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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by marynascar

  1. marynascar

    Please help with ideas

    Hi Everyone- I am 50 years old and was banded on 8/19/08 and have only lost 30 pounds since then. Not what I expected. I always was a slow loser but thought I would have more success with this. I was wondering if some of you could post what you eat during the day. I do get in my Water and have joined a gym where I do the half hour circuit room then 1/2 hour treadmill. I try to get in 60 grams of Protein a day. I have 40 more pounds to lose and am getting discouraged. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Mary
  2. marynascar

    Share ideas, What did you eat today ?

    Upon reading through the many posts on this thread I have a question regarding many of the menu's. I've noticed that some of you eat such a tiny amount of food during the day. Doesn't the body go into starvation mode with so little nutrients coming in which makes losing weight harder?
  3. marynascar

    Please help with ideas

    Thanks to all of you that answered, it was a great help. I took so long answering because I have been having major computer problems. Still not much progress but I am feeling better about things.....still plugging along. Thanks again, Mary
  4. Your story could be mine ! On Sept 30 I was exactly 6 weeks post-op, had an appt for my first fill, was down 25 pounds since surgery. I, too, was nervous about the fill so the doctor said since I was doing so well that we could wait another month. He said that if I felt hungry and starting eating more before the month was up to just come in and he would do a fill sooner. Good Luck Mary Lap Band 8/19 25 pounds lost post-op
  5. Jenhay - Has your nutritionist told you about the 6" plate deal. She wants me to always have meals on a 6" plate.....fill half with Protein, a quarter with veggies and a quarter with a grain. Eat the protein first to make sure you are getting the nutrients, go to the veggie next then, if you have room, eat the grain. Eating slowly really does help. I was banded on 8/19, have not had a fill yet and just started real food two days ago. Eating like this really helped. I had my plate made up of a veggie burger (11g protein) some green Beans and a tiny bit of sweet potato. It took me 1/2 hour chewing so slow that I couldn't even finish it all and I felt satisfied. Donna, your story, as Jenhay said, is truly an inspiration, thanks for sharing. Mary Banded August 19 23 lbs lost post-op
  6. For the first week after surgery I was told to sip 4 oz of liquids every hour. So an 8 oz Protein shake for me lasted 2 hours. The hours in between the protein I would sip either broth or Water or have a sf ice pop or maybe even a little sf Jello. It actually wasn't as bad as I thought, I didn't feel that hungry. Shot for 60g of protein a day so I bought the shakes with the highest grams I could find. Good Luck ! Mary Lap Band done August 19 22 pounds down post-op
  7. marynascar

    To tell or not to tell

    The only person at work that I told was my supervisor and that was only because I needed her to know why I was taking time off here and there for the pre-op appts. She is discreet and I don't want my other co-workers (and there are many) to turn into food police. I used a weeks vacation time instead of sick time and as far as I know totally got away with it. My immediate family knows and that's all. Noboby elses business. Mary Lap Band Done August 19 22 Pounds Down Post-op
  8. (Hi Mary: We are the same age and I always like to check in with woman our age because I think it's a challenge with menopausal weight gain that comes with this time. How are you doing? Are you winning the battle? Glad your palpitations went away. I started getting them a year ago and was very scared as I lost a sister to a heart attack. It turns out my palpitations are yet another symptom of fluctuating hormones. I am pre banded but have are almost there just battling with my insurance company but still have so many questions.) I am doing well. I had my surgery on August 19th and since then have lost 20 pounds. I would like to lose 50 more. I was on one week of Clear liquids then 3 weeks of full liquids and next Wednesday I make the transition to real food. I have an appt for a tentative first fill on 9/30. Except for the bruising and soreness at the incision sites, I have not had any other trouble. I also lost a sister at a young age..8 years ago this month - she was 40 and I was 41. She was in a car accident. Good luck battling that insurance company....I see you being persistant with the appeals. Hang in there. Mary
  9. The same exact thing happened to me. For weeks before my surgery I had palpitaions several times a day even when I was laying down, They never kept me awake though. I was hoping it was due to nerves and it must've been because since my surgery on 8/19 I have not had a one. I did have to see a cardiologist though but that was more because of my age. I am not in my early 20's like you, I am 49. Talk to the doctor about your concerns, just wanted to say that in my case, it was the nerves. Good luck to you. Mary
  10. marynascar

    Hectic Weekend

    Good for you ! I was also banded last week (Tuesday) I ventured out on my own to do some light shopping yesterday and was only a little uncomfortable while driving. I also go back to work today but feel like I will be fine. I have not had any shoulder/gas pains at all which amazes me. Good job handling that wedding ! My husband is very supportive, though, seeing me struggle for many years with my weight. He said if this will make me feel better then he is on board. Good luck to both of us today ! Mary
  11. marynascar


    Hi - I am on board with Littlefroggy - I was banded on 8/19 and am on Clear Liquids until this Wednesday. I have not strayed because of the fear of doing some early damage. There are times that I feel a little hungry but all in all it hasn't been too bad. I just make sure that I get the Protein drinks in. I feel like my body went through alot and I do not want to hurt the process. Good luck to you. Mary
  12. marynascar

    Protein Shakes

    I am surprised that you are even allowed to eat pudding and yogurt at this stage...only 4 days out. I was banded on the 19th and can't "eat" anything until one week which is Wednesday. Till then it's all liquids. I am using 100% whey Protein shake powder that you add to Water (chocolate caramel flavor) It's really not to bad tasting. Good Luck Mary
  13. marynascar


