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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. ShoppGirl

    Collagen Peptides

    I recommend just not counting it for now but at some point (for me it was my three month checkup) they should check your labs and protein is one they check. I took it for a while and didn’t count it and it wasn’t like I was getting too much protein. At that point you will know how your body is absorbing it and you can adjust from there.
  2. ShoppGirl

    Gummy multivitamin?

    I was told no gummies as well. Your clinic may have samples. Bariatric advantage had sample packs I received one at the nutritionist appointment but the clinic recommended them as well. Now that I think of it I believe the sample was a chewable that contained iron though. It was the calcium citrate chew, the multivitamin chewable and something else (it may have been the one without iron I can’t recall). But most importantly, double check that you didn’t misunderstand the gummies suggestion.
  3. Lizonaplane has a good point. I got a rubber stamp psychologist and was happy at the time but now wish I would have had someone more thorough. Post surgery I realized I have disordered eating (emotional eating and boredom eating) and I am racing the clock in therapy trying to get help before I waste this opportunity to use this tool. If you just need someone else to feel Comfortable opening up then by all means ask to see someone else but if you have to lie to get approved you may not be ready for the surgery yet. That’s not to say you Can’t be ready just not quite yet.
  4. ShoppGirl


    I guess I should have said not everyone can expect to lose the same. At least that’s what the NP at my clinic said about me and their patients statistics on their pre op diet. (When I was Disappointed that I wasn’t losing more). Then again everyones pre op diet is a little different so I guess weight loss on it will vary as well. I know I didn’t lose nearly as much.
  5. ShoppGirl


    You can’t really expect to lose the same amount as you did on the pre-op diet because the pre-op diet is designed to make you lose weight really fast. In 16 days I lost 15 pounds on pre op diet and then I didn’t lose but about 10 pounds the month following surgery.
  6. Ooh yea, I forgot about my brief experience with Ambien. I would get up and cook and eat and not remember any of it. I would just find the mess in the morning and realize i did it. Luckily I didn’t burn the house down. I stopped taking it when i realized I went to Walmart half asleep on it and got pulled over and got a warning for erratic driving (I had no recollection of it. Just the Walmart purchases and the written warning). Scary stuff.
  7. ShoppGirl

    where, when and how much?

    I was insurance paid. Took about 5 months start to surgery. I had office notes to satisfy one of my monthly supervised weight management appointments.
  8. ShoppGirl


    You could always run it by your team just to be certain if you have a history but I would try a nap in the mean time and see if it helps. I took one sometimes two a day for a couple weeks.
  9. ShoppGirl


    I got pretty tired the first couple of weeks too. Took lots of naps. You are running on a pretty significant calorie deficit and major surgery is hard enough on your body on a typical diet.
  10. I have never heard of anyone who has mentioned this in my six months here. What are your symptoms? I ask because I wonder if it could be grazing which is common post surgery.
  11. ShoppGirl

    Month 2 Stall

    It’s the three month stall I bet. It comes somewhere around three months for most people. You don’t have to do anything different. Just stay the course and it will break. Hard to do after so many failed diets but just trust the process. Maybe stay off the scale for a little while.
  12. Funny you mention this cause I have it too. Thought it was maybe the vitamins or a newer rx that I started just before surgery. Mine may be a bit on the mild side though cause it is not painful or waking me from sleep. Just an annoyance.
  13. ShoppGirl

    It's time for my story

    That’s awesome. Thanks for sharing.
  14. ShoppGirl

    One week post-op — feeling hunger

    I don’t think it’s very many people that still experience hunger immediately after the surgery I think it’s pretty rare. Almost everyone gets it back eventually but some say it’s a milder gentler version post surgery.
  15. ShoppGirl

    Regret and Depression

    The nurse practitioner at my clinic told me that many patients experience a form of postpartum depression. There is so much leading up to it and then you wake up from surgery and don’t feel any different and that can be troubling to some. Plus, I know my hormones went Sorta crazy for a while there after surgery. If it’s troubling reach out to your team though and possibly a therapist if necessary just to talk through your feelings.
  16. ShoppGirl

    One week post-op — feeling hunger

    Supposedly you can tell the difference between real hunger and head hunger by what you crave. Real hunger you are hungry for anything But head hunger (or misinterpreted hunger) you will crave something specific. Usually something you shouldn’t have.
  17. ShoppGirl


    Thank you for the cautionary tale. May I ask, did your clinic do periodic labs to test for deficiencies. I ask cause I am trying a different calcium hoping that I’d it’s not working the labs will catch it before it’s an issue.
  18. ShoppGirl

    hair loss advice

    Clip in extensions will make your hair more full. Plus you can get different lengths and stuff. They are actually fun.
  19. ShoppGirl

    Vitamin question

    I started taking them during pre op diet but have heard all different things. What you were told is not uncommon.
  20. Welcome and Congratulations on your surgery date.
  21. ShoppGirl

    Protein Shake Auditions

    Not sure how many of the premiere protein you have tried but they have a variety pack on Amazon so you can try just one of each flavor. The caffe latte is delicious. They have a powder form (also on Amazon) that does not contain caffeine but for some reason it does not taste the same and I did not like it. The reviews are great though so many people do.
  22. I am almost 6 months out now and I have fallen into a routine that may work for you. I start my day with a protein shake somewhere around 9 and eat every three hours. Lunch is a P3 protein pack at noon (you will only eat part of it now), snack at 3, dinner at 6, and snack at 9. Snack doesn’t have to be bad for you it can also be protein or veggies I did for a while cause I needed more fiber. The premiere protein caffe latte shake has caffeine (if you are allowed caffeine at this stage) so i like it first thing in the morning to give me a kick start. You don’t have to copy this exactly but eating at 9,12,3,6,&9 sounds like it may fit your routine. I have found this schedule works great to get all my vitamins in as well. **Ask your team before you eat the nuts in the protein pack though. My guess is it’s too soon yet.
  23. It gets easier each and every day. I had to go back to hospital as an out patient, though, just to get a couple of bags of fluids to get me over the hump one time and after that I was good. Just know that is an option. I called my clinic and told them my urine was dark and they made an appointment right away. It wasn’t a big deal at all and it fixed me right up. 😂
  24. ShoppGirl

    445 lb. Anyone else?

    I was lower but I was headed that way if I went enough years without the surgery. I was very thin until I was around 25 years old and had the onset of bipolar disorder. Between the depression and the meds my weight became a huge struggle and despite many diets I always seemed to gain year after year. I always thought when I finally got the right meds and was stable that I would be able to lose some weight but that was not the case. I called my gynocologist and asked for a weight history and it trended up year after year despite some quite significant losses in between. I never could keep it off. Gained it all back plus some each year. The only thing I had going for me was I only gained weight for 16 years and then I had the surgery.
  25. ShoppGirl

    Frustrating Pre-Op PCP Visit

    Ooh good. Glad you got what you needed. That is weird for her to do that but I’d just put it behind me. You have a solid plan and your almost there.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
