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Everything posted by Nanook

  1. Nanook

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Hope this borrowed from Wiki helps with the defs Pansexuality From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Sexuality portal LGBT portal Sexual orientation in human sexuality OrientationsAsexual · Bisexual · Heterosexual · Homosexual · PansexualGender-based alternative conceptsNon-westernized concepts of male sexuality · Third sex · Two-spiritResearchBiology · Demographics · Environment · Kinsey scale · Klein Grid · Non-heterosexual · Queer studies · SexologyListList (category) of sexual orientationsLGBT Portal · Sexuality PortalThis box: view • talk • edit Pansexuality, or omnisexuality[1] is a sexual orientation characterized by the potential for aesthetic attraction, romantic love, or sexual desire for people, regardless of their gender identity or biological sex. Some pansexuals suggest that they are gender-blind; that gender and sex are insignificant or irrelevant in determining whether they will be sexually attracted to others.[2] The word pansexual is derived from the Greek prefix pan-, meaning "all". In its simplest form, pansexuality denotes the potential of sexual attraction to all genders and beings. It is intended to negate the idea of two genders (as expressed by bi-) The adjective pansexual may also be applied to organizations or events. In this context, the term usually indicates an openness to the involvement of people of all genders and sexual orientations in said organization/event, as well as the pansexual sexual identity. [edit] Pansexuality compared to bisexuality Bisexuality is a sexual orientation characterized by attraction to both the same gender and the opposite gender, or genders (cf. Homosexuality is attraction to just the same, and Heterosexuality just the opposite - neither of these two mention men or women or how many genders there are).[3] Those pioneering the term pansexuality often attack bisexuality as being "about two genders" and say that it does not specifically include people who supposedly fall outside the gender binary. Pansexuality has been described as a "means to skip the binaries and essentialism of 'bi'."[4] However, many people who identify as bisexual are actually attracted to people who fall outside the gender dichotomy. These people, who could be described as pansexual, have a variety of reasons for identifying as bisexual, including preference for a better definition of bisexuality that doesn't include the number of genders ("attraction to people from more than one gender"), widespread unfamiliarity with the term "pansexual" as well as its negative connotations for some people. Another proposed difference is that while bisexuals are attracted to both genders, or even to people who fall outside traditional gender boundaries, pansexuals don't even take gender into account as far as attraction is concerned. This could leave the attraction to be based on personality, or simply general physical attractiveness. This also applies to many bisexuals too, however.
  2. Nanook

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    I understand it's hard to relate to if you are not one yourself. It was difficult for me to understand at first too but I kind of do and the parts I don't understand I just take at face value.
  3. Nanook

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    I'm not an expert but from what I've gathered from a real live pansexual and not the robotic type is that they fall in love with the person not the specific sex of the person. Maybe if we didn't have bodies but were spirits you would fall in love that way but there has to be some form of body contact but I don't want to get to graphic. It's still sexual but the sex of the person is not as important as the person. It is different than bisexuality. Did anything I say make sense? lol. I believe there are degrees of everything. Maybe there's a bisexual out there who could explain bisexualtity better than I ever could.
  4. Nanook

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Plain, Pansexuals and bisexuals may freak you out but they are real people. "The Bird is the Word" Peter Griffin
  5. Nanook

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Well said BJean, maybe now this thread will end as it was only started to spread hate and fear, once again!
  6. Nanook

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    PG's religion is the Church of PG! If being born a homosexual is a sin then I suppose that means love is a sin.
  7. Nanook

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Don't take her too seriously she does do this quite often on threads you sound like good people to me too take care and ignore!!!!
  8. Nanook

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Well I think we inherently know what it is to be a good human being. We all come from different backgrounds and the more you learn about other cultures, religions, histories and just basically gain knowledge of others the more likely you will find things you have in common and not try to change or judge them. I find beauty in other people's differences and love to learn about them. I think fear drives a lot of people in their lives and keeps them from getting to know other people and understanding them. What a boring world it would be if we were all the same right?
  9. Nanook

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Yes it is Inuit for Polar bear and the nickname I received as a child from my eldest brother! As my real name is Nancy I think he was just trying to be clever or something and it's stuck all these years. I just think some people tend to pick and choose what they want to follow verbatim from the Bible. I truly believe that heterosexuals and homosexuals are born that way. I don't believe God would make someone a homosexual but then expect them not to be able to express their love with another adult human being, of course I have to add that as people tend to compare it with having sex with children and/or animals:cursing:
  10. Nanook

