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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to SleeverSk in Regrets...anyone?   
    That ( the restriction) truly depends on the person and the surgeon. It is different for everyone. I am 8 months po. Would I do the surgery again, I don't know, would I have lost weight without it probably not. Yes you will be able to eat a whole slice if pizza. I ate 3 slices of a small pizza in 1 sitting.
  2. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to ms.sss in An option for Hair Loss/Thinning Hair (for the pain-tolerant!)   
    Ok, I fully admit, I've become an addict of sorts to "appearance-enhancing" procedures since my first foray into plastics 2+ years ago (i got a Tummy Tuck, arm lift and breast lift back in Dec 2019)
    I am pretty confident i'm done with plastics (though ask me again in 10 years, as i may be of a different opinion, lol), but have had a whole bunch of non-surgery stuff done in the last little while: lash extensions, micro-needling, teeth whitening, botox (forhead and jaw), fillers (cheeks and laugh lines), and lib blushing (a natural looking-lip colour tattoo basically).
    Anyhoo...I digress...I actually wanted to share the latest thing I succumbed to: Scalp Micro Pigmentation (SMP).
    For those that are not familiar, its basically a process whereby a technician tattoos hundreds (thousands?) of tiny little dots all over your scalp to look like hair follicles, and give the appearance of hair density. The majority of SMP clients are men with already bald heads, as the results can be quite dramatic. But more and more women are getting it now, including me!
    HOWEVER. It EFFING hurts. I have tattoos on my butt and my forearm, and SMP hurts waaaaaaay more than those did.
    And, the sessions are LONG. 5-6 hours each (though I was told sessions are shorter for bald heads...when you have hair on your head already, esp long hair, it takes more time to manoeuvre around it).
    I cried for about 4 hours the first time, 12 minutes the second time, and no crying at all the last time. I guess I got used to it.
    So check out the before after video below. The vid on the left is me in all my scalp-showing glory. The vid on the right is me immediately after my second session (note that there are still large pigment dots and a few scab formations here). I had my third and final one last week and should be fully healed/final results in about a month. I am very pleased. Especially now that its all over!
    P.S. I also wanted to mention that my thinning hair was already an issue before WLS. Any hair that I lost after WLS came back eventually, and I reverted to my regular state of thin hair from pregnancy/childbirth. It's was all the Kid's fault.
    P.P.S. Btw, I tried to imbed this video smaller but couldn't figure it out! Sorry!

