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Status Updates posted by keisha85

  1. im fine thanx, thats not good about your pain meds. but hopefully you will not need them soon any way as i havent taken any since day 3 morning.

    i had stitches out yesterday and am alot more comfortable as they were pulling. hopefully you will recover as quick as i have.


  2. new 'me's' are something so good to look forward arent they?!

    im on mushies, but soup is part of all the stages, so i am having soup for my lunch, yoghurt for my breakfast and then having 1tbsp pureed chicken, 1tbsp pureed potato and caarrot for my evening meal.

    i can start soft food tomorrow, but i will start on saturday, looking forward to having scrambled egg, rice and peas the most!!!

    my first fill isnt booked yet, i see the nurse again a week tomorrow, and i will be weighed and measured then. its estimated that my first fill will be the end of september. as my surgeon doesnt do them until 8 weeks. however, even though i am on mushies, i am still never hungry. so maybe i will be someone who only needs one fill or maybe me being hungry will suddenly arrive!!

    hope your ok

  3. not sure what happened with my first attempt, but will try again!!

    thank you for the comments on my pics, thought it would hopefully lesson the nervousness of people if they aw how quickly my incisions were healing.

    i can believe the difference in my face already, especially as my chin has started going, thought that would take a while. we ar all going to look like different people in a years time!!!

    hope you are ok


  4. thank you for your well wishes. have a great time when you are away and try not to stress to much about your pre-opdiet


  5. thanx for the good idea, im off to see the nurse tomorrow, so i will get some calpol on the way there. hope you are getting sorted and the nerves havent got to you too much


  6. figured it out! computers are great when you know what you are doing aren't they?!!

  7. hi, how are you? i had my pre-op appointment yesterday and it sunk in it was actually me that was having this done, not some one else. did you go through that stage?

  8. hiya, how are you? thought i would see how you were getting on with. sarah

  9. hiya, sorry ive not got back to you sooner, forgot to check this bit of the forum. its good to hear you ae feeling better. the discomfort will go and then you can get on with your life again. hows the liquids going?

  10. hope you are ok? i seen youve been on here whilst i havent. keep sipping!!

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