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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by keisha85

  1. hi

    this morning i had somehow gained another 3lbs, so im not sure how that happened, i thought i would have put some weight on over the weekend, but i didnt, unless it was a delayed reaction.

    im going to go on liquids for a bit to re start what im doing.

  2. hiya

    that was quick for a first fill, it was never going to be before the begining of october, however, i only eat tiny ammounts as i have alot of restriciton apart from at lunch time. but i still have to eat very slowly, otherwise i get ill, it sticks in the back of my throat and really hurts.

    how much have you lost? ive lost 35lbs in 5 weeks.


  3. hiya, how are you? thought i would see how you were getting on with. sarah

  4. hiya, sorry ive not got back to you sooner, forgot to check this bit of the forum. its good to hear you ae feeling better. the discomfort will go and then you can get on with your life again. hows the liquids going?

  5. hiya, hope you are recovering ok and your trip to belgium went smoothly.

    welcome to the world of being a banster. it does get easier after the first week

  6. hi,

    how are you? how are you feeling about tomorrow? the best of luck for it. im sure you will be fine.



  7. hiya,

    i lost 3lbs over the weekend, but havent weighed myself since, keep forgetting to do it in the morning before i get dressed, as ive been tired this week. i looked in the cookbooks just now and there are some nice things, but ive got to work out the quantities for one person or do the things that can be frozen, like the meatballs. seems like alot of ingrediants though, but my shopping list is long this week, with lots of variation, so ive, for example, got one onion and 2 oranges. trying to make it as varied as i can as my head is now complaining it wants food when im not hungry, so need to make my diet as varied as i possible can. people in the office had donoughts today and cake 2 days ago, its not normally that type of an office, unless it is someones birthday, but has been in this last week. think that is why my head is going mad!!

    hope you are ok, only a few more days to go. are you on liquids?

  8. hiya

    ive not had a proper look in the cookbook yet, so not got any ideas yet.

    sounds like your very organised-good for you!


  9. hiya, i am virtually normal foods now, but i want to get use to them before he comes. had a small jacket potato for my lunch, some tuna and peas.

    have you got everything organised? i was making list after list at the stage you are!!!

  10. hiya, hope you are ok

    thanx for the suggestions, its not going to be an issue now until the 18th sept as he is not coming and they are then giong to australia til then.

    are you counting down the days?!


  11. hiya, me again.

    i will let you know some of the recipes if they are nice once i get my books. my dad foned 2nite to say he was probably going to come and stay with me at some point next week, he lives 500 miles away, so will be staying ova nite. only problem is he doesnt know anything about what ive done, any suggestions?

    ive completly forgot what you wrote, so im sorry if there was something i needed to answer. i will have a look again in a min!!


  12. hi

    im not sure how many calories i am having at the mo, the protein drinks are 200, the yoghurt is 121 cals and 220 in the soup, but i think that is the full tin and i have half.

    so yes, something like 500. might be a bit more now im havign pureed stuff for tea.

    i have just bought myself a couple of lapband cook books, have been warned they are a bit fiddly, especially one of them. but i like cooking, so it will be nice to be a bit fiiddly. also as my food shopping is costing about ?10 a week instead of ?40, i can splash out on some nice posh food sometimes!!!

    id better go and start pureeing my chicken for my tea, bye for now


    i remember what i was going to put!! was bout shopping bill, it was ?5 for the last fortnight, but think it will stabilise where it is at now, the chicken is 400g, this use to last me 4 days, a chicken breast a day, maybe 2 if i was starving, but it is now lasting forever, in its 25g pieces in the freezer!!! when i was cutting them up they looked tiny, but now its just rite.

  13. new 'me's' are something so good to look forward arent they?!

    im on mushies, but soup is part of all the stages, so i am having soup for my lunch, yoghurt for my breakfast and then having 1tbsp pureed chicken, 1tbsp pureed potato and caarrot for my evening meal.

    i can start soft food tomorrow, but i will start on saturday, looking forward to having scrambled egg, rice and peas the most!!!

    my first fill isnt booked yet, i see the nurse again a week tomorrow, and i will be weighed and measured then. its estimated that my first fill will be the end of september. as my surgeon doesnt do them until 8 weeks. however, even though i am on mushies, i am still never hungry. so maybe i will be someone who only needs one fill or maybe me being hungry will suddenly arrive!!

    hope your ok

  14. hi,

    its ok took me a while to remember to check this part of my profile. how are you feeling? i am at work, on lunch break with my soup in front of me, everyone else is having roast from the canteen :(

    hope you are ok and glad you made the decision


  15. hi

    i saw you are from the uk, so thought i would say hi. i am just outside reading and have been banded for 11 days. what stage are you at etc?


  16. not sure what happened with my first attempt, but will try again!!

    thank you for the comments on my pics, thought it would hopefully lesson the nervousness of people if they aw how quickly my incisions were healing.

    i can believe the difference in my face already, especially as my chin has started going, thought that would take a while. we ar all going to look like different people in a years time!!!

    hope you are ok


  17. im fine thanx, thats not good about your pain meds. but hopefully you will not need them soon any way as i havent taken any since day 3 morning.

    i had stitches out yesterday and am alot more comfortable as they were pulling. hopefully you will recover as quick as i have.


  18. hope you are ok? i seen youve been on here whilst i havent. keep sipping!!

  19. hi

    wounds are healing up fine, i am only bruised on the one that is very high up. the rest arent bothering my any more but stupid me has managed to twist something in my ribs yesterday on the way home from the nurse's appointment!! im not normally acident prone, honestly!!

    the appoinment went fine, i will be weighed etc next time i go as i still a bit bloated and therefore she said we will wait.

    hope you are ok.

  20. thanx for the good idea, im off to see the nurse tomorrow, so i will get some calpol on the way there. hope you are getting sorted and the nerves havent got to you too much


  21. hi

    each day was getting better, but i had a bad night last night, so i think i am going to just take it easy today and hopefully notice the improvement again 2moz. i think it is more that i slept funny and have woken up with back ache. but i dont want to take any pain killers, because they taste so disgusting!!!!

  22. hi

    thanx for the positive thoughts, did you find you had a bad night then i good night, alternate?

  23. hiya,

    keeping you posted!!!

    i feel absolutly fine today, just the bit that is bruised, but it just feels a tiny bit tight on my skin.

    i can ot feel my port at all, did feel it 2 nights ago when i couldnt get to sleep as i was to hot, but apart from that ive not felt it at all.

    i feel completly back to normal now (or normal as in person, not normal as in hungry). i had the tv on yesterday, there are so many food adverts, but not one of them was bothering me which i was really surprised about and when my sister stayed she was really surprised how her take away did not make me feel hungry either.

    i have lost 7lbs since friday which i am really pleased about, taking my loss upto 15lbs since 3 weeks ago, which i am sort of shocked about.

    hope you are well


  24. hi,

    it turns out that isnt my port and is in the sae place that yours is going to be, but the port site has not caused any pain at all, just this incision on my breast bone, which is now bruised. i am in no pain at all today and havent taken pain killers for 18hours. i hope you have a speedy recovery to and the best of luck for tommorrow.

    sarah x

  25. hi

    i thought you might be on chat, so i hope ive got the right person!!

    i will be on chat later, but just to let you know it all went ok on friday and im feeling fine apart from pain where i think the port site is,


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