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    Believe2021 reacted to seababe25 in Had Duodenal Switch May 12th 2021 terribly nauseous   
    What do I do for my nausea?
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    Believe2021 got a reaction from gabbyd in HELP!!! Did your Incision hurt for over a week?   
    Yep that was me for almost 3 weeks. I am finally feeling better with very little pain at times with certain movements. It felt like a burning sensation internally and it was horrible. It reminded me of my C-Section pain. I hope you recovery quickly with the pain level you have now. Best of LUCK and wishing you a Speedy Recovery! And Good Luck on your new WL journey!

    Sent from my GM1915 using BariatricPal mobile app

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    Believe2021 got a reaction from momof3_angels in HELP!!! Did your Incision hurt for over a week?   
    Yeah my pain level was super high and horrible. Same thing for me it was the biggest incision where they pulled the stomache through as well. My other incisions were good and no major pain either. It was 3 weeks for me and finally starting to feel better. Best of Luck on your WL journey!

    Sent from my GM1915 using BariatricPal mobile app

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    Believe2021 reacted to momof3_angels in HELP!!! Did your Incision hurt for over a week?   
    YES! Mine hurt for several weeks... mostly the one where the stomach was pulled though. I think that one hurt for about a month. Not constant pain, but definitely at times like changing positions. The other incisions were small and didn't hurt for long at all.
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    Believe2021 reacted to gabbyd in HELP!!! Did your Incision hurt for over a week?   
    Oof I’m 3 days post op and my main incision site is stinging tremendously. That whole general area feels rather swollen as well. It literally stings when I go to sit and stand and also when I initially start walking. After I get to walking for a while, it feels better but this is extremely painful. I’m wearing my binder and have been since day 1 but I don’t know what else to do and I just want to break down and cry it hurts so bad.
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    Believe2021 reacted to Rose🌹 in Abdominal Muscle Pain & Tingling Left Thigh   
    I am 6 weeks post op and I am stilling having pain. The main incision is on the right and the pain i am having is internal. The incision healed perfectly with no issues but I am having a sharp pain in my muscle that comes and goes. I want to start exercising but I can't because its so hard to bend due to the pain. I can't fully turn to either side while sleeping, i turn to the left - i feel like its being pulled.. turn to the right - i feel pressure. I can only turn half way to the side while sleeping.
    If I sit down at a height where my stomach is being pressed, pain. Sometimes I can't sit Indian style because I have that sharp pain. The pain sometimes radiate to my side. At first the pain was deep at the incision site but now i sometimes feel the pain is deep on top of the incision site.
    I spoke to my doctor and all they ask is about is the incision site, which is perfectly healed. They tell me to take Tylenol ever 6 hours, i dont want to take all these pills. My father had the same surgery and he never experience this type of pain. However, mine was robotic assisted. Its driving me nuts because I want to exercise and really lose the weight, I am currently losing a pound a week or none at all. I also want to avoid as much loose skin as possible by exercising, I know i will still have some but the quicker I act the better it will be.
    Did anyone else had this pain? Does anyone have an idea as to what it might be.
    Also I have this tingling/numbness on my left thigh. Never had it before, started happening two weeks after the surgery. It happens when I lay down to go to sleep, its effecting my sleep.. can't sleep unless I bend my legs. Has this ever happened to anyone? I don't know what to do. I got a sono of the lower extremities, no clots.
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    Believe2021 reacted to Christina J. in HELP!!! Did your Incision hurt for over a week?   
    Oddly what has helped me the most is stretching over a stability ball. I think that all of my muscles in my stomach tightened from me trying to protect it and keep still during early recovery but I started to just lay on my stability ball for a few moments in the morning and it also helped!
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    Believe2021 got a reaction from Christina J. in HELP!!! Did your Incision hurt for over a week?   
    Thank you! I also ended up wearing the binder as well that the Hospital provided and it helped a little but not much. It took about 10 days for me to finally start feeling some pain relief finally. I'm currently 15 days post-op and my pain level will reach like a 5-6 at times but nowhere near the 9-10 I had last week.

    Sent from my GM1915 using BariatricPal mobile app

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    Believe2021 reacted to Christina J. in HELP!!! Did your Incision hurt for over a week?   
    I had some serious issues with this especially on my dominant side. I started wearing a stretchy surgical binder around my abdomen and it helped immensely! It's not a waist trainer it is a surgical one so it has air vents and allows my skin to breathe. Within a couple of days the pain had greatly subsided. I got it on Amazon.
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    Believe2021 reacted to mswillis5 in HELP!!! Did your Incision hurt for over a week?   
    My incisions had pain for a little over a week but my wife had some incisions that took 3 weeks for the pain to subside. Her problem was that her pants hit the major incision and she was in quite a bit of pain for a while and had to hold the incision area to help relieve the pain.
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    Believe2021 got a reaction from NovaLuna in Surgery Day in a few days!   
    That's Awesome! Thank you for sharing your journey Good Luck with meeting your Goal weight!

    Sent from my GM1915 using BariatricPal mobile app

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    Believe2021 reacted to NovaLuna in Surgery Day in a few days!   
    Well, let me change that to 197 pounds now lol. I just weighed myself and I'm 197 on the nose. So 17 more pounds to go... I really should have weighed myself this morning since it's the normal day I weigh in but I'd weighed in on Friday, but I checked just because it's my normal weigh in day. I'm down another pound, yay! So 2 lost last week!
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    Believe2021 reacted to NovaLuna in Surgery Day in a few days!   
    I didn't have the traditional DS but rather the Loop DS (Sips/SADI-S) but I was told by my surgeon that the weight loss is about the same between the two. I'm almost 13 months post op so 1 year 1 month (in two more days, anyway). I had to do a 6 month monitored weight loss plan to be approved for surgery to prove to my insurance that I was taking this seriously and they weren't wasting money by paying for something I wouldn't work for. My surgery weight was 321 and at 3 months post op I was 266, so I was down 55 pounds in three months. I currently weigh 198 pounds and am only 18 pounds from my own personal goal weight.
    Congrats on your upcoming surgery and the start of a new weight loss journey!
  14. Congrats!
    Believe2021 got a reaction from NovaLuna in Surgery Day in a few days!   
    HW: 312
    SW: 300
    CW: 289
    GW: 150
    Hi Everyone! I had Gastric Sleeve back in 2014 then got pregnant almost a year later and here I am now getting the Traditional Duodenal Switch almost 7 years later. I am currently on the Pre-op diet and down 11lbs (11 days in) I have 3 more days to go I've been doing so good sticking to it. I'd love to hear your success stories of the Traditional Duodenal Switch. How much weight did you lose within the first 3 months? I have a friend that had it done over 4 years ago and she also got pregnant a few years later and has kept the weight off. Her start weight was very close to mine. Hope to hear some of your experiences.
    Sent from my GM1915 using BariatricPal mobile app

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