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Everything posted by keisha85

  1. keisha85

    Pre op questions

    not everyone goes on a liquid diet, and there is not a specified time for the people who are on a liquid diet to be on it for, it can range from 2 weeks to 24 hours. it all depends on the surgeons preferences as well as the indiviudal's BMI (i think)
  2. keisha85

    no going back!!!

    on sunday i realised that i had to pay all the outstanding ammount by this friday, so i paid it yesterday. whilst i was on the phone, i was asked if i had any questions. the one question i wanted answering was the normal time it takes from op to first fill, as on here it is so very varied. the lady who spoke to, said that the consultant performing the op does not like to see any one before 8 weeks and does atleast the first 3 fills under x ray conditions. this means that they have to be done at the hospital where i am going to have my op. which is atleast an hour and a half away from where i live. the problem is that the only xray fill appointments there are are on a monday night-everyone booked in for that evenig has to be there by 5pm. this is going to cause problems for me, as i teach and therefore cant take time off during term time. so i have worked out that the only times i can go (this is if they have room in that one slot) is in half terms etc, which would be 14 weeks after, 21 weeks after, 29 weeks and 36 weeks. im getting myself worried (i worry about stupid little things that i can not control) that i am not going to be able to have my fill done for ages, and therefore there is no point in having this done. i have also been told that i have to see the nurse every 2 week, this is easier, as it is 30 minutes away from where i live. hopefully there will be eveninng or saturday appointments to see her, as surely there are people in the same situation as me-that work and are having this done? im now not worried about the surgery, just about these appointments and getting to them. Sarah
  3. ive been given a nutritional plan, both for the week before, the 2 days clear liquid diet after, the 2 week mushy diet and then the first 2 weeks of getting back into solid food. from these lists, i then can pick whhich foods i like, as each has a breakfast, lunch and dinner section.
  4. regarding pain killers etc, i have been told to get chewable vitamins and mineral supplement, do i need to get chewable pain killers? also every one is talking about gas-x, does anyone know where to get this from in the UK? finally, saw someone had posted heat pads, would a hot water bottle do? so many questions, and what seems like such a short ammount of time, even though its still ust under 4 weeks away!
  5. keisha85

    Pre op questions

    i only need to do my pre op diet (not liquid) for a week pre op, however, i started it last week to see how it would be. have now been oding it for 8 days, and the need for sugar kicked in this morning. the good thing is though, that i do not drive and live in the middle of no where, so i did my food shopping yesterday, brought it back on the bus and will not be going into town again until next saturday. think the worst bit is that i am not really doing much today, was going to go for a walk, but it is thundering and lightening so i decided against that idea. hoefully it wil clear up a bit later, so i can go out before i go to bed. this last week, the need for what is not on the pre-op diet has not been there as it has been manic at work, so it is obviously just me needig to be busy, because if i really thik about it, im not hungry, im just bit bored. its better off in the long term, so i will stick to it. bit dissapointed though in only lossing 1 pound in the last week. will have to try harder this week.
  6. keisha85

    ive told someone, finally!!

    i spoke to my sister last night, as she was walking through a field of cattle (as you do), she is 18 weeks preganant and moaning that none of her clothes fit (she was a size 6-8). my father has always judged me, and therefore i realy do not want him to know and i really hope she does not tell him. however, once i had told her she promised again that she would not tell him , and even though i had not told her why i did not want him to know, she said she understood why i did not want him to know. this is a massive turn up for the books, because she always tell him everything. I am still wondering if she was the right person to pick, but she is 3/4's of the way through her nurse training and is the nearest family member to here, living an hour and a half away from both the hospital and where i live (in different directions). she told me that as soon as she got home, she was going to go on the internet to find out all about the procedure, what it involves, the comlplications etc. so i wonder what she will say once she has read all of that, i guess i will have to wait and see. we have a work bbq and picnic today, as it is the last day of term, but i am practicing my pre-op diet, so i wonder what there will be for me to eat, my pre-op diet is not that strict, in comparison to others. but i would like ot stick to it, to see what the week, in three weeks time has to hold for me. I am making a shopping list all the time of what i need and getting bits and pieces each week. did not think of needing a themonmeter. so will add that to my list. Sarah
  7. keisha85

    ive told someone, finally!!

