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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    XtinaDoesIt reacted to Barrr in Does anyone know why we shouldn't have coffee?   
    Interesting... is your doctor prohibiting you from coffee because of your Gastric Sleeve in general, or do you have other health conditions to warrant this?

    I am pre-op, but my research indicates that many bariatric surgeons are OK with their patients drinking coffee once they are in the solid food phase. Check out Matthew Weiner on YouTube among others regarding this topic.
  2. Thanks
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to Tomo in Does anyone know why we shouldn't have coffee?   
    My program doesn't have any coffee restrictions. If I wanted to I could've drank coffee up to 2 hours before surgery and right after.
  3. Thanks
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to Arabesque in Does anyone know why we shouldn't have coffee?   
    I understood we’re advised to avoid it to begin with because it’s too harsh (acidic) on our healing tummy & it’s more concentrated because our tummy is much smaller. It can also increase the effects of reflux/gerd.
    There are many people here who regularly drink coffee & started back at various times. I’ve been a green tea drinker for almost 20 years (because of reflux & the caffeine kept me awake) so it wasn’t an issue for me.
  4. Thanks
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to Elidh in Does anyone know why we shouldn't have coffee?   
    I just had my 1+ year appointment with my nutritionist yesterday. She had no problem with my drinking coffee, but suggested that it not count as part of my daily 48-64 oz liquid requirement, as caffeine is a diuretic. And my labs did show minimal dehydration, so I’m upping my Water intake (but keeping the coffee!).
  5. Thanks
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to Lynnlovesthebeach in Does anyone know why we shouldn't have coffee?   
    My program allows coffee. They just ask that you limit it to no more than 2 cups per day. I didn't want any the first couple of weeks but then resumed it after that. Actually, it was even on my meal trays in the hospital. My program also allows straws, many do not.
  6. Haha
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from LilaNicole20 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    My boyfriend brought my engagement ring a month or two back (mom can't keep a secret and told me). I wonder if it will fit when he finally pops the question?! I'm 3 month post surgery...
  7. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from Tantan11 in 10 days post sleeve. Sick of all soft/pureed food   
    Can we have mashed potatoes? I figured it would be too starchy?
    Im entering pureed/soft foods tomorrow. I would LOOOVE mashed potatoes! I ordered flavorless Protein Powder and can add it in to make it more Protein heavy.
  8. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from Kayla Joy in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Wearing shorts without chaffing... much 😁. I cant wait not to chafe at all!!!
  9. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from Officially Not Fatty Matty in One Year Update (way too long)   
    Loved the details in this post! Im glad it all worked out and continue to wish you success! I feel for your wife. My boyfriend has lost more than me without the surgery just by default of my new diet. A friend who did the surgery last month lost more than I have in 4 months. Really, every one is just different but it still sux! I wish you both the best!
  10. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to STLoser in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Omg I love this story! That's so awesome that you did so well at it. I actually showed my husband your post, because I have been talking about surfing a lot with it being in the Olympics this year. I keep saying I need to watch and get pointers since I'm an aspiring surfer.
    You've definitely given me hope that my dream could be a reality.
    Living on Maui and being a surf bum sounds like the life! I'm game! Let's do it!

    Sent from my Nokia 7.2 using BariatricPal mobile app

  11. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to WishMeSmaller in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    surfing. Me???? A late 40’s, formerly morbidly obese lady??? Yes 😬🏄‍♀️

  12. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from Jaye W in Gall Bladder had to come out 5 months post op   
    Hope you are feeling better!!! Your progress thus far is amazing!!!!
  13. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from Kayla Joy in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Wearing shorts without chaffing... much 😁. I cant wait not to chafe at all!!!
  14. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from Squidgy101 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
  15. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from Kayla Joy in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Wearing shorts without chaffing... much 😁. I cant wait not to chafe at all!!!
  16. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from Squidgy101 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
  17. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from Jaye W in February 2021 Sleevers - How is it going?   
    Hi folks!
    HW: 267
    SW: 255
    CW: 227
    Height: 5'5
    Can't believe I'm 3 month out already! I've lost almost 30 lbs since surgery. 40 lbs since January and I feel great! I was stalling A LOT the first 2 month. I've done so much extreme diets in the past, I think my body was used to it and was trying to wait me out. I haven't had any stalls this month though so I think my body is finally giving up on holding my fat cells hostage! LOL! I am eating roughly 700-1000 calories. I still mostly drink my calories with Protein shakes/drinks. I usually have yogurt for Breakfast, a handful of leftovers for lunch and dinner with protein and veggies or chili. I just started working out again last week. Mostly cardio and Yoga. I am hoping to lose another 30lbs by my birthday (September), then another 30 lbs to my goal by December. I've come to terms with the fact that I didn't dramatically lose a bunch of pounds and my journey is more slow and steady. I haven't brought any new clothes yet but I do feel more comfortable in the clothes I have now. I am thinking its time for some new bras but I want to hold out as long as possible. On a side note, my boyfriend has been so supportive and gone on this weight loss journey with me (without surgery). He is down almost 30 lbs too (MEN!). I think my slower loss keeps him motivated. We are like 3 lbs away from each other and have a mini race going on during our weekly check ins.

