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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    XtinaDoesIt reacted to HeatherE in Boyfriend rant about food...   
    It’s not being selfish or greedy. If you had plenty of regular food you could share, would you? This is not about not wanting him to have something... it’s about making sure you have what you need.
    They may be slow learners... but when they understand, they do learn and wouldn’t think twice. If not, you don’t want to be with someone who can’t empathize.
    I’m also a slow eater, so it happened all the time in the past where someone would take my food. I wouldn’t share with people unless we got two plates and split the food equally.
    It may be helpful to have one shelf with No Sharing foods so BF knows what is fair game.
  2. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to mswillis5 in Is your partner normal weight or heavy? How does this affect you?   
    Before surgery, I was the one who caused my wife to have bad eating habits. I would always bring home donuts or ice cream or junk food. I have vastly improved with bringing junk foods home since my wife and I both had surgery and are definitely working on making much better food choices. I used to eat ice cream almost daily before surgery and it has very little appeal now after surgery.
    Editing to include my 11 year old daughter.
    My daughter is larger for her "defined" age based size. She was in the 94th percentile for height and 75th for weight at her annual check-up last month. Since we started not buying as much junk food, she has thinned out a bit and even her grandmother noticed that she was losing a bit of weight. She is also growing taller and is almost 5ft tall already, so that could explain a bit of this as well. We are not putting her on a diet but she is eating what we eat. Since we are eating healthier and don't have that much junk food in the house, I feel that this is going to improve her life for the better as well.
  3. Haha
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to The Greater Fool in Today's Rant: Bariatric Surgery Lies   
    All things in moderation, including moderation.

  4. Haha
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to HeatherE in Boyfriend rant about food...   
    I totally understand! I’m the same way. My husband buys my food and knows not to touch it. He did the same thing as your boyfriend when we met until I explained nicely, flipped out when he did it anyway, and now it’s not worth it to him to touch it because he knows what will happen (haha).

    I’m happy to share some things, but other things are just mine.
  5. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from Jaelzion in Boyfriend rant about food...   
    That's true. Maybe I'll make an online order with him and allow him to pick his Snacks and then we can split it. That way I can say we brought our own snacks. Honestly, the money as not as big of the problem (although it is a factor). It's really just that everything is done when by the time I want some.
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    XtinaDoesIt reacted to Creekimp13 in Boyfriend rant about food...   
    This would be a terrific conversation to have with a bariatric therapist, IMO. Wondering what mine would say?
  7. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to Jaelzion in Boyfriend rant about food...   
    Uh no, you shouldn't get over yourself, you should set some boundaries! As a WLS patient, you have particular requirements for your food. It's unkind and unfair to eat all your food knowing that you will then be left with nothing to eat. If he absolutely loves your bariatric foods, that's great - he should contribute to the cost and then you guys can buy enough for the two of you. Problem solved!
  8. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to WishMeSmaller in Boyfriend rant about food...   
    Hubby knows he is only allowed to eat a bit of my high Protein Snacks (he usually asks). The main one is my Built Protein Bars. He could easily eat one or two per day. Instead he has 1-2 per week, which I am ok with. I just make sure he has plenty of the foods and snacks he likes, so he stays away from my stuff. 😆
  9. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to HealthyLifeStyle in Boyfriend rant about food...   
    If I was the one buying all the groceries, and then is also paying for the more expensive Protein Snacks, I would be pissed too. Did you calmly explain to him that you prefer for him not to eat your "special" snacks. I think if you approach it in the right way, he would understand. If not, then he better kick in some money. LOL
    Hubby, and I always used to eat off each others plates, and it never bothered me. Now since my WLS we eat separate meals. He doesn't like most of the stuff I eat, so it's not a problem.
  10. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to kristieshannon in OOTD   
    Two in one day! My husband and I flew down to Phoenix to visit a friend in her new retirement home. Dinner out tonight at an amazing steak house, and I’m loving the opportunity to show off the new bod ❤️