    i spoke to my sister last night, as she was walking through a field of cattle (as you do), she is 18 weeks preganant and moaning that none of her clothes fit (she was a size 6-8). my father has always judged me, and therefore i realy do not want him to know and i really hope she does not tell him. however, once i had told her she promised again that she would not tell him , and even though i had not told her why i did not want him to know, she said she understood why i did not want him to know. this is a massive turn up for the books, because she always tell him everything. I am still wondering if she was the right person to pick, but she is 3/4's of the way through her nurse training and is the nearest family member to here, living an hour and a half away from both the hospital and where i live (in different directions). she told me that as soon as she got home, she was going to go on the internet to find out all about the procedure, what it involves, the comlplications etc. so i wonder what she will say once she has read all of that, i guess i will have to wait and see. we have a work bbq and picnic today, as it is the last day of term, but i am practicing my pre-op diet, so i wonder what there will be for me to eat, my pre-op diet is not that strict, in comparison to others. but i would like ot stick to it, to see what the week, in three weeks time has to hold for me. I am making a shopping list all the time of what i need and getting bits and pieces each week. did not think of needing a themonmeter. so will add that to my list. Sarah
  8. the pre-op diet is different for everyone, obviously different surgeons preferences. and maybe BMI's come into at some point to? to determine how long you should be on a liquid diet, or just a strict calorie controlled diet (mine is this, have to eat 1000 or less for the week leading up to surgery), or nothing. with mine though, i was told it is to reduce the liver and to reduce the Water stores in the body, however, i drink alot of water (something i will have to sto pdoing over the next couple of weeks, as i will not be able to do that once i am banded) but on the diet, it does not say anything about reducing the water content-which is a bit confusing to say the least. Sarah
  9. keisha85

    thought this might be a good thing to do

    thought i would write on here, because i am rubbish at keeping normal diaries, i always put them somewhere and then can not figure out where i have put them!! my journey started about 2 moonths ago, when i saw something on TV, can not remember what it was and i thought that looks like something i want to do. so i started reserching madly (once i get my head into doing something, i put my all into it) and went for a consult. that was just over 2 weeks ago. i was so nervous, not when i was nearly there, but when i was about an hour away. i have no idea what i am going to be like on surgery day, if i was that nervous. i have my pre-op on the 17th july. (must double check that, because i have something planned ont eh 19th and keep getting the dates mixed up). and if that all goes ok, my op is booked for the 1st august. the major issue i have got, is that i do not want to tell people, because my familly have always been on at me about what i eat, how much i exercise etc. as they are all thin, apart from my sister who is now compaining that she is 10.5 st, she is expecting a baby and is 17 weeks gone. i would love to be able to go to the extended family at christmas and them to be amazed at the new me and the changes that the band have helped me make. and that is why i am not telling anyone. however, i have to find someone who is wiling to stay with me for the first 24hrs after i leave hospital and therefore i told my friend, who i have known since i was 11. told her it was a secret and therefore she wa snot allowed to tell anyone. and she said that she would try and get the fri (my op day) off work and drive down. however, she phoned me last night, to say she could not get the friday off as someone else at her work has already got that day off. i am getting really worried about not being able to sort this situation out, without telling some of the people i really do not want to know. and with each passing day, i need to decide what to do and quickly. :confused2::confused2:
  10. i am doing a week of very nearly following the pre-op diet. the only difference is that when i get home from work i have a special k cereal bar. my plan is to do this for 2 weeks and then take that out completely and therefore be on the pre op diet (i do not need to do liquids) for the 2 weeks before surgery. i have done this since sunday, i know not a very long time, but as i can have as much veg as i want, then i am full most of the time. which makes it easier.
  11. keisha85

    Unlearning everything I know.

    i had not even thought about these thoughts, i just was thinking about how i would look that would be different. but maybe, the way i behave in a pair of my jeans (that make me look thinner) will be the way i behave-by that i mean more confident with myself, and not afraid of all the judging that goes along with beign fat. will have to think about this personality possible changes, because that is a bit scary!!
  12. keisha85