  3. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to learn2cook in An option for Hair Loss/Thinning Hair (for the pain-tolerant!)   
    Cool! I was already thinking of micro blading for the eyebrows and you answered my question about head hair.< /p>
  4. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from GreenTealael in My wife and gastric bypass struggles   
    Thanks for sharing this! It must have been awful to start experiencing these symptoms a year or so out of surgery. Whenever Im having a rough day, it helps me to think it only get better from here so I know that must have been mentally hard to handle.
    One of the things I hadn't thought too much about before my surgery is how it would affect my relationship. It definitely has. So thanks for sharing that. My fiance and I do a lot of things over food and so it hard when Im not eating as much. I think for him, it was hardest having to now make decisions about meals himself. He always asks what I want to eat when we order food for example and I really dont have a preference because I'm probably not going to eat anything. But on the bright side, he has learned to make his own meals to save the money and Im a much cheaper date! LOL.
    My friend who has been having a much rougher recovery than I have, has also been struggling in her relationship. Her S.O was very supportive in the beginning but she has been sick in one way or the other for a year now. She has had to have revision surgery and is constantly in the ER. Her S.O is just over it. Im glad you guys were able to make it through and now she can support you on your journey!
  5. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from GreenTealael in Regrets...anyone?   
    Wow. I thought the restrictions go away over time. I guess thats a good thing to still feel it 17 year later! Although I was looking forward to the day I could have a whole slice of pizza in the same time it takes everyone else to eat!
  6. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from GreenTealael in Regrets...anyone?   
    I haven't even reached my goal and it hasn't been super easy for me (especially now that I'm pregnant) but I only regret not doing it sooner! I really want to get breast reduction surgery next. Cant wait for that! I will say I wanted more immediate results. I fantasized about being "beach ready" 4 months after surgery and that didnt happen (the way I fantasized about it anyway). It's taken me a lot longer than I hoped to reach my goal and be "back to normal." I pretty much took a year off my social life then got pregnant so I still feel like Im on pause and under construction. But one day soon I know I'll be where I want to be! No regrets!
  7. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to thinblueline in My wife and gastric bypass struggles   
    Seventeen years ago my wife had GBS and for a while she was doing awesome she was losing the weight following her program eating only what was allowed and exercising this went on for at least 2-3 years then it all hit her between the eyes she was sick all the time throwing up and dumping pretty much everything she was eating she couldn't even drink the Protein Shakes the food was going right through her, our marriage was on the brink because we could not do anything as a couple because she had to stay close to the bathroom just in case, so one day i said you need to see a doctor and her being so sick this went on for about 6 months so we made the appt and the doctor said it was normal and to get some rest and just go back to eating like you did when you got out of the hospital , so she did and it got a little better and a little better than one night she looked at me and said " i didn't get sick today Hun" i didn't even realize it until she mentioned it so we agreed that maybe we should just stay with the shakes for a little while longer (3 or 4 more days) and try to eat something like ground up chicken she tried that and it stayed down basically a real long story but she started feeling much better and started eating better and the dr didn't know what it was but he said what all drs say when they don't have an answer " i don t know Mrs. Cooper" anyway all i cared about at that point in my life is my wife getting better nothing else to this day she still has bouts of dumping and getting sick nothing like those yrs ago , not even close , when she does get sick i think back to all those years ago i go right back there and lose focus on what's important and that's her and not me and how i feel it's about how she feels i can only imagine she must think not again, well i am going to end here cause i could go on but i would rather not rehash those horrible days seventeen yrs ago.

  8. Congrats!
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to Crystalmoon in Pregnant eight months after vsg   
    Hi everyone,

    I am pregnant after having vsg on June of last year. I am happy but also very nervous. Any of you like to share your experience with pregnancy after vsg. I just feel like this will be totally different from my last pregnancy because I am older and I now have the sleeve.

    Also I hear a lot of people saying that we’re told not to get pregnant until about 12 to 18 months post op. So I want comments from those who got pregnant sooner than that time frame as well.

    Thanks in advance!
  9. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to ashelaine in I've lost 15lbs since I got pregnant... wth?!   
    I was sleeved the same day 11/13/12. I was down to 145 (size 8ish- I'm 4'11) when I got my BFP in Sept. I too have lost weight since getting preggo (13lbs for me). Baby is growing completely on track and I too haven't gained much weight with my previous two pregnancies. I'm due may 20th and at the 20 week scan baby is perfectly healthy and actually showing almost a week ahead in measurements and my belly sure hasn't stayed little.

