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About ercole

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 12/17/1971

About Me

  • Biography
    I am a mother of two boys. I have been happily married for the past 14 years. I need to lose lots of weight.
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  1. Happy 41st Birthday ercole!

  2. Happy 40th Birthday ercole!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary ercole!

  4. I have tried to keep it a secret. I have told my best girlfriends and limited family members. Like many others I don't want to deal with any criticism and judging from anyone. I know a woman whom it did not work well for and I didn't want to deal with the embarressment if my lapband failed too. Every other diet I have tried up until now has failed. So far I have lost 41 pounds since July. The weight is coming off slowly, but surely.
  5. I am losing my hair too. I had my surgery in July and I have been concerned lately. I bought Hair and nail vitamins yesterday at Walmart. I talked to one of my good friends (who happens to be a pharmacist) about it tonight and she said that you can't take too much of the vitamins in that supplement. So I guess I will see what happens...
  6. I'm so glad to hear you are doing well! 37 pounds is fantastic! Way to go!


    I'm doing well. I'm up to 64 pounds, but it has definitely slowed down. But, I'm being realistic about how this should work, and 64 pounds in 6 months is a great accomplishment. So, I'm happy. My last fill has left me much tighter, and I'm finding it harder to eat foods I could eat with no problem before, but I'm doing ok wtih it.

  7. Hello! I am doing well. I have lost 37 pounds so far. I am feeling so much better! I have tons more energy! I have been extremely busy with teaching school and my own children. I seem to do better with my eating at school than I do on the weekends.


    How are you doing?

  8. Elise, how is your journey going?

  9. Hi Elise! I'm headed to your neck of the woods for the weekend. Going to Texoma to hang out at the lake with all the family. I hope you have a great weekend!

  10. Elise, I'm so happy for you! That is fantastic! Two pounds is great, and the inches are even better! It is so easy to get discouraged by the scale. I think being back to work will help too...it will give you other things to think about! Planning meals is time consuming up front, but it makes my life so much easier in the moment. How nice that a parent brought your family dinner!


    I've lost 4 of the pounds already this week that I gained while I was sick last week...that tells me it was some sort of wierd water weight. So, I'm very happy about that!


    Let me know if you need anything. Also, if you want to exchange e-mail addresses, I'm fine with that.

  11. This weekend was great. I lost 2 more pounds and I did take my measurements and I have lost 3 inches in my waist and 2 inches everywhere else. So I guess I am doing better than I thought.


    Today was the first day of school (with kids) and I did really good. I snacked on a small handful of peanuts and ate tuna fish for lunch. I ate a little too much for dinner. One of my student's parents brought me dinner to take home for my family (rotisserie chicken, rice, salad, hawaian rolls, and brownies). It was delicious and my kids loved it! I am exhausted! I wore high heels all day and my legs ache. I've been barefoot all summer :)


    I go back to the doctor on Sept 18 and I am going to beg for a bigger fill.


    Thank you so much for your encouragement!



  12. You are welcome! I'm glad you got at least a small fill. Keep in mind that 3 more pounds lost is probably 3 pounds you wouldn't have lost before the band. Treat every single pound like a small victory. Set a short-term goal for yourself. That always helps me. When you eat at a restaurant, ask them to bring you a to go container at the beginning of your meal, and put everything but your portion for that meal into the container. If you are really hungry, eat more protein instead of fruits and vegetables. If you listen to your body, it will tell you what you need. There are days when my body tells me I have got to have a salad, for example.


    It is a very hard process, and I, like you, didn't tell a lot of people. I didn't want them to watch over me like a hawk. I had to learn to shift my perception of food. It's there to fuel our bodies. Just like our gas tank will only hold so much, our bodies only need so much food to function. Don't get me wrong...I'm not saying I'm perfect (far from it!). I also plan my meals pretty much for the whole week. That way I don't have to worry about what I'm eating...I already know. I also try to cook on the weekends so I have ready to go meals for lunch and dinner. That has really helped me. I store them in the portions that I should eat them. I also use www.thedailyplate.com to track my food and exercise. (I do much better with my weight loss when I track my intake.)


    I have had good success wtih the band. This past week has been rough though. I've had an upper respiratory infection, and I've gained 7 pounds. I've been eating like I'm supposed to, so I can only assume that my body is reacting strangely from being sick or from the antibiotics. I'm trying not to let it bother me b/c it's completely out of my control.


    Try not to let the scale be your only guide. Have you taken your measurements? If not, you should. When you aren't seeing the movement on the scale, you might in terms of inches or how your clothes fit.


    Hang in there! You can do this! It's not an easy road, but it's a very rewarding one!

  13. Thanks for the encouragement! I need it. I went to the doctor last Monday. I had lost only 3 pounds since my 2 weeks post op and he gave me a 1 cc fill. I still can eat anything I want. I want some restriction!!! I am a teacher so this last week was a work week and we ate out a lot. I felt so guilty for overeating everyday. Hopefully when school starts I will do better. I am not telling anyone (except one other teacher) that I got the surgery. There was a sub who had it 2 years ago. She was huge and she lost 40 pounds and not an ounce more. The teachers judged her and I don't want that kind of pressure.

    I need to watch my eating like you said. I am sure that I am "stress eating."


    Have you seen much success with the lap band?

  14. First, 30 pounds is amazing! You are doing great. When are you scheduled to have a fill? Your first fill should help some, but some people don't feel a lot of restriction for a few fills. Try not to let that discourage you. Ultimately, you have to be the one to make the changes to the way you eat for your band to be successful. So, make sure you are making good food choices. I am very careful about what I eat now, and I've really made a shift from eating what I want to eating what my body needs to fuel itself. Ask yourself if you are physically or emotionally hungry. If you are truly hungry, eat a few ounces of lean protein or fruit and vegetables. A lot of times that is how I can tell if I'm emotionally hungry b/c I won't want to eat the protein...I'll want something else. I know it's not easy! But, you really are doing great.

  15. I am getting frustrated. I got my band one month ago and now I can eat ANYTHING and I am starving! I have lost 30 pounds total, but I am terrified that I will gain it all back because I have NO restriction (and I never did). Any advise???

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