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About keisha85

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    Expert Member
  • Birthday 05/26/1985

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  1. hiya,

    i lost 3lbs over the weekend, but havent weighed myself since, keep forgetting to do it in the morning before i get dressed, as ive been tired this week. i looked in the cookbooks just now and there are some nice things, but ive got to work out the quantities for one person or do the things that can be frozen, like the meatballs. seems like alot of ingrediants though, but my shopping list is long this week, with lots of variation, so ive, for example, got one onion and 2 oranges. trying to make it as varied as i can as my head is now complaining it wants food when im not hungry, so need to make my diet as varied as i possible can. people in the office had donoughts today and cake 2 days ago, its not normally that type of an office, unless it is someones birthday, but has been in this last week. think that is why my head is going mad!!

    hope you are ok, only a few more days to go. are you on liquids?

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