  10. Congrats!
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡ in Pregnancy after sleeve UPDATE   
    Hi All!
    Its been a while since I posted anything or been active. I found out in November that I was pregnant. I was 8 months out of surgery when I got pregnant. My fiance and I had just gotten engaged a few months before and were planning our wedding. So it was definitely a surprise! I was really nervous about proceeding with the pregnancy. I just knew I would be ready in just one more year (I've been saying that for the last 5 years!) BUT I was pregnant now, 33, in a great relationship, with a stable income, healthier then Ive been in a while and all out of excuses not to start my family. So my journey began...
    I am currently 23 weeks pregnant! This is my first pregnancy so I have nothing to compare it with but this has been my experience in case any of you find yourself in my situation.
    Its hard to find doctors who understand how VSG affects my pregnancy. They understand that I need to be monitored more but don't really get the nuances. One example; I was given this HUGE jug to collect my urine over 24 hours. When I returned it, I was told that they need AT LEAST 4X more urine than I had collected. They were convinced I didn't collect all my urine. I told them that was everything I had to give! They told me to drink more Water. Now this community knows how hard that task is. I still can not eat and drink at the same time. I also cant just drink a gallon of water in one go. It feels like a herculean task. I have tried 3 times and have still not filled this jug! I've learned that drinking tea increases my urine output so I have hope for my next attempt. I was really sick throughout my first and second trimester. I already had bad acid reflux before and after surgery and was taking omeprazole to relieve it. Turns out you can't take anything stronger than Tums while pregnant. So on top of the normal nausea, I felt the need to throw up to relieve my indigestion and heartburn. I started really hating food when everyone else kept trying to feed me more! I've been feeling better now though. I was allowed to take pepcid and it actually helps. Now, I have the desire to eat more but still cant eat more than a few bites of anything in one sitting. My food also takes forever to digest so I have to be really picky about what I eat. Fruits are my best friend! I kept my surgery a secret. My fiance and sister are the only ones I told about my VSG. So no one really gets why Im having a hard time eating more. They also keep wanting to see my belly but Im not sure how to explain my incisions. It feels too late to say anything now... so its awkward and more isolating than it could have been. But my family can be SUPER judgy so I think they would just find a way to make me feel bad about it and I don't need the added stress. I get to do more sonograms than your average mom to be. Because of my VSG and previous hypertension, I'm monitored more and have more doctor visits. I really don't mind! I love getting to see whats going on in there! So far so good... mostly. I keep expecting the docs to say my baby isn't growing or Im malnourished but that doesn't seem to be the case. Everything is progressing normally and baby looks good. They did mention that one of babys kidneys is not eliminating waste as it should. The other kidney is fine but they want to keep an eye on it. Of course we are worried but its actually pretty common and generally resolves itself. If it doesn't, there is a small procedure to fix it after birth (if necessary) so we are trying not to sweat it. I got Covid. I'm a teacher and as soon as the mask mandate was removed, I got COVID. Never mind that Ive been vaccinated, boosted and was still wearing my mask! Im actually recovering now. (SIDE NOTE: We seem to be having a second surge at my school. I wonder if any other teachers (or parents) have noticed that?) I was EXTREMELY sick the first week. I was lightheaded, coughing, full of mucus, achy and just couldn't get out of bed. I also couldn't take any medicines because of the pregnancy. My mom kept sending me home remedies but when I looked them up, there was always a warning for pregnant people. I just had to ride it out. Baby seems ok but I'll know more at my appointment next week. As far as my VSG goals... I was 195-200 lbs when I found out I was pregnant (SW:267) and had been stalled there for almost 2 months. I was getting a bit discouraged because my whole weight loss process had been so slow and felt harder for me than it seemed like it was for some people here. I also had a friend who had her VSG after me and had lost almost twice as much weight as I had so I knew it wasn't in my head. I started drinking again and sneaking in more cheat Snacks. When I found out I was pregnant, I cut out all alcohol and was really strict about making sure the little food I ate was good for baby. I dropped 20-25 more pounds. Im currently 175 lbs. I havent really gained any weight. Part of me is happy about that and still trying to get to my goal of 155 while pregnant. But I know I have to put on weight for baby. It's really a mind f**k. Doctors say the baby is growing normally so there isn't much to worry about... yet. Technically I'm still overweight and they don't recommend as much weight gain for overweight moms. Im entering my third trimester now and am supposed to put on 1-2 lbs a week. We'll see how that goes. Im still trending downwards... If you made it to the end, thanks for reading through this entire post. I hope it helps. I hope to update you with only good news in the weeks to come! Last note, I'm having a girl! So exciting!!! My VSG has definitely complicated things but I think we made the right decision and I am really excited about entering this next chapter of my life healthier than I have been in years!