  11. Hugs
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to SummerTimeGirl in Bummed/Crying Off and On All Day   
    So yesterday I had my blood work done. Of course as results are coming in online I'm looking and I see some things I expected like the high cholesterol. I see under the COMPREHENSIVE METABOLIC PANEL my Glucose was 121, high of course, but when looking online it says between 100 and 125 is considered prediabetic. So I was still hopeful. But then my A1C test came in this morning and the Estimated Average Glucose was 146 and my A1C is now 6.7!!!!
    In 2019 it was 6 and in 2017 it was 6.1. I have been in tears all day cause one, I didn't want this to happen and two, I worry this will prevent me from getting the surgery (is there a certain number you need to be at/under beforehand?). Fear of becoming diabetic was a HUGE factor in why I finally decided to get the surgery and yet, here we are. Sigh
    None of my doctors have called me yet to discuss these results so, not sure what's gonna happen now. Just sick over this.
  12. Haha
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to Creekimp13 in What are BEST side effects of WLS for you besides the WL?   
    This one is kinda messed up and I have mixed feelings about it.
    Strangers treat you better.
    Isn't that sad? But it's true.
    Men hold the door, say hello, run over to help you do things.
    I was loading giant bricks of bottled Water into my car trunk the other day and some random dude jogged over and asked to help. Same dude would have NEVER helped me when I weighed 270...and when I was 270 I needed the help a hell of a lot more than I do now. But there he was...Mr. White Knight, slaying my Ice Mountain Spring Water, talking to my boobs. LOL. You really do forget that crap like that used to happen....until it happens again and it strikes you as ridiculous.
    Medical staff do listen better.
    Customer service is better if you have a question or need something anywhere you go.
    It says something very icky about the world....when being just a little more attractive....gives you agency and priority.
    Bleh! But on a happier note!
    I love being able to try on tall boots and zipping them right up without having to look for "wide calf"
    Being able to sit in booths in restaurants without squishing myself in there with a shoe horn. Oh, and being able to get out of them helps, too. LOL
    Here's a weird one. I take a certain pleasure in throwing half my meal away. This probably sounds awful, too, (because it's wasteful and I do try to take leftovers home when possible) but there's a freedom in it. There's a freedom in honestly not feeling obligated to order fries because I'm stopping at McDonald's. LOL. Who knew you could just order coffee and be happy with that? I like feeling like I control food and not the other way around. That's an amazing feeling. Like that first time I found one of my husband's candy bars...and instead of eating it secretly in the bathroom, I put it on a plate, sliced it up into a million little slices, had a couple, and left most of it on the counter....and actually felt good about that. Like, that felt normal...my new normal. That's a great feeling. No denial. No binge. Just....I'm gonna have a bite or two and leave it because I can and I want to. That's new...and it's freedom.
    Another odd one. Feeling like I deserve pretty underwear. Never wanted to be seen naked or near naked...so bought cheapo ugly utilitarian undewear. Now, I get a certain twisted pleasure out of getting the super pretty more expensive stuff...cause even though my body isn't remotely without flaws or extra skin or scars and stuff...I feel like it's not that bad. I want the jewel tone pretty stuff now. My underwear drawer cracks me up and makes me feel weirdly pretty. Some very cool stuff in there!
    Being able to shave my legs and trim and paint my toenails effortlessly.
    NO MORE HEMORRHOIDS! Woohoo!!!! Things are looking (and feeling) brand new in that particular area. TMI, I know...but it's a truly wonderful thing to have fixed:)

  13. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to kristieshannon in What are BEST side effects of WLS for you besides the WL?   
    -No more blood pressure meds
    -No more CPAP
    -Buying cute clothes that I like, not just what fits me
    -I can wear high heals again without my feet being in severe pain within minutes
    -No red face and huffing & puffing with the smallest bit of exertion
    -More confidence in general
    -I can fit comfortably in a kayak, canoe, and airplane seat.
    So much more. Life is good.
  14. Haha
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to Arabesque in All the sounds my stomach makes...   
    Gurgles, groans, moans, burbles, whines, ... I swear I have a poltergeist inside just without the rattling chains.
    Does it more often when I eat dairy but can also do it late at night when I haven’t eaten for hours. Though, I have to admit it’s not quite as frequent now. Hilarious it did it just now as I was writing this. 😆😆😆
  15. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to PuraVida37 in Any teachers out there?   
    I teach HS and also plan to get sleeved the Friday before Spring Break. That will give me 9 full days to recover (I'll see where I'm at after that). When I had my lap band, I had surgery on Monday and was back at school teaching on Friday (yes, I kind of regretted that), but like @billho I didn't want people to notice. I had fibbed and said I was getting a hernia repair. I don't know what my fib will be this time, but I don't plan on telling. Some teachers are gossipy and judgemental that I just don't even want to deal with them. Do any of you feel that way? I don't want anyone's pity, and I don't deal well when people are too nice either. Just let me do my thing.
  16. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to Cyt in Any teachers out there?   
    I teach at a middle school. I had surgery on February 9th planning to take tues through Friday that week off completely and then teach remotely the following week. I was going to return 2 weeks after surgery. I knew in that second week that wasn’t going to happen. Everybody heals at different paces and I ended up back in ER due to increased heart rate, etc. My dr and I decided I needed to wait a month. So I did (am) continue to teach remotely and will go back this week in person- 1 month after surgery. Our in person is a hybrid of teaching online and in person kids at same time like many schools this year during covid. It’s exhausting without healing from surgery let alone after a major abdominal surgery. I am very thankful I did not attempt to go back in person at 2 weeks. I am much more ready at 4 weeks than I was 2 weeks ago.
  17. Haha
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to Creekimp13 in All the sounds my stomach makes...   
    Three years out....stomach still sounds like deep Water sea creatures mating.
  18. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from SummerTimeGirl in Diet changes leading up to surgery   
    WOW! You seem like you've got this! All I did prior was cut back on alcohol. I think if you can manage those changes you'll be better off than I was and I'm doing alright!
    The only thing I can think of is to try out recipe's and new Snacks that are post surgery friendly so that you already have an idea of what you like. Also trying to reduce your sugar intake (drink less juice, soda etc.). I actually found that I love crystal lite...
  19. Like
    XtinaDoesIt got a reaction from SummerTimeGirl in Diet changes leading up to surgery   
    WOW! You seem like you've got this! All I did prior was cut back on alcohol. I think if you can manage those changes you'll be better off than I was and I'm doing alright!
    The only thing I can think of is to try out recipe's and new Snacks that are post surgery friendly so that you already have an idea of what you like. Also trying to reduce your sugar intake (drink less juice, soda etc.). I actually found that I love crystal lite...
  20. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to Shanell in Scared to have surgery!   
    Give it God!! I don't know your beliefs but I will be praying for your comfort in this time and that he gives a settle mind. You got this!!!! Your doing this for YOU and YOUR HEALTH you don't have room for negative thoughts, negative thoughts didn't get you this far YOU GOT THIS!!!!!! YOU CAN DO IT. BLESSINGS

