Hi all,
just wanting a general opinion or what happened to yourselves, I had my band put in on the 1st august last year and before my fill last week I had lost 42lbs. I lost it very quickly, but had to wait for ages for a band fill, since november when my nurse said i was ready for one. I had this done on monday afternoon and as I was leaving the radiographer said that I needed to be on liquids for 10 days, I am now half way through day 4 and getting very bored and desperately want to chew something, whatever it might be. What I was wondering was how long you were on liquids for after your fill, I don't know how big my band is, but do know it has 2ml in it. After my op I was on cler liquids for 48 hours, liquids for 3-4 days, mushies for a fortnight and then normal food. I just had some thick Soup for lunch and definately feel restricted.
Any thoughts, suggestions would be great.