  11. Congrats!
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡ in Pregnancy after sleeve UPDATE   
    Hi All!
    Its been a while since I posted anything or been active. I found out in November that I was pregnant. I was 8 months out of surgery when I got pregnant. My fiance and I had just gotten engaged a few months before and were planning our wedding. So it was definitely a surprise! I was really nervous about proceeding with the pregnancy. I just knew I would be ready in just one more year (I've been saying that for the last 5 years!) BUT I was pregnant now, 33, in a great relationship, with a stable income, healthier then Ive been in a while and all out of excuses not to start my family. So my journey began...
    I am currently 23 weeks pregnant! This is my first pregnancy so I have nothing to compare it with but this has been my experience in case any of you find yourself in my situation.
    Its hard to find doctors who understand how VSG affects my pregnancy. They understand that I need to be monitored more but don't really get the nuances. One example; I was given this HUGE jug to collect my urine over 24 hours. When I returned it, I was told that they need AT LEAST 4X more urine than I had collected. They were convinced I didn't collect all my urine. I told them that was everything I had to give! They told me to drink more Water. Now this community knows how hard that task is. I still can not eat and drink at the same time. I also cant just drink a gallon of water in one go. It feels like a herculean task. I have tried 3 times and have still not filled this jug! I've learned that drinking tea increases my urine output so I have hope for my next attempt. I was really sick throughout my first and second trimester. I already had bad acid reflux before and after surgery and was taking omeprazole to relieve it. Turns out you can't take anything stronger than Tums while pregnant. So on top of the normal nausea, I felt the need to throw up to relieve my indigestion and heartburn. I started really hating food when everyone else kept trying to feed me more! I've been feeling better now though. I was allowed to take pepcid and it actually helps. Now, I have the desire to eat more but still cant eat more than a few bites of anything in one sitting. My food also takes forever to digest so I have to be really picky about what I eat. Fruits are my best friend! I kept my surgery a secret. My fiance and sister are the only ones I told about my VSG. So no one really gets why Im having a hard time eating more. They also keep wanting to see my belly but Im not sure how to explain my incisions. It feels too late to say anything now... so its awkward and more isolating than it could have been. But my family can be SUPER judgy so I think they would just find a way to make me feel bad about it and I don't need the added stress. I get to do more sonograms than your average mom to be. Because of my VSG and previous hypertension, I'm monitored more and have more doctor visits. I really don't mind! I love getting to see whats going on in there! So far so good... mostly. I keep expecting the docs to say my baby isn't growing or Im malnourished but that doesn't seem to be the case. Everything is progressing normally and baby looks good. They did mention that one of babys kidneys is not eliminating waste as it should. The other kidney is fine but they want to keep an eye on it. Of course we are worried but its actually pretty common and generally resolves itself. If it doesn't, there is a small procedure to fix it after birth (if necessary) so we are trying not to sweat it. I got Covid. I'm a teacher and as soon as the mask mandate was removed, I got COVID. Never mind that Ive been vaccinated, boosted and was still wearing my mask! Im actually recovering now. (SIDE NOTE: We seem to be having a second surge at my school. I wonder if any other teachers (or parents) have noticed that?) I was EXTREMELY sick the first week. I was lightheaded, coughing, full of mucus, achy and just couldn't get out of bed. I also couldn't take any medicines because of the pregnancy. My mom kept sending me home remedies but when I looked them up, there was always a warning for pregnant people. I just had to ride it out. Baby seems ok but I'll know more at my appointment next week. As far as my VSG goals... I was 195-200 lbs when I found out I was pregnant (SW:267) and had been stalled there for almost 2 months. I was getting a bit discouraged because my whole weight loss process had been so slow and felt harder for me than it seemed like it was for some people here. I also had a friend who had her VSG after me and had lost almost twice as much weight as I had so I knew it wasn't in my head. I started drinking again and sneaking in more cheat Snacks. When I found out I was pregnant, I cut out all alcohol and was really strict about making sure the little food I ate was good for baby. I dropped 20-25 more pounds. Im currently 175 lbs. I havent really gained any weight. Part of me is happy about that and still trying to get to my goal of 155 while pregnant. But I know I have to put on weight for baby. It's really a mind f**k. Doctors say the baby is growing normally so there isn't much to worry about... yet. Technically I'm still overweight and they don't recommend as much weight gain for overweight moms. Im entering my third trimester now and am supposed to put on 1-2 lbs a week. We'll see how that goes. Im still trending downwards... If you made it to the end, thanks for reading through this entire post. I hope it helps. I hope to update you with only good news in the weeks to come! Last note, I'm having a girl! So exciting!!! My VSG has definitely complicated things but I think we made the right decision and I am really excited about entering this next chapter of my life healthier than I have been in years!

