even the psychiatrist could help you talk to them to help them understand that this isn’t a decision you are jumping into lightly. What are they afraid of? For me, I feel like my marriage is getting even better but I was thin when my husband and I met and he has always been thin so I am more able to do all the things we used to do together but I didn’t enjoy as much recently because of the weight. I just hate to see any marriage end over a surgery. At least not without trying everything to help them understand how life is different for us when thin and heavier and all the ways weight impacts us. I just know that some people on here have posted that had concerned spouses and taking them to their appointments did help (others it did not but it could be worth a try). okay now I read that some prefer not to bring them to their appointments. I missed that post earlier.
  18. ShoppGirl

    What fears did you have?

    Lizonaplane has a good point. Are you the sort of person that if you went to the ER or something not life threatening that you would still need your spouse with you? I am not. I would go by myself and text him with updates and if I needed him (again for us this is just a short drive). Now if it was him in the ER I would want to go with him because I am the one who worries and if I were home or anywhere else I couldn’t do anything else anyways because I would just be too worried. He is more rational knowing that if I am at hospital I am the safest I will ever be surrounded by the people I really need right then. I did put my friends on notice that I may text them a lot if I got board but I was too sleepy anyways.
  19. ShoppGirl

    What fears did you have?

    My husband just stayed with me till they wheeled me into surgery and then went to work. Granted he was only 10 minutes away if I needed him but I did not. My surgery was first thing in the morning. I texted him when I woke up (the doctor has already called him right after my surgery anf told him everything went fine) but he replied that he would come see me after work. That was perfect because I was in and out sleeping before that. I know some spouses have to be there on the premises while their spouse has surgery and I understand that too, but we are just not like that. I felt what he did was perfect for us. He also visited me the next morning just to say hi because it’s on his way to work. I was supposed to Stay a second night but it turned out I was ready to leave shortly after he got Off work the second day. For me, I needed him the most right before surgery. I was very anxious and he helped calm me down quite a bit. After surgery when you are awake there are plenty of people to take care of you. I didn’t have a lot of pain after surgery, but I still slept a lot because they have you on pain meds already when you wake up from surgery and Mine were strong.
  20. ShoppGirl

    July 2021 Surgery People!

    I did not see the other post that you were speaking of but from my experience on here people are generally really supportive and kind. Is it possible that they were trying to say that they would wait to have the surgery until you can stick to the pre op because the post op is even more restrictive and AFTER surgery you can actually hurt yourself if you don’t stick to the plan? I’m hoping it was something like that (out of concern) and not something negative. If it was negative I hope you don’t let that color your opinion of everyone here because I have been on here over four months so far and have found nothing but absolute kindness and support.
  21. ShoppGirl

    July 2021 Surgery People!

    It’s seems odd to me that she said you can have egg whites instead of shakes but not chicken. I was on a liver shrink diet the first two weeks and two days of just liquids and the point was low calories low fat low sugar (all to shrink the liver) but I was allowed chicken and even lean steak (2 ounces I believe) and veggies on mine as well as egg whites or egg beaters. If I were you and was looking for alternatives to the shakes I would call the dr and not the nutritionist. I know they ask them to go over the pre op and post op diets with us but I just don’t know that they know anything more than the one cookie cutter plan (or at least not all of them do). Anyways, like I said if it were me and I was having an issue with the standard approach looking for alternatives, I’d go to the surgeon or the PA. And if the office tries to direct you back to the nutritionist tell them you already tried and can’t get a clear answer from them. If nothing else maybe they can give you something for the GERD and constipation it is causing you.
  22. ShoppGirl


    I was worried about that too but at 4.5 months out I am able to eat everything I ever ate before surgery with the exception of only rice and pop corn and those I just haven’t tried yet because they say they are difficult foods. I have even had steak!!
  23. It gets a little better each and every day.
  24. Wow. How frustrating. I had a similar issue with doctors that played phone tag for months and it drove me crazy. I get that they are both busy doctors but it seems like once the office staff realizes it’s another doctor they could take an extra step or two to help them connect. I really hope they figure it out soon.
  25. ShoppGirl


    I also take the bariatric advantage chewable multivitamin and calcium chews and they are not bad at all. The calcium reminds me of starbursts.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