  18. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from Allie Still in LGBTQIA?   
    I am in support of affinity forums. Why not?! There are plenty of forums here. I personally saw the girls room and thought that was great! As a poc, I wouldn't mind exchanging thoughts with other people who might have a better understanding of what I am going through. Creating affinity groups does not erase public forums nor do they exclude others. It's just a way to hopefully ensure that the people who post in them care about that specific thing.
    I will agree that sometimes, when I learn a person has a particular political view, it can be hard not to see that in everything they say. So this forum may not be the best place to discuss the happenings of the world. But that's not what an affinity group is. The girls group for example, doesn't post about unequal wages and gender discrimination. Although imo, a post about the dismissive nature of doctors towards women (Particularly women of color) and how that affects your journey could be more interesting then the standard "stalling" thread.
  19. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from Allie Still in LGBTQIA?   
    I am in support of affinity forums. Why not?! There are plenty of forums here. I personally saw the girls room and thought that was great! As a poc, I wouldn't mind exchanging thoughts with other people who might have a better understanding of what I am going through. Creating affinity groups does not erase public forums nor do they exclude others. It's just a way to hopefully ensure that the people who post in them care about that specific thing.
    I will agree that sometimes, when I learn a person has a particular political view, it can be hard not to see that in everything they say. So this forum may not be the best place to discuss the happenings of the world. But that's not what an affinity group is. The girls group for example, doesn't post about unequal wages and gender discrimination. Although imo, a post about the dismissive nature of doctors towards women (Particularly women of color) and how that affects your journey could be more interesting then the standard "stalling" thread.
  20. Thanks
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from Darkerthanblack1964 in My surgery was aborted   
    When you have tried and failed at weight loss so many times before, it makes sense that you would be hesitant to believe it will work. Then to have your experience... any one would be apprehensive. But I (and I'm sure others here) will be sending good vibes your way and hoping it works out for you! Just put one foot in front of the other until you reach your goal!
  21. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to BayougirlMrsS in Checked that off the list   
    Buck list check off........ It was Soooooo amazing. I want to go right back up and do it again.

  22. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from MandM1188 in LGBTQIA?   
    I am in support of affinity forums. Why not?! There are plenty of forums here. I personally saw the girls room and thought that was great! As a poc, I wouldn't mind exchanging thoughts with other people who might have a better understanding of what I am going through. Creating affinity groups does not erase public forums nor do they exclude others. It's just a way to hopefully ensure that the people who post in them care about that specific thing.
    I will agree that sometimes, when I learn a person has a particular political view, it can be hard not to see that in everything they say. So this forum may not be the best place to discuss the happenings of the world. But that's not what an affinity group is. The girls group for example, doesn't post about unequal wages and gender discrimination. Although imo, a post about the dismissive nature of doctors towards women (Particularly women of color) and how that affects your journey could be more interesting then the standard "stalling" thread.
    EDIT to add: I'd also like to add that unfortunately people in underrepresented and marginalized communities can often be afraid to share their stories. Affinity groups allow a safe space to do that. Im sure everyone feels a little insecure when posting but some people have the added pressure of hoping not to be discriminated against, judged or isolated when engaging with larger groups.
  23. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from JKALLDAY in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    I might actually go to a friend from college's wedding in June instead of sending my usual gift and excuses.
  24. Thanks
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to SummerTimeGirl in Snacks on the go   
    I'm still new in this game but when I get around to being more regular with my diet I'm sure I will prepare myself (when out and about or on road trips) much like I did when I was doing Keto and have individual servings sizes of nuts/seeds, a package of Dukes meat Sticks (I think only has 1 gram of sugar), keep a few bags of stuff like cheese Whisps, cheese sticks (gotta bring as you go), spicy salami slices (gotta bring as you go), Quest chips, celery with some natural Peanut Butter, cucumber slices with some cream cheese and Everything But The Bagel seasoning, pickle chips, Pork rinds, etc.
  25. Haha
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to ms.sss in Alcohol during maintenance??   
    Saw that this thread was revived and figured I'd throw in an update 3 months later...
    Short Story: Yep, I am still drinking.
    Long Story: About 2 months ago, I noticed that I was sleeping poorly (increasing regular insomnia, if i did sleep, i would still wake up tired, I went from getting up bright up and bushy tailed at 6am to dragging myself out of bed closer to 10. I was getting more headaches.
    Mr. said it was because I was drinking too much...though he says this for EVERYTHING. I have a headache. You are drinking too much. My period is late. You are drinking too much. It's raining tomorrow. You are drinking too much.
    Anyhoo, he said why not cut down anyway and see what happens....for science? Ah! he knows me so well, any opportunity to create a new spreadsheet and make some observations over time! LOL. So I stopped drinking for 10 days (it was supposed to be a week, but I'm an over-achiever). By the 2nd night I had the most glorious sleep, and woke up like a Disney Princess with birds singing and everything. and by about day 4 my regular headaches were easing up. By the end of the 10 days they were gone.
    Well what the eff. The man may have been on to something (I'm never going to hear the end of this 🙄)
    So of course I wasn't going to stop drinking forever (I'm a realist as well). So I did a bit more experimenting (and tracking) and found that on those days that I drink at night, I would generally have poor sleep. I haven't yet figured out the cause of the headaches, but for now I'm going to lump it with the extended period of bad sleep before.
    So these days I try not to drink past 6pm if I am home. Though patios have opened up in my area so I may not be as home as often!
    And I suppose I'm just going to keep doing my thing until something comes up again that spurs me to do some re-evaluating and adjusting.
    Bonus Story: I have been smoke-free for 74 days. I was scheduled to get my 1st COVID vaccine shot and read about blot clots, so I figured I would try NOT to poke the bear and stop smoking a week before and 28 days after it just in case (because as we all know, smoking causes blot clots! why increase my chances?). Well after the 28 days, I figured hey, I don't miss smoking, so let's just not start again. So I didn't (yet!). #patsSelfOnTheBack.

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