  12. Haha
  13. Hugs
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to ShoppGirl in Off the Wagon   
    It happens. I am only a year post op. Didn’t quite get to my goal weight and gained ten pounds back to boot. We are all just human. Try not to beat yourself up.
  14. Hugs
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to Megndanielle820 in Off the Wagon   
    Thank you. I guess I just need encouragement. I feel like the worst person ever and am so mad at myself
  15. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to msleo88 in Weight gain or standstill   
    Hey! So I'm still hanging in there. Weight loss is still very slow. I'm down 42lbs it's a daily war seems like but I figure some progress is better than none.

    Sent from my SM-A716U using BariatricPal mobile app

  16. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to sugarbee24 in Want to be a part of this site   
    I'm in a Facebook group and it seems very negative so far with lots of arguments. I think I'm going to just stay here where it's relatively positive and there is more real information and support.
  17. Congrats!
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from I♡BypassedMyPhatAss♡ in Pregnancy after sleeve UPDATE   
    Hi All!
    Its been a while since I posted anything or been active. I found out in November that I was pregnant. I was 8 months out of surgery when I got pregnant. My fiance and I had just gotten engaged a few months before and were planning our wedding. So it was definitely a surprise! I was really nervous about proceeding with the pregnancy. I just knew I would be ready in just one more year (I've been saying that for the last 5 years!) BUT I was pregnant now, 33, in a great relationship, with a stable income, healthier then Ive been in a while and all out of excuses not to start my family. So my journey began...
    I am currently 23 weeks pregnant! This is my first pregnancy so I have nothing to compare it with but this has been my experience in case any of you find yourself in my situation.
    Its hard to find doctors who understand how VSG affects my pregnancy. They understand that I need to be monitored more but don't really get the nuances. One example; I was given this HUGE jug to collect my urine over 24 hours. When I returned it, I was told that they need AT LEAST 4X more urine than I had collected. They were convinced I didn't collect all my urine. I told them that was everything I had to give! They told me to drink more Water. Now this community knows how hard that task is. I still can not eat and drink at the same time. I also cant just drink a gallon of water in one go. It feels like a herculean task. I have tried 3 times and have still not filled this jug! I've learned that drinking tea increases my urine output so I have hope for my next attempt. I was really sick throughout my first and second trimester. I already had bad acid reflux before and after surgery and was taking omeprazole to relieve it. Turns out you can't take anything stronger than Tums while pregnant. So on top of the normal nausea, I felt the need to throw up to relieve my indigestion and heartburn. I started really hating food when everyone else kept trying to feed me more! I've been feeling better now though. I was allowed to take pepcid and it actually helps. Now, I have the desire to eat more but still cant eat more than a few bites of anything in one sitting. My food also takes forever to digest so I have to be really picky about what I eat. Fruits are my best friend! I kept my surgery a secret. My fiance and sister are the only ones I told about my VSG. So no one really gets why Im having a hard time eating more. They also keep wanting to see my belly but Im not sure how to explain my incisions. It feels too late to say anything now... so its awkward and more isolating than it could have been. But my family can be SUPER judgy so I think they would just find a way to make me feel bad about it and I don't need the added stress. I get to do more sonograms than your average mom to be. Because of my VSG and previous hypertension, I'm monitored more and have more doctor visits. I really don't mind! I love getting to see whats going on in there! So far so good... mostly. I keep expecting the docs to say my baby isn't growing or Im malnourished but that doesn't seem to be the case. Everything is progressing normally and baby looks good. They did mention that one of babys kidneys is not eliminating waste as it should. The other kidney is fine but they want to keep an eye on it. Of course we are worried but its actually pretty common and generally resolves itself. If it doesn't, there is a small procedure to fix it after birth (if necessary) so we are trying not to sweat it. I got Covid. I'm a teacher and as soon as the mask mandate was removed, I got COVID. Never mind that Ive been vaccinated, boosted and was still wearing my mask! Im actually recovering now. (SIDE NOTE: We seem to be having a second surge at my school. I wonder if any other teachers (or parents) have noticed that?) I was EXTREMELY sick the first week. I was lightheaded, coughing, full of mucus, achy and just couldn't get out of bed. I also couldn't take any medicines because of the pregnancy. My mom kept sending me home remedies but when I looked them up, there was always a warning for pregnant people. I just had to ride it out. Baby seems ok but I'll know more at my appointment next week. As far as my VSG goals... I was 195-200 lbs when I found out I was pregnant (SW:267) and had been stalled there for almost 2 months. I was getting a bit discouraged because my whole weight loss process had been so slow and felt harder for me than it seemed like it was for some people here. I also had a friend who had her VSG after me and had lost almost twice as much weight as I had so I knew it wasn't in my head. I started drinking again and sneaking in more cheat Snacks. When I found out I was pregnant, I cut out all alcohol and was really strict about making sure the little food I ate was good for baby. I dropped 20-25 more pounds. Im currently 175 lbs. I havent really gained any weight. Part of me is happy about that and still trying to get to my goal of 155 while pregnant. But I know I have to put on weight for baby. It's really a mind f**k. Doctors say the baby is growing normally so there isn't much to worry about... yet. Technically I'm still overweight and they don't recommend as much weight gain for overweight moms. Im entering my third trimester now and am supposed to put on 1-2 lbs a week. We'll see how that goes. Im still trending downwards... If you made it to the end, thanks for reading through this entire post. I hope it helps. I hope to update you with only good news in the weeks to come! Last note, I'm having a girl! So exciting!!! My VSG has definitely complicated things but I think we made the right decision and I am really excited about entering this next chapter of my life healthier than I have been in years!