    Hi, I was banded on 8/19 and the nutritionist told me the following. Sip 2-4 oz clear fluids an hour getting at least 32 oz per day in. After 48 hours I was allowed to add in a Protein mix shake to get protein in. The clear fluids consists of SF Jello, flavored Water such as Fruit 2-0, ff chicken, beef or vegetable broth, SF ice pops. For me this is for the first week then on to the mushies. Hope this helps and good luck to you! Mary
  14. Same here Littlefroggy....I have to return to work Monday and since no one there even knows what I did, I am a little nervous. The only incision that gives me any trouble is also the one lower left...almost on my waistline. Good luck to you Monday ! Mary
  15. Hi All- I am 49 yrs old and was banded last Tuesday 8/19. The anesthesia knocked me for a loop and I was nauseas for a day and a half and it wasn't to easy to get fluids down during that time. But.....since I started feeling better Wednesday evening I have had absolutely no trouble whatsoever. I have been able to drink the 4 oz fluids hourly that my nutritionist suggested. I have not had any of the shoulder or chest pain from gas. All I have is some uncomfortablility of the bruises on my stomach. After reading about all the uneasiness of some posters here it almost doesn't sound right that I had no trouble. Not that I'm looking for trouble but it makes me wonder if all is good with my band? Anyone else go through this process on a breeze? P.S. My scale is down 7 pounds since surgery. :tongue: Mary
  16. Hi- Congrats on your banding. I was banded on the 19th. I have been having the 100% whey Protein mix from GNC. You mix it with Water and each scoop has 21g of protein. I don't get a bloated feeling from it. I was given a few choices from the nutritionist about the Protein drinks and this was on the list as well as Isopure but this was much cheaper. They come in many flavors and they don't taste too bad at all. I haven't had any trouble at all with gas so I feel bad for you about that. Good Luck on your journey. Mary
  17. Hi - My journey was much quicker. I went for the first consult on June 17 and my surgery is set for next Tuesday, August 19. Insurance approval took a month. While waiting for approval I did all the pre-testing that my surgeon ordered. Good Luck to you. Mary
  18. marynascar

    Butterflies getting the best of me!

    Hi All - It is as if you all are in my head. I am having the same exact fears. My lap band surgery is scheduled for August 19 and the thing that terrifies me most is being knocked out with anesthesia. If I could stay awake through it I don't think I would feel this scared. I know the odds of something going wrong are slim but the fear is still there. I had all the blood work-ups and clearance from a cardiologist and this week will get clearance from my primary. I actually get palpitations when I think too hard about it. I also have asthma though and am afraid of having an attack while under. Previous threads say that once you are given the "happy juice" before being knocked out, things are all hunky-dorey. I think maybe we have too much time until our surgeries to think about it. I can't wait till it's just done and over with. Good Luck To All !
  19. Hi All - I am scheduled to have the lap band surgery in three weeks and all this waiting makes for too much thinking. Do you all really think that the body will accept a foreign tool being placed inside it forever? Do you think that a port being sewn to the stomach for years will not cause problems? I read all the literature and it all sounds so do-able but I can't help thinking about "down the road a ways" Any thoughts? Thanks for any and all input Mary Scheduled for surgery August 19 !
  20. marynascar

    Hello! I'm new to the group.

    Glad to hear you are doing so well. That's encouraging to hear since I will having the surgery in 3 weeks. Good luck to you. Mary
  21. marynascar

    Gaining weight after lapband surgery

    My doctor says the yes people can gain weight after lap band. He said there is a pinhole that some fattening things such as high calorie shakes and ice cream, etc can get through. My question is, if someone goes through the risks of surgery, why sabatoge it with such foolishness?
  22. I am excited and NERVOUS at the same time. I went for my consult with a surgeon on June 18 and here I am already approved one month later with a tentative surgery date of 8/21. I still have to do the nutritionist visit and the psyche eval and I also have an appointment with a cardiologist, then get medical clearance from my primary. I don't expect there to be any problem with all that. The surgeon is really nice and answered all my questions. I was concerned about band slippage, hair loss, not getting enough nutrition, having a foreign object inside you. I mentioned some of the not too pretty stories I read on this site. He took his time and went over things and was really great about it. Still though, I will take any and all advice from anyone that wants to give it. Here's to a healthier life! Mary
  23. marynascar

    Hello Middletown, New York area

    Three weeks and still no approval from the insurance company. No denial yet either, this is so nerve-wracking! I went for the bloodwork and have an appt for my psych and nutritional eval on 7/22 and another appt with the surgeon in Goshen on 7/17. His office called the insurance company on 6/30 and they said it was still pending. Don't know whether that's good or bad. Mary
  24. marynascar

    waiting anxiuosly!!

    Hang in there, at least you know it's coming ! I am waiting for approval from my insurance company as we speak. This is my only option as I can't afford to self pay and go to Mexico. Good luck to you! Mary
  25. marynascar

    Hello Middletown, New York area

    Eliz- I wasn't told anything yet about losing any weight. The doctor gave me two numbers to call for a psych eval and a meeting with a nutritionist. Guess all the rest depends on what the insurance company is going to say. Maybe, if need be, a letter from my primary doctor attesting to the fact that I have always struggled with obesity would by sufficient? Sounds like you are on the right track.....you will get there ! Mary

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