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Status Updates posted by keisha85

  1. hiya, just to let you know how it went, it went really well, i was walking 3 hours after coming round and the nurses were really pleased and half surprised at that. but it really helped with the shoulder pain.

    one thing i will say is get yourself some disolveable paracetamol before you go in as i was not sent home with any painkillers, just antibiotics and anti-clotting injections so was in pain yesterday but now i am taking that every 4 hours i am absolutly fine. and slept in my bed all night last night, woke twice because i was thirsty.

    hope this settles any nerves you might have, and i am willing to answer any questions


  2. hiya

    it went great, the nurse's were surprise that i was up and walking down the corridor 3 hours after id come round, but it really does help with the gas pain in my shoulders, so i did it everytime i needed to. the people i went with always do an overnight stay, and i was glad of that as i needed some IV paracetamol, which made it able for me to sleep, it was the port pain (which is very high up, close to my breast bone) that was really hurting. i was officially discharged by the surgeon at 5pm on the operation day as the nurses had let him know how well i was doing, so lef tthe hospital at 9am on saturday morning. one thing i will say is that they did not send me home with pain relief, so make sure you have some dissolveable paracetamol as i did not have any until about 6pm and was in agony. very thankful to my friend who went out and got some. apart from that it is the easiest thing, so there is no need to be nervous at all. i slept in my own bed all of last night, only waking up because i was thirsty and my sister was talking in her sleep! any other questions you want to ak, feel free.


  3. hi

    it will probably arrive quicker then you think, as i tried not to count how many days and suddenly 10 days came up so fast and now im down to 4! when i wake up it will be 3! im not a little scared as those numbers are now tiny, but i am so ready for this, as you say you are. i will certainly let you know how i am getting on. i cant wait to be one of the people who post on the surgery day stories thread!!!

  4. hi

    sorry its taken me so long to get back to you, forgot i had to check the PM's with out an email notification, will have to change that!!

    how are you feeling about your op? i cant wait for mine, even though i will be so nervous the night before

  5. thank you for your well wishes. have a great time when you are away and try not to stress to much about your pre-opdiet


  6. hi. the count down is on for the first of september for you!!


  7. hi, how are you? i had my pre-op appointment yesterday and it sunk in it was actually me that was having this done, not some one else. did you go through that stage?

  8. hiya,

    the appointments with the nurse should not be a problem, and therefore i will not have to see the as much, however, i obviously do have go for fills with him. i have my pre-op blood work etc on tues, so am going to mention it again, and also take the academic diary with me, in the hope that i can be booked in before the 2 week notice period they normally ask for. you dont realise that there's so much to think about, like i was going to put some nail varnish on this mroning, and i have to remember to make sure it is all of efore i have my op. have you got those thought of things to remember?

  9. figured it out! computers are great when you know what you are doing aren't they?!!

  10. hiya,

    i have seen your friend request, but when i press add, it does not seem to do anything. do you know how to make it work?

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