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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. ShoppGirl

    My before and after.

    I love to see these before and afters. Such a transformation. Congratulations!!!
  2. ShoppGirl


    Congratulations 🎊
  3. ShoppGirl

    Sweating less after intense workout

    Take Wellbutrin. It causes excessive sweating without even working out. Just kidding but seriously did you also change any medications cause that really could be why.
  4. Greek yogurt also makes a good dip if you add in ranch dressing mix.
  5. It really just depends on the surgeons schedule. I know someone who was self pay at my clinic and they were sleeved within 2.5 weeks of Their initial consult. I think that was just so they could do the preop diet.
  6. ShoppGirl

    Staying Occupied Post-Op!

    I brought my iPad logged into Netflix and that was more than enough to occupy me the little time I was awake and not walking or drinking or eating (broth).
  7. ShoppGirl


    I had to watch a video, they gave me surgical soap to bath with before surgery and I had to sign some papers.
  8. ShoppGirl

    Driver's License

    I hate it too. Sams club is even worse.
  9. I have started with the stuff that I don’t really like or that will not be in style and put things that are really expensive or I liked a lot into vacuum sealed bags labeled with the sizes. I figure them I can go through and donate more as I get further and further out from each size.
  10. ShoppGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    60 pounds is definitely noticeable. Perhaps it’s harder to see with the baggy clothes. Maybe they are more baggy than you realize.
  11. ShoppGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    I don’t know about the Lao band removal part but many of us who get the sleeve have very minimal pain. I had nothing other than my stomach felt like I did about 1000 crunches.
  12. ShoppGirl

    July 2021 Surgery People!

    Good luck 🍀
  13. ShoppGirl

    July 2021 Surgery People!

    I was the same way. I could always eat or drink more than I should for that stage. I have just stuck with the portions I was supposed to be eating and I have lost 50 pounds at 4.5 months post op and the weight is slowly but surely still coming off. You should be just fine.
  14. ShoppGirl

    July 2021 Surgery People!

    Glad to hear you are doing okay. I woke up from surgery with my additional binder on and they said I could take it off whenever I wanted as it was just for mY comfort. I took it off when I got home and didn’t notice any difference.
  15. It seems to vary by insurance but also by doctor. I didn’t have to do any tests or procedures other than the pre op labs and I had psyc eval and nutritionist meeting but that was all and I had 5 months to do it between my 6 mandatory meetings with the PA at my clinic which satisfied my supervised diet appointments.
  16. ShoppGirl

    July 2021 Surgery People!

    Good luck 🍀
  17. Working with the nutritionist and working through any disordered eating with the therapist are a huge part of why the surgery is successful imo, if you are truly not sure you are ready for surgery you could try losing it yourself with the help of those two “tools” and see how that goes.
  18. ShoppGirl

    Waiting Period

    If you are going through insurance you may have to do supervised diet that is usually 3-6 months. But if not it just depends on surgeons schedule. My date was three weeks after my last required visit.
  19. I absolutely wish I had done this surgery when I was younger. For me the weight gain was medication induced and I was not overweight at 23 but at 28 or 30…I wish I had done it then. You can get the weight off BEFORE it has a chance to take a huge Toll on your joints and wreak havoc on the rest of your body. And Huge bonus is your skin is more likely to bounce back on its own. If you are truly ready to make the commitments to change at this point In your life I say go for it.
  20. ShoppGirl

    July 2021 Surgery People!

    Good luck to you both.
  21. ShoppGirl

    Dumping causes

    I had sleeve so it’s not really an issue but I’m pretty sure it’s caused by sugar and fat. I also haven’t had a lot of sugar or fat though.
  22. ShoppGirl


    I craved chips too but don’t do it. You can seriously hurt yourself if you progress your diet faster than prescribed. Better to just find things to keep yourself busy so food is not a slow much of a focus during the first few weeks. I wouldn't trust myself with candy either. You may forget and eat it as opposed to just sucking on it till it’s gone. Are you allowed popsicles. Those were my go to for that phase.
  23. ShoppGirl

    Compression Machine

    They put some compression sleeve things on my legs in the hospital but never plugged them in. Finally I just asked if I could take them off since I wasn’t using them. I was up waking just a couple hours after surgery though so I’m sure I didn’t really need them.
  24. ShoppGirl

    Surgeon Disappointed 😞

    I think you are doing great as well. What an idiot your surgeon is. You know they are really good at what they do but most do NOT have any people skills whatsoever. Keep on doing what you are doing and when you reach your goal weight you can strut in there and show him he was wrong.
  25. ShoppGirl

    Low start bmi …

    I had a BMI of 35, i am about 4.5 months out and I have lost 45 pounds total (counting pre op). The weight loss now seems to have slowed to a crawl but it is still going down.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