    Sent from my SM-S515DL using BariatricPal mobile app

  21. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to NewMe_2021 in Diet changes leading up to surgery   
    Curious what changes (if any) folks made to their diet while waiting for their surgery date?
    I'm trying to make some changes now so adjusting to a new lifestyle won't be quite as dramatic after surgery. I want to set myself up for success as much as possible. So far I have done the following:
    - cut way back on my coffee (only one cup caffeinated every other day)
    - Water intake up to 100 ounces a day
    - tracking my food and limiting carbs to less than 120g a day
    - trying to teach myself to eat 5 times a day instead of 3 (this has been a big change because I had finally gotten used to only eating 3 times a day...my new program wants folks eating 5 times a day so something is eaten every 3-4 hours)
    - focusing on Protein first
    - cut fast food down to 2 times a week
    - cut out alcohol
    - adding in walks, though not consistently yet
    Any thing else I can do to help prepare myself more for this new lifestyle?

  22. Haha
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to Jaelzion in I can't stay off the Scales!!   
    I step on the scale with PJs and slippers on and as long as my weight falls into the normal range I'm good with that. But if my weight is so high or so low that it's on the edge of my maintenance window, then I'll undress, take off my slippers off etc. so I can get a more precise number, LOL. 😁
  23. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to Creekimp13 in I can't stay off the Scales!!   
    When I weigh myself, I have to get completely naked and try to pee first. LOL. I have been an obsessive weigher. These days, I do it once a week. Monday mornings. After I pee, before coffee. I wonder if anyone else has weird rituals?
  24. Hugs
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to Suzi_the_Q in I hate food....   
    I'm 6 weeks post op and no matter what I eat, I feel ill. I hate food now. I never want to eat anymore, I'm barely able to eat anything.When I eat, it hurts. When I drink (sip!), it hurts. I get dry heaves almost daily. I'm having a hard time meeting my macros, my meds make me feel sick too. Haven't met with my (b***h) doctor yet- she has the worst bedside manner I have EVER encountered! I do not feel confident or comfortable talking to her at all about my issues. I've even tried switching to another program but that "just isn't done." I hope this passes, I feel so hopeless rn.
  25. Like
    XtinaDoesIt reacted to Shava in Sleeve Diet for those who don't cook   
    I have a big family, but I stopped cooking after my surgery [emoji23]. I think I've only cook soft tofu as ground meat with a bit of marinara sauce to pour over zucchini Pasta (frozen small bag Green Giant). The left overs from the tofu I used them to stuff a small Creppini (egg crepes from Sam's) and 3 slices of small pepperoni. I always keep cheese, tofu, refried Beans, canned tuna, canned chicken, cottage and eggs handy. And different sauces, Buffalo, marinara, Korean BBQ. I mix and match depending on what I feel eating. Today I got sushi grade salmon (2-3 oz, full with half) and seaweed, and pretend I'm eating sushi. I'm only texture food phase. My baby stomach feels better with smushy food.
    Boyfriend loves to eat outside, I always have left overs that last for days. Thai tofu tom yum Soup. Vietnamese Pho, substitute the noddles with bean sprouts.  

    Sent from my SM-F707U1 using BariatricPal mobile app

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