  18. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to kate_0329 in Pregnant   
    (2018) I was around 211 when I got pregnant and delivered at 240. I still had elevated blood pressure throughout my pregnancy. I also did have gestional diabetes so I was induced at 37 weeks & 3days. With my second(2020) I was 220 when I got pregnant and delivered at 240 again. He is now 14 months and I'm 139lbs. So it did take me a lot longer to loose the weight, but I was only 22 when I got the surgery. I don't regret taking longer to loose the weight.
  19. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from huskymama in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    Wearing shorts without chaffing... much 😁. I cant wait not to chafe at all!!!
  20. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from TheRealPennyD in Does anyone know why we shouldn't have coffee?   
    Thank you all for your responses! I'm drinking coffee as I type! Lol. I've never had too bad of a coffee habit. Just 1 cup in the morning gets me through the day. I'm deciding to have it. Thanks!
  21. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from lizonaplane in Teachers out there... (or anyone with stressful jobs)   
    Yeah it hasn't been as bad as I thought it was going to be. I just make sure to go during my breaks whether or not I feel the urge and so far it's been OK. I did cut out coffee recently so maybe that helped.
  22. Thanks
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to Arancini in Teachers out there... (or anyone with stressful jobs)   
    I‘m not a teacher but I do have a very busy week, where I face similar issues. I know it‘s not good but there have been many days, where I just had one meal a day… 😬 In the morning I feel too nauseous to get anything down, then I‘m busy all day and when I get home I just want something quick. My go to has been feta cheese with Tomato and/or cucumber or buffalo mozzarella with air fried pumpkin. Do you have an air fryer? I find its the quickest and easiest thing to do. Or maybe - if you‘re cooking for multiple people - pop something in the slow cooker so when you get home it‘s good and ready? I also add tasteless Protein powder to my tea / black coffee. Getting one that also dissolves in hot foods/liquids was such a good investment!! Other than that I can only think of shrimp (super high protein for the calories and easy/quick to make), Skyr Yoghurt or tuna (I dont like the can stuff though).
    Good luck!! And thank you for still showing up and teaching despite all this crazy going on!

