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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. Okay so I just asked him about it and he said that he moved the game system to garage so we will have to look into investing In a second console but I put tv on you tube and searched for Zumba after reading all this and the beginner one isn’t bad. It seems like it could be fun as long as i am home alone. Im not very coordinated. Lol.
  2. There are also game systems that have interactive dance games that are pretty cool. I used to have one with PlayStation. I can’t remember the name of it but it was lots of fun and there are levels from beginner. Your post made me think of it. Not sure which game system he has now but I think I am gonna ask hubby to get it all set up for me again.
  3. ShoppGirl

    Hot cocoa - Swiss Miss

    I’m not a big fan of hot chocolate but a lot of people like it after surgery.
  4. ShoppGirl

    Food Before and After Photos

    Man I wish I had an Aldi. I am going to visit my friend on Thursday though. Perhaps I can talk her into going with me.
  5. ShoppGirl

    No urge to deficate

    It took me like a week to have to go even with medicine and then it was all pebbles. I added Walmart generic of benefiber every morning a heaping spoonful to my crystal light and after a short time that got me regular.
  6. Just picked up my Walmart order and I added on some raw veggies after your post earlier. I haven’t been buying cause I was eating such small quantities but I can eat a bit more now and I guess If I have to waste a little I just have to. Better than gaining weight cause I eat something else. Thanks for the tip.
  7. The emotional changes were my biggest fear pre surgery because of bipolar as well. I was pleasantly surprised though that the mood swings were not too bad. I was expecting way worse. It sounds like you will be a good advocate for yourself though if you do need to talk to someone or get any med changes. Fortunately I did not need any additional help. I had a couple lazy weeks where I took more naps and I was a little more sensitive but that was it for me. I haven’t had any diarrhea at all either. Hopefully you will be the same.
  8. Can you give it away to a friend or neighbor??
  9. ShoppGirl

    Food Before and After Photos

    What stores have you seen these? I have such a hard time finding healthy options. I live in tiny town and no one carries the healthy stuff.
  10. ShoppGirl

    Multi Vitamin Suggestions??

    Bariatric advantage has a chewable multivitamin with iron and calcium citrate chews that are both pretty good. The fruit flavored calcium chews are sorta like starburst candy. I take two of each a day and 3 month labs were great.
  11. ShoppGirl

    Got my surgery date!

    I agree. I didn’t realize I have any food addictions/ emotional eating tendencies until after surgery and now I am rushing against the clock to work on these with a therapist while my tool is still working.
  12. Also, they didn’t have anything to measure height at the hospital when I went. It was just a scale. Who knows if yours will but they may not. Mine was more of a scale thrown in a random room as an afterthought.
  13. Having not bad any medical issues as a result of my weight except joint pain I can’t say I know exactly how you feel but I having dealt with most other prejudices due to my weight I can certainly empathize. I don’t think the doctors do it on purpose. I think it’s because they work on the “rule out” theory. If someone has this, rule out x cause and it must be y. Well they can’t “rule out” weight as a cause unless you can lose the weight and still have the issue. I think an even better question would be if I came to you tomorrow 50 or 100 or whatever pounds lighter with the same issue what would you be considering. I’m sorry that you are so upset that you haven’t been able to ask that question. Perhaps losing the weight will take care of the issues but if not, at least the doctor will look for less common causes after the weight is no longer an issue. What’s sad is they they all are aware of prejudices that obese patients face and that it is a huge issue in the medical field yet they have done very little to change it other than some people just try to ignore our weight alltogether and all the issues it does cause neglecting things rather than talk about it which may seem polite but isn’t the answer either. I am glad we won’t have to deal with this much longer but am still hopeful that someone comes up with a solution for those who haven’t lost the weight.
  14. ShoppGirl

    July 2021 Surgery People!

    It tastes terrible in water. Don’t try it. Lol
  15. ShoppGirl

    It happened- I got canceled

    Im so sorry. I can’t imagine having been delayed by even a day once I had my mind set on my surgery date. The good news is that most insurance companies will take notes from the supervised diet and all the other appointments that you already did so you won’t have to do that part over once you finally do get more insurance. This may seem like the end but hopefully it is just a setback and you will find a way soon.
  16. ShoppGirl

    Super tired

    Listen to your body. You just had major surgery. If you feel tired take a break. I took naps even.
  17. ShoppGirl

    Since I'm here...what keeps you motivated?

    My doctor had me write out my list of reasons WHY I wanted WLS and what my non scale goals were and I often turn to that list when I need to regain focus.
  18. ShoppGirl

    July 2021 Surgery People!

    It’s so hard to say how your recovery will be that early out because you could still have gas pains which are terribly painful yet like real gas they resolve almost immediately once the air is gone. I didn’t have any gas pains at all after surgery. I don’t think my dr pumped any air inside me. Not sure if it’s because I was smaller BMI and my liver looked good so he had enough room to do what he needed or he just doesn’t use it. Anyways, I felt like I did about 1000 crunches after surgery so I needed the bed rails to pull myself from lying or seated position to standing but that was the only “pain” I felt. Otherwise I was pretty sleepy but I was off pain rx right away and just on Tylenol at hospital then nothing at home. Those meds make you tired though so if you do need them you may be Even more tired. Long story short, even In the best case scenario you are looking at fighting uphill through a very long day. But, I’m sure you have worked through a headache or a cold before so whether you can handle it is another story. Worst case, you just CAN’t do it, what happens then? Only you know. You could ask your dr if he uses the air. That seems to be the number one complaint and like I said I had none.
  19. ShoppGirl


    I was super nervous as well. It’s totally normal before a big surgery.
  20. ShoppGirl

    Really Need Some Help

    Well like you said the restriction is still there so your “tool” is still working you just have to use it properly. And it sounds like you are doing all the right things. I honestly think you will be okay. I think you did well to post here. I have found tons of advice and support from people here.
  21. ShoppGirl

    101 pounds GONE pic included

    Wow. Amazing transformation. Just keep doing what your doing!!
  22. I am five month out and I eat about 8-900 calories per day. Like catwoman said, The loss has slowed a bit but I am still losing.
  23. ShoppGirl

    No scale?

    Can’t say I HAVE gone through this process without a working scale, but I bet it would be a great approach. Honestly the most stressful points were the stalls and not knowing of them would have made it so much easier.

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