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    PG, so if you believe the bible is the word of God and everything is an instruction that if you do not follow you are commiting a sin, do you agree with the following? Leviticus 15 2. (25-30) Unusual or abnormal bodily discharge. 'If a woman has a discharge of blood for many days, other than at the time of her customary impurity, or if it runs beyond her usual time of impurity, all the days of her unclean discharge shall be as the days of her customary impurity. She shall be unclean. Every bed on which she lies all the days of her discharge shall be to her as the bed of her impurity; and whatever she sits on shall be unclean, as the uncleanness of her impurity. Whoever touches those things shall be unclean; he shall wash his clothes and bathe in water, and be unclean until evening. But if she is cleansed of her discharge, then she shall count for herself seven days, and after that she shall be clean. And on the eighth day she shall take for herself two turtledoves or two young pigeons, and bring them to the priest, to the door of the tabernacle of meeting. Then the priest shall offer the one as a sin offering and the other as a burnt offering, and the priest shall make atonement for her before the Lord for the discharge of her uncleanness.' Does this mean we all need to keep pigeons or turtledoves on hand?
  11. Nanook

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    I think there's a big difference between a young girl trying to get the attention of men by making out with another girl in front of them and the act of coming out as a gay person and I'm not sure where it the two have anything to do with each other.
  12. Nanook

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Maybe there are kids that play around with it but for the people that I know who are gay are not like that. There are people that don't want to be labeled as one thing or another either so it can get a bit confusing. I'm not an expert and I understand what you are saying what that therapist told you I just know that my attraction towards the opposite sex is just as real and as strong as someone who feels that way towards the same sex or both sexes or neither sex. I suppose everyone experiments with sex in their own way though. I'm no Dr. Ruth!
  13. Nanook

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    I believe people do not pretend to be gay or do it for funsies! Why would they? I am straight and there is no way I would be attracted to another woman it's not part of my being. I know of many men and women who are homosexual, bisexual even pansexual and it took a while for them to come out of the closet for many reasons. It's not that they just woke up one day and said "hey I think I'll be gay today because it's so much fun! In our world it takes a lot of courage to come out because of the hatred and discrimination they face. To use the bible for instruction on how one should view homosexuality seems silly to me as there are so many wacky things that people are instructed to do. If we followed everything the bible said if we were on our period we shouldn't attend church and should live that week in a menstral hut! I think in some areas of the country (world) being homosexual is not as frowned upon as it is possibly in the "bible belt". So in an area that is more open and understanding of homosexuality younger people can come out to others earlier and feel good about themselves. They also have found support in groups at the schools whether they are social or support groups. Being that it's "prom season" many of these kids have to fight with their school just to bring their same sex partner as their prom date. Some schools don't allow it while more open minded schools do and then there are some schools who have separate proms. Anyway just putting in my two cents:smile:
  14. Nanook

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    BJean, exactly what I thought when I heard her answer too, pretty sad!
  15. Nanook

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    I agree with what you've said gamyj, And being raised a Catholic and going to 12 years of Catholic schooling we did read the Bible and theology was a class taught like math. But what we learned was to treat others as you would like to be treated. We never were force fed passages from the Bible and only given one interpretation. It was discussed. Now I'm not saying the Catholic Church is perfect and not without "sin" but it's difficult for me to understand how these other churches are spewing out this hate towards homosexuals and teaching people that they aren't born that way that it's basically a chosen lifestyle. Are people really that gullible???
  16. Nanook

    Need to convert from band to ?????

    Thanks Wasa:thumbup:
  17. Nanook

    Need to convert from band to ?????

    What about us lonely RNY people??? Nancy:frown:
  18. I'm pretty sure mine was done while I was put under and my daughter had to take me and bring me back home. We have a facility that only does endoscopies and it's really nice and convenient. I'm not skittish about stuff like that though.
  19. Nanook

    Tried Slim Shots Liquid with Lap-Band?

    Thanks, maybe I'll give them a "slim shot"!
  20. Nanook

    Tried Slim Shots Liquid with Lap-Band?

    Do they sell them at drug stores or do you have to order them? Do they taste gross so you lose your appetite?
  21. Nanook

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Could proselytizing be considered a "transfer addiction"?:ohmy:
  22. Nanook

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Why am I picturing the mother from the movie "Carrie"?:drool:
  23. Nanook

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    Patty, I should have known better than to fall into one of your post traps again spouting your religion, no thanks:thumbdown:
  24. Nanook

    Oprah's weight loss surgery show

    I completely understand how you feel when I was down to 125lbs many, many, many years ago (each many represents 10 years) and the first time I was ever "thin" I could tell it was going to come back on and I had no way of stopping it back then. Hopefully the research in obesity will improve so we won't need to do such drastic things to ourselves to fix what isn't working properly. But until then we have no choice.
  25. Nanook

    Miss California and Gay marriage

    OH Juli, Don't forget "and hot!":thumbup:

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