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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ercole

  1. I have tried to keep it a secret. I have told my best girlfriends and limited family members. Like many others I don't want to deal with any criticism and judging from anyone. I know a woman whom it did not work well for and I didn't want to deal with the embarressment if my lapband failed too. Every other diet I have tried up until now has failed. So far I have lost 41 pounds since July. The weight is coming off slowly, but surely.
  2. I am losing my hair too. I had my surgery in July and I have been concerned lately. I bought Hair and nail vitamins yesterday at Walmart. I talked to one of my good friends (who happens to be a pharmacist) about it tonight and she said that you can't take too much of the vitamins in that supplement. So I guess I will see what happens...
  3. Hello! I am doing well. I have lost 37 pounds so far. I am feeling so much better! I have tons more energy! I have been extremely busy with teaching school and my own children. I seem to do better with my eating at school than I do on the weekends.


    How are you doing?

  4. This weekend was great. I lost 2 more pounds and I did take my measurements and I have lost 3 inches in my waist and 2 inches everywhere else. So I guess I am doing better than I thought.


    Today was the first day of school (with kids) and I did really good. I snacked on a small handful of peanuts and ate tuna fish for lunch. I ate a little too much for dinner. One of my student's parents brought me dinner to take home for my family (rotisserie chicken, rice, salad, hawaian rolls, and brownies). It was delicious and my kids loved it! I am exhausted! I wore high heels all day and my legs ache. I've been barefoot all summer :)


    I go back to the doctor on Sept 18 and I am going to beg for a bigger fill.


    Thank you so much for your encouragement!



  5. Thanks for the encouragement! I need it. I went to the doctor last Monday. I had lost only 3 pounds since my 2 weeks post op and he gave me a 1 cc fill. I still can eat anything I want. I want some restriction!!! I am a teacher so this last week was a work week and we ate out a lot. I felt so guilty for overeating everyday. Hopefully when school starts I will do better. I am not telling anyone (except one other teacher) that I got the surgery. There was a sub who had it 2 years ago. She was huge and she lost 40 pounds and not an ounce more. The teachers judged her and I don't want that kind of pressure.

    I need to watch my eating like you said. I am sure that I am "stress eating."


    Have you seen much success with the lap band?

  6. I am getting frustrated. I got my band one month ago and now I can eat ANYTHING and I am starving! I have lost 30 pounds total, but I am terrified that I will gain it all back because I have NO restriction (and I never did). Any advise???

  7. ercole

    post op 2days

    I had a great experience too. My surgery was on July 16th. I am feeling great!!! I think it helps to walk and get off the pain meds.
  8. Isopure from GNC. Grape and the Punch are really good.
  9. I had my surgery on July 16th and I refused the narcotics. I feel crazy and much worse when I take them and they don't seem to releive the pain I use ice packs and tylonel (when needed). Walking helps a lot!!! I went to Target yesterday and I was pooped when I got home, but I think the walking did me a lot of good. I hope you feel better soon!
  10. My surgery went very well. My husband couldn't be there so my doctor told my best friend that mine was a "text book" surgery. I have felt some pain in the incisions, but nothing else (no nausea, etc). I have even been shopping at Target and today I walked around the neighborhood. I got a little dizzy from overdoing it, but recovered quickly. My doctor makes all of his patients spend the night in the hospital and I was so bored and wanted to go home. The was another girl who had lapband right before me and she seemed to have a much tougher time. She was about 10 yrs younger than me and she hadn't had all of the surgeries that I have had to compare it to (2 c-section, apendectomy in 2005, knee surgery, and my tonsils last month). This was the least painful of them all.


    Anyways... all is good. i am glad I did it. I have lost 20 pounds since I got my tonsils out on June 20th and I am ready to lose more.


  11. My surgery is scheduled for July 16th and the liquid diet is not too bad. I have an Atkins high protein shake in the morning, broth for lunch, a Special K Protien water for a snack, jello, an Isopure drink before dinner, strained soup for dinner, and for dessert I have another jello. Surprisingly I am quite satisfied. I got my tonsils out 2 weeks ago and I have been on a semi-liquid diet since then so maybe that has helped me. My insurance approved me a few weeks ago. I did everything I was told to (6 month diet, dietician, etc) and they said that they would pay. My pre-op is tomorrow and I am excited!!!
  12. Hello I am being banded on July 16th. I would love to have someone "in my shoes" to chat with. Are you on the liquid diet? I am on day 3 of it.

  13. Hello! I am a 36 year old teacher. I am having my surgery on July 16th by Dr. Cenero in Sherman, TX. I have been married for 14 years and we have 2 boys ages 3 and 11. I am on day 3 of my liquid diet and I have already lost 9 pounds. I had my tonsils out 2 weeks ago so I have been on a "liquidish" diet since then. I am nervous about my surgery but I know it will be for the best.

  14. I am getting it done in Sherman by Dr. Cenero. I am nervous but I know that I need a major change in my life. My friend had hers done in Dallas by Dr. Phelps and she has lost 70 lbs since Christmas. who are you going to use?

  15. My Dr. has me on a high protein liquid diet for 2 weeks before surgery and 2 weeks after. He says it helps to shrink your liver and make the surgery easier for him. Where are you getting your surgery done?
  16. Have you started your liquid diet before surgery? I did and it is not so bad. I am getting excited now. I have worked out all of the kinks for my surgery and I think it is going to be okay. My husband works out of town in Hot Springs, Arkansas and I have two boys ages 11 and 3. And I just got my tonsils out on June 20. So I have had a lot of scheduling to do. My girlfriends are getting me through this. One is taking my kids, one is taking me to the hospital and picking me up, and one will hang out until my husband gets into town for the weekend.

  17. ercole

    DFW Texas Bandsters

    I am having surgery on 7/16 in Sherman.
  18. We are having our surgery on the same day. i would love to comare notes with you. I have alot to lose and I am a little scared, but excited too.

  19. We are having our surgery on the same day. We should chat and compare notes. I am on the liquid diet too, but I cheated yesterday. I guess today is my 1st real day and I am doing better than I thought I would.

  20. ercole

    Pre op questions

    I am on the liquid diet right now. My surgery is scheduled for July 16th. You just have to set your mind to it that it is important to you and do it. I did notice today as I was doing errands that I noticed ALL of the resturants on my way home. i could think of something yummy at each one as I passed it.
  21. I am having my surgery on July 16th. We should chat and compare notes. Are you on the 2 week liquid diet? I am.
  22. I have an appointment (July 16th). My insurance has approved the surgery. I am about to start the 2 week liquid diet. I am scared and my first responce is to back out. Doctor says that if I don't do something about my weight there are severe problems in my future. I have several friends who have had it and they have learned to cheat it. I don't want to be a cheater. But will my bad habits make me one.
  23. We seem to have a lot in common. I will be getting my surgery on July 16. I am scared and I need encouragement. I was SHOCKED when my insurance approved it and now it is time to do it.

  24. We are from the same area and you seem to be having success with the Lap Band. I am scheduled to get it on July 16th in Sherman. I thought you might be a good friend to have since you are doing so well.

  25. ercole

    Could use some friends...

    I would love to be your friend. I have an appointment to be banded on July 16 and I am excited, but scared.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
