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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by kimlam

  1. I had my last diet coke July 2nd, 2008. I was truly addicted. I still crave & want a diet coke on a daily basis. I just know that carbonated sodas are really bad for you. I am so scared that if I try it & it does not cause me significant pain that I will become addicted again so I choose not to try it.

  2. I had my surgery on July 3rd and I was soooo addicted to diet coke. I have not had one sip since July 2nd and I would be lying if I said I didn't miss them. I just know that I do not want to attempt to drink them because I don't want to go thru the pain everyone says it causes. It is hard to see someone else drink them in front of me but I just deal with it. One thing that I like to drink is the flavored water. The Dasani is my favorite.

  3. I had surgery on July 3rd, 2008. I am down 80 lb from that date. I just got back from vacation at Disney World and for the first time I did not do so well with my eating. I am trying real hard not to beat myself up about it. I did not gain any weight but I sure didn't lose either. I am having a difficult time understanding how many fills I'm suppose to have and exactly what the sweet spot is. I still get very hungry in between meals. I am also having a HUGE problem in telling myself when to quit eating & understanding when I am full. Does anyone understand what I'm saying or what I'm going thru? Any advise would be very helpful.


  4. Hi, I was banded on July 3rd by Dr. K Vick at UMC in Jackson. Had a wonderful experience. I went yesterday for my 2nd fill. My first fill was a little uncomfortable but yesterday was a lot better. I still do not feel much restriction but I do get full a lot sooner than I used to prior to being banded. The only real problem I am having is Constipation. He told me yesterday to try Myrolax. I did that and it worked wonderful. I am currently down about 38 pounds from the day I was banded and I am so excited. I hope that it continues to go as well as it has. There are times when I get very agitated because I don't lose like I think I should but I have to tell myself to stay away from the scale & not weigh every day. That will literally make you a basket case. I wish everyone banded good luck & hope all goes well with each and everyone!

  5. I was banded on July 3rd. I went for my first fill 2 weeks ago where he put in 1 cc in my band. I called a week after the fill and told him that I was still very hungry & not satisfied so I went in today for my second fill. He put in 2 cc's today. As of today, I have lost 35 pounds from my lap band surgery date. I am pleased with my results. As everyone else probably feels, I would like for it to come off faster, so I guess I should be happy that I am continuing to lose. I still do not feel restriction. I did get satisfied a little sooner than from before but I feel that it still isn't where it should be. How do you know when you are "there"?

  6. I had my surgery on July 3rd. I went on liquid diet 1 week prior to surgery & didn't weigh until after my surgery. I am down 24 pounds from 1 week prior to surgery. I lost 16 pounds immediately then I went over 1 week with no weight loss. Today is 24 pounds. I was getting concerned. I have my first feel next Friday. I'm a little curious as to what to expect and if I am going to feel different. I'm not having a lot of problems eating. Yesterday some food got stuck but it only lasted about 30 min. Just curious to know if anything is going to change.

    Good luck to everyone!

  7. I was banded on 7/3 & lost 16 pounds immediately. I was so excited. Now, it has been a week & I am 1 pound up and so depressed. I am going to throw the scales away. I feel like crap every time I get on the scales. I get my first fill on 8/8 so maybe I will start losing then. Maybe we are all too impatient. A friend told me the other day that I didn't just pour the weight on so I shouldn't expect it to pour off of me. I'm going to try to be very postive about my band and be positive that I will lose weight. I wish everyone very well with weight loss.

  8. Help my feelings please!!!

    I had lap band 7/3 and lost 16 #'s right off. For 2 days now I haven't lost a thing and I woke up this morning & have gained 1 pound. I want to cry. I'm trying not to get discouraged. Is this normal? I am still only getting about 600 ca daily. Should I now be exercising a lot? My doctor did not tell me when I could start exercising for I know this would help. I just wonder if I'm doing something wrong or if anyone else has had this to happen.


  9. Don't get discouraged. You are only a couple of days out. I was the same my 4 & 5 days but all of a sudden I feel better each day and you will be able to drink more than sips. I drank a bottled Water with no problem today. My doctor says that not to get discouraged if I feel hungry or feel no restriction because I don't have restrictions. Today is my 8th day out from surgery & I feel good but I still can't walk fast or for long periods of time. I think that maybe if you can somehow increase your Protein intake you will feel a little better but hang in there. It will get better.

  10. I turn the big 40 in October. The band is a gift I gave myself for turning 40. I have been obese almost all my life and I got banded July 3rd. I am 16 pounds down as of today and hope to continue to do as good as time goes by. The more I lose, the more I want to lose. I am excited and hope everyone does well in his/her new journey to a better self.

  11. I had my surgery July 3rd. The first 2 days were not great but tolerable. I'm on my 7th day and today is a good day. Hope I am finally over the severe gas pains. Looking forward to hopefully doing well. My scales say that I am 15 pounds lighter. This is from 1 week to surgery & starting liquid diet. I am very excited and hope to continue to do well. Im having difficulty getting all Protein in. I am only consuming 500-600 calories a day. I am full after a few sips of anything. Overall I feel good. The last 3 days I have been able to walk about 1/2 mile. I am weak but hope energy level will increase with time.

  12. I had lap band placed on July 3rd. Yesterday I thought I was doing wonderful. Last night and today is a different story. I don't know if I over did it with drinking liquids to fast or if it is additional gas pains. I feel this uncomfortable fullness in my chest & it feels like I'm going to explode. I walk around and try to make it better but only helps for a minute. I can't get hardly any liquids down without having this feeling. Is anyone else experiencing this or do I need to call dr. I am forcing myself to drink becuase I need Protein & liquids. I'm just a little concerned cause I feel like I'm going backwards instead of foward. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.


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