New to the forum ad this is my first post. Sorry its so long but I need some help from ppl who have already had the Gastric Sleeve.
As of today I am 3 & a 1/2 weeks post op. I had my first follow up with the Dr. 2 weeks ago and will have the second follow up next week.
I am past the clear liquid & full liquid phases and stated to move to more solid food. Here's my problem my Dr says I am progressing normally but I'm not sure.
I would get heartburn occasionally prior to surgery but a few tums would take care of it.
I am taking the vitamins and gerd medicine as directed with no issues.
Since the first day of surgery I could feel like whatever i drank even the small sips would sit in my throat, then go down a little at a time and my stomach would "pinch".
I also had this when I moved to full liquids and now to soft foods.
I can eat something like really soft mashed potatoes, yogurt, whipped cottage cheese or farina and mostly can hold them down. I have vomited a few times but i think its because the food is in the esophagus sliding up and down and its nauseating.
When I do "eat" it is only a few tablespoons max and the whole time I feel like the food sits in my throat and doesn't go all the way down, I get back pain in the middle of my back at my bra line and the food hurts in my stomach. I feel like I have to burp and its not air its whatever I've consumed coming back up.
I don't have fever or shortness of breath, I don't get weak just nauseated by this liquid/food that doesn't go down and just sits.
Did/Does anyone else have this problem?