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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. ShoppGirl

    No coffee, seriously

    I had similar headache from kicking Coke Zero. Alieve worked for me. (Remember you can’t have it post op though).
  2. Did you figure it out. I was going to tell you that for me I had to use a desktop. It won’t work on my phone. Anyways I went to my surgery and then selected progress and it allowed me to edit.
  3. ShoppGirl

    How long will I be off of work?

    If anything good came from COVID it’s working from home. Are you able to take off a week or two and then work from home or work part time? I was totally fine after a couple of days. Of course I wasn’t allowed to lift anything but getting up and down didn’t bother me. I was just tired a lot. Took naps. I think I would ask if it’s okay to return sooner and start out part time if you feel up to it or if working from home is an option. I just realized your doing bypass. I did sleeve but I believe the recovery is the same for the most part.
  4. ShoppGirl

    15 year old

    They do the gastric sleeve and bypass on teens, I wouldn’t think it would be an issue finding someone to do it.
  5. I am not very familiar with this procedure but the only thing I would suggest is probably what a doctor will suggest as well is that he get evaluated by a psychiatrist to see if he is ready for the procedure. If they do not required it, however, I would seek this out myself. You may even consider having him work with a specialist (on disordered eating) for a little while to see if he can lose it on his own first. I had the mandatory psyc evaluation and passed with flying colors only to learn AFTER the procedure that I suffer from emotional eating and without the therapy my sleeve would be a waste because I still feel hungry all the time (it’s head hunger) and I can eat a little bit every hour or so and consume quite a lot of calories that way if I wanted to. I wish you the Best of luck in your research and his journey.
  6. ShoppGirl

    Alcoholic Drinks

    Well I never loved the taste of it so for me if i can’t get a little buzz why bother. Waste of calories that’s for sure.
  7. ShoppGirl

    Alcoholic Drinks

    Ooh also about my experience. I used to like rum and Coke Zero so I tried rum and crystal light. I haven’t tried the margaritaville ones with booze. I need to order more but hate to cause I only liked the strawberry daquari one. I am like you, though, and don’t really like the taste of booze and I could taste it a lot so I couldn’t get it down fast enough to get any kind of buzz. Seems like I may not like it anymore. My husband did get the regular rum instead of the flavored so I may try again but I honestly think I may just not like it anymore. But no, it did not hit me fast like some people say it does.
  8. ShoppGirl

    Alcoholic Drinks

    Margaritaville makes drink mixes that are like crystal light but strawberry Daquari, pina colada and margarita. They are sold on Amazon on a three pack.
  9. I like to tell people my story to maybe help them stick to the pre op diet. I had my surgery March 9th. My dr said I did excellent on my pre op diet. He told my husband on the phone and me the next day (I guess my liver was really shrunk down) and for what it’s worth I had very little pain afterwards. Especially no gas pain. I like to think they didn’t have to pump me full of air of bruise my insides because they were able to easily move around In there because I stuck to the diet so well. Of course it could be total coincidence but it makes me feel like it was worth it if it meant any less pain afterwards.
  10. ShoppGirl

    Trying to figure out pre-op diet

    Premiere protein makes a caffe latte that’s really good for the fancy coffee drink taste. It has caffeine in the pre mixed one. The powder (sold on Amazon) does not have caffeine but it tastes different and I was not a fan of it. I am five months out and I still have one of these every morning for breakfast.
  11. Keeping up with three grandkids every day is probably as much exercise as many of us get if they are anything like my nieces and nephews. Have you tried doing active things with them. Let them ride bikes or skate while you walk alongside perhaps (with the ages I have that seems to work out for a good speed walk around the neighborhood), or just play tag with them and stuff like that. Exercise comes in all forms. As long as you are moving that’s what matters.
  12. ShoppGirl


    There is a thread on the bypass board about this I was just reading. Happening to several people. Sorry to hear it. Hang in there.
  13. ShoppGirl

    Weightloss surgery

    It most likely depends on your insurance to a large degree. Many insurance companies require either a 3 or 6 month supervised weight loss (they usually accept doctors notes from other doctors for all or part of this). It will also depend on what tests and mandatory requirements your surgeon wants. If you are over 40 BMI you most likely do not need to prove a comorbidity but 35-40 you will most likely be sent for tests for fatty liver and sleep apnea And possibly some others as they apply to your symptoms to prove you need surgery. The doctor may also require some tests to make sure you are fit for surgery like on your heart. Finally, Most doctors also require a visit with a nutritionist to go over the pre and post op diet and a psyc evaluation to make sure you are ready for surgery. All of this can sound overwhelming but in most cases you have three to six months to get it all done and not all doctors require everything. I just had to see nutritionist and psychiatrist and do typical pre op labs but I had already been diagnosed with joint issues so I didn’t need to prove a comorbidity and I had a lower BMI, plus he had access to all my other annual exams and other doctors notes so he didn’t require the pre surgery tests on my heart and all that that some are required to do. My supervised weight loss was six VISITS not six months and I had one already with primary doctor so I had to do five visits with the surgery center which took me 4 months and my surgery was two weeks later (right after a two weeks pre op diet). Best decision I ever made. Well worth all the steps!!
  14. Okay so I just asked him about it and he said that he moved the game system to garage so we will have to look into investing In a second console but I put tv on you tube and searched for Zumba after reading all this and the beginner one isn’t bad. It seems like it could be fun as long as i am home alone. Im not very coordinated. Lol.
  15. There are also game systems that have interactive dance games that are pretty cool. I used to have one with PlayStation. I can’t remember the name of it but it was lots of fun and there are levels from beginner. Your post made me think of it. Not sure which game system he has now but I think I am gonna ask hubby to get it all set up for me again.
  16. ShoppGirl

    Hot cocoa - Swiss Miss

    I’m not a big fan of hot chocolate but a lot of people like it after surgery.
  17. ShoppGirl

    Food Before and After Photos

    Man I wish I had an Aldi. I am going to visit my friend on Thursday though. Perhaps I can talk her into going with me.
  18. ShoppGirl

    No urge to deficate

    It took me like a week to have to go even with medicine and then it was all pebbles. I added Walmart generic of benefiber every morning a heaping spoonful to my crystal light and after a short time that got me regular.
  19. Just picked up my Walmart order and I added on some raw veggies after your post earlier. I haven’t been buying cause I was eating such small quantities but I can eat a bit more now and I guess If I have to waste a little I just have to. Better than gaining weight cause I eat something else. Thanks for the tip.
  20. The emotional changes were my biggest fear pre surgery because of bipolar as well. I was pleasantly surprised though that the mood swings were not too bad. I was expecting way worse. It sounds like you will be a good advocate for yourself though if you do need to talk to someone or get any med changes. Fortunately I did not need any additional help. I had a couple lazy weeks where I took more naps and I was a little more sensitive but that was it for me. I haven’t had any diarrhea at all either. Hopefully you will be the same.
  21. Can you give it away to a friend or neighbor??
  22. ShoppGirl

    Food Before and After Photos

    What stores have you seen these? I have such a hard time finding healthy options. I live in tiny town and no one carries the healthy stuff.
  23. ShoppGirl

    Multi Vitamin Suggestions??

    Bariatric advantage has a chewable multivitamin with iron and calcium citrate chews that are both pretty good. The fruit flavored calcium chews are sorta like starburst candy. I take two of each a day and 3 month labs were great.
  24. ShoppGirl

    Got my surgery date!

    I agree. I didn’t realize I have any food addictions/ emotional eating tendencies until after surgery and now I am rushing against the clock to work on these with a therapist while my tool is still working.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