  23. Thanks
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to ColieCallwell in Teachers out there... (or anyone with stressful jobs)   
    I'm not a teacher, but have a high stress job that is all consuming. For me, planning and prepping has been key. I work out early in the morning before work, just in my garage. We have a nice setup for working out that we've accumulated over the last year or so. There are a ton of online resources for at home workouts, just find one you like.

    I was in the habit of having a cocktail after work before WLS. Now I drink 8 oz of the 5 cal cranberry juice and that makes me feel like I'm having a treat when I get home.

    Our meals at night are some sort of easy Protein (baked chicken or fish, or steaks on the grill) and some sort of vegetable usually sauteed or roasted. It's easy cooking and easy cleanup. We did do Factor for a while, but I got tired of not having fresh food for dinner, (and those particular meals are high calorie/high fat).

    For lunches, I try to find single serve pre-packaged things. I found single serve chicken salad at Wal-Mart. I also like the flaked salmon in the pouch, I mix that with a spinach dip I found at costco that's made with greek yogurt. I usually just make a Protein Shake for Breakfast so I can drink it while on my way to work.

    I bought a water bottle that lights up to remind me to drink. So, far it's working, kind of! I also am not guaranteed bathroom breaks, so have had no shame in wearing a pad when I know I won't be able to get to a bathroom.

    It is SO FRICKIN HARD! to work and stay on top of these things! I feel you! You are doing a great job, and thank you for taking care of our kids!

    Sent from my SM-N976V using BariatricPal mobile app

  24. Thanks
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to lizonaplane in Teachers out there... (or anyone with stressful jobs)   
    I don't drink as much when I'm on site (I work some days from home but most days I'm traveling so on planes and hotels and hospitals), but I still get my liquids in and even with 60-80oz of liquid a day, I don't have to go to the bathroom more than two or three times during my 8 hour day (obviously I pee before and after a few times). Artificial sweeteners, caffeine, coffee, and tea are bladder irritants so you may find you need to pee less frequently if you avoid those. I drink lots of tea with splenda and I still don't have to pee every 30 minutes.
    Check with your doctor, but also, you can get an accommodation if you need to use the bathroom more frequently or drink during class. The school legally has to provide this - ADA laws.
  25. Congrats!
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to PuraVida37 in Teachers out there... (or anyone with stressful jobs)   
    Teacher here--things that are working well for me:
    I pack my breakfast and lunch the night before. For breakfast, which I eat on the 25 min drive to school, I have a hard-boiled egg with salt and pepper, 3 triscuits, and a few grapes. For lunch I vary it more--could be cottage cheese, deli meat and cheese, tuna pouch, or roast chicken and veg, hummus, etc. I usually don't have time for Snacks, but I do keep a stash of nuts and other things in case I forget my lunch or need something. I also keep Protein Shakes there too. I have a note from my doctor so I can keep a mini-fridge in my classroom for medical reasons. dinner at home is the only thing I leave undecided, but usually I make something over the weekend and portion out so when I'm exhausted at the end of the day then I don't have to think about it.
    To encourage me to drink, I have a 32 oz bottle of Water that I fill the night before also, and usually add Crystal Light to it. My goal is to finish it by the time I get home--and frequently it's half full still when I start my drive home.
    I set timers for everything--to remind me to take my Vitamins, to drink, to eat lunch, etc. because if I don't, it won't happen.
    My 30 day pill organizer is perfect for grab and go when I set up my foods the night before. I never forget them anymore.
    It's time we teachers practice self care, and if it means I don't get to everything on my work list, so be it. I've given so much of my life to those kids. I deserve to take care of ME now. And actually it makes me a better teacher.
    (I still struggle with getting enough exercise, but I got myself a smart watch that counts steps, so I try to get to 7000 each day at the very least. I'm trying to do a little yoga before bed, too.)

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