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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. Idk what it is but whatever it is I hope it keeps up for you. 👍
  2. My heart breaks for you. I can’t imagine doing this without my husbands support. Not that you can’t or shouldn’t. I really hope he comes around at some point. I wish you both the best of luck with all this.I agree that without his help you will need to enlist a friend or a nurse or something. I’m sure you can find support. Older people living alone have surgery all the time.
  3. I thought they said that iron affects calcium absorption or vice a versa and I have to take them all two hours apart so how could the calcium and iron be in the same vitamin and absorb properly? I’m not being smart I’m really asking. Lol. Because the idea of taking one pill a day instead of four things is has peaked my interest for sure
  4. Do you have to take extra calcium?
  5. ShoppGirl

    I can't make up my mind!

    I was worried about medications after surgery too. I do not have migraines, I have bipolar and the med I was on has a minimum calorie requirement so I knew I had to switch post surgery but had never tried anything else. For my peace of mind I asked my doctor and be switched me months BEFORE my surgery so that I knew there was something else that worked for me. Perhaps you can do the same with migraine and arthritis meds. Try some non nsaids out now so you know that it’s controllable after?? Especially if you are waiting on insurance anyways like I was.
  6. Yea it’s hard to believe that we are ever going to be able to consume the amount of veggies we are supposed to and not drinking with meals is odd but a pretty small price to pay IMO. I only want my Coke Zero when I think about having a real drink which surprises me cause I used to drink it all day but I just don’t miss it except for with booze. I tried rum with crystal light and it’s just not the same. Like why bother it tastes so bad.
  7. ShoppGirl

    July 2021 Surgery People!

    I am a somewhat slower loser too. 35 pounds since surgery 5 months ago. It keeps coming off though. Try not to compare yourself to others and just focus on the downward trend. Many people on here say they continue to lose for like two years so the weight should come off even if it takes a little longer than you’d hoped.
  8. The bariatric advantage also has iron and is a chewable multivitamin. I take two of those a day and two of the calcium citrate chews they also make. Both taste pretty good. They have lots of flavors and are more than happy to return them if you don’t like a flavor. They also have an auto ship program where they ship them every month and you get free shipping.
  9. ShoppGirl

    Adding protein drinks

    I am not sure if it’s fish/iodine free but I like the premiere protein caffe latte enough to drink it every morning for breakfast. The premade one has caffeine in it though just FYI. I started drinking it after surgery when I found the other protein drinks to be too sweet.
  10. ShoppGirl

    R.I.P. Boobs

    It depends greatly on whether the implant is in front of or behind the muscle. Weight loss with implant in front of muscle ( which is done less commonly but doesn’t affect ability to breast feed afterwards) definitely leads to sagging. Learned the hard way.
  11. Update. I am just so excited and looking forward to this dance game so tell me if I’m sharing too much. Lol. I just called game stop and found out that they also have a country, hip hop, Grease, Disney and kids edition of the game. I ordered the regular just dance I used to have and the country edition to start (I WILL be driving my hubby insane with the country music, but I was always better at following along with line dancing and I’m thinking it may be a little slower pace to start). It says that the console won’t be here until the 20th and we have to take the tv off the wall to hook up the camera (with the newer consoles you can use your smartphone and skip this step) so it will be a bit before I get to play but I watched videos on you tube and I am like a kid waiting for Xmas at this point. Just saying 😆
  12. Have you tried the quest protein chips. Of course you still can’t eat a large portion but they seriously aren’t bad tasting.
  13. I think I am a somewhat slow loser too. It could be a good thing, more time for skin to bounce back as we lose. Im trying to be optimistic.
  14. ShoppGirl

    Question need answering Help Please

    Just that you are eating the amount of calories to sustain the weight you are now. If that is the case you would either need to decrease calories or add exercise to lose more. But two shakes and a sensible dinner that shouldn’t be the case. I bet it’s just a stall. Albeit a long one but it does take much longer between the pounds lost the further out we get too (closer and closer to goal it’s gets much harder).
  15. ShoppGirl

    Question need answering Help Please

    Like other have said I would ask your doctor but are you sure you didn’t accidentally put yourself into maintenance (like others said) because most others I have read continue to lose at least a year.
  16. ShoppGirl

    Please Help, Advice Needed!

    Unless you bumped it up by like 3500 extra calories you did not really gain a pound in a day. Small fluctuations happen on the scale. In a little time it will go back down, probably that pound plus another. That’s how it seems to work for me.
  17. ShoppGirl


    I was worried I would lose too much on the pre op as well and I called my surgery center and they said that it’s designed to make you lose weight and that insurance goes by the weight at your last appointment with the surgeon. I would double check that your policy is the same but I bet it’s fine to lose weight at this point if you’ve already had that last appointment.
  18. I just googled it and they have that game for wii as well. It’s 20 bucks at GameStop. My husband ordered a used Xbox yesterday on eBay so I can play that game again and Now I sorta wish I had gotten the wii console so I could have the wii fit as well. It looks like fun. Go find those wires. 😂
  19. ShoppGirl

    Periods and bleeding

    I had weird off schedule bleeding too. Five months out now ans it’s back to normal.
  20. Well I was chatting on another topic and I just remembered this dance game I used to play on occasion that was super fun. My husband said it was on Xbox But they seem to have the game for PlayStation as well. If I remember correctly it got my heart rate up pretty well (probably why I stopped playing when I was heavy, Lol). Anyways he just ordered an older Xbox on eBay since we don’t have that one anymore. I googled it and I’m pretty sure the game is called just dance. I thought maybe you have a game console. I bet the kids would love to play that with grandma. You know the nurse practitioner at my surgery center said for cardio it’s okay to break it up to 10 minute increments. You just don’t want to do less than ten minutes or there isn’t much benefit. I also tried a Zumba beginner class on you tube that was pretty fun. Perhaps if you find something like that you may enjoy you would be more apt to make time for it. Idk. Just thought I’d share. Hope it helps.
  21. Awesome. Just sip, walk, repeat. Lol
  22. Okay so my husband said it was x box that we used to have with that game and he ordered an older one on eBay today for like 100 bucks with the game and the camera thing you need to make it work. (I was just reading with the newer version of the same game you can use your smartphone with an app to score you though instead of needing the camera which sounds cool and is obviously cheaper). I just googled it and I’m pretty sure it was the game called “just dance” which it looks like they have for PlayStation too. Anyways, I will keep you guys posted about it when it gets here and he gets it working. I’m so excited. I remember it was super fun.
  23. ShoppGirl

    Lost 50 pounds

    Wow. What a visual. Thanks for that. 😊
  24. ShoppGirl

    4 years post op

    Absolutely AMAZING!! Congratulations.

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