I would like to have the lapband surgery done. Not sure if I qualify for the surgery since I am only about 70lbs overweight maybe a little less.
I have tyoe 2 diabetes along with high cholesteral (sp). Since being diagnosed with diabetes I have noticed that I do not have the energy that I used to have. My feet have been swelling lately, the left ankle very painful at times to walk on. I have an appointment with my dr. next week. I used to be a very active person, loved to bike ride but now all I want to do is sleep! I have been forcing myself to get out and garden but when I'm on my feet too long my feet start to tingle and swell. Hopefully at my next drs. appointment I'll have the nerve to ask about the surgery!
I'm not interested in the gastric surgery since I have seen what they have to go through!
Do I have enough health problems to qualify for this surgery is my question.