    I feel like a failure!!!

    your the only person who is going to judge you, the dr is there to help you and by the sounds of it, you need to have your fill to ge tit started again. i was waiting in the drs office for my very first consult and there was a lady there who was in exactly the same position as you before her first fill and then she had one fill and now looks amazing, as for her it only took one. but whether it takes one or 0ne hundred and one, you will get there. ive only just started on this journey, but it seems like a long one and there will be walls in the way at points, there always is on journeys. you just have to find another way round. SARAH
  13. keisha85

    thought this might be a good thing to do

    thought i would write on here, because i am rubbish at keeping normal diaries, i always put them somewhere and then can not figure out where i have put them!! my journey started about 2 moonths ago, when i saw something on TV, can not remember what it was and i thought that looks like something i want to do. so i started reserching madly (once i get my head into doing something, i put my all into it) and went for a consult. that was just over 2 weeks ago. i was so nervous, not when i was nearly there, but when i was about an hour away. i have no idea what i am going to be like on surgery day, if i was that nervous. i have my pre-op on the 17th july. (must double check that, because i have something planned ont eh 19th and keep getting the dates mixed up). and if that all goes ok, my op is booked for the 1st august. the major issue i have got, is that i do not want to tell people, because my familly have always been on at me about what i eat, how much i exercise etc. as they are all thin, apart from my sister who is now compaining that she is 10.5 st, she is expecting a baby and is 17 weeks gone. i would love to be able to go to the extended family at christmas and them to be amazed at the new me and the changes that the band have helped me make. and that is why i am not telling anyone. however, i have to find someone who is wiling to stay with me for the first 24hrs after i leave hospital and therefore i told my friend, who i have known since i was 11. told her it was a secret and therefore she wa snot allowed to tell anyone. and she said that she would try and get the fri (my op day) off work and drive down. however, she phoned me last night, to say she could not get the friday off as someone else at her work has already got that day off. i am getting really worried about not being able to sort this situation out, without telling some of the people i really do not want to know. and with each passing day, i need to decide what to do and quickly. :confused2::confused2:
  14. figured it out! computers are great when you know what you are doing aren't they?!!

  15. ive only told one person, because i needed someone with me for the first 24 hrs home. no one else knows. dont want them to, until i can see it actually working!
  16. hiya,

    i have seen your friend request, but when i press add, it does not seem to do anything. do you know how to make it work?

  17. mine is august the 1st, reading these, i have been reminded how soon it is. i have been working extremely hard at work the last couple of weeks and therefore have been concentrating on that. but its less then a month!!!!! have my pre-op checks on the 19th july. however, im really worried about this random line bump thing at the side of my kneck, i thought i could only feel it, but its raised about 5mm and is under my ear. do you think this is going to affect my pre-op and therefore have the date pushed back? i really do not want that to happen Sarah
  18. mine is august the 1st. have just told the one person who i have known for the longest to keep my secret, so i have someone with me for the first 24 hrs home, as i live by myself too. what is on your shopping list, katie? i have to do a one week one, however, as it looked nice with the ammount of fruit and veg in it, i have started it 4 days ago. to see how it went.
  19. keisha85

    Vitamins & hair loss

    i went into town on saturday, with my pre band shopping list, on which is chewable Vitamins and minerals. the one that you can swallow whole contains alot more then the chewable ones. i guess you have to get the chewable ones? while i was writing this, the dietician phoned and said that it did have to be chewable ones, for atleast the first few months. and not to worry that they are less specific. is this the same for most people? sarah
  20. all those things have prompted me to think of some more, but here were my origionals. 1. go horse riding again, like i use to do every week. 2. be able to go up to the pigeon holes (2 flights from the office) and not have to stop at the top 3. be able to buy bras in shops, instead of catalogues (my main reason) 4. never thought of the toe nail thing, but definately going to add it. 5. legs not chaffing when i wear a skirt think those are my main reasons, but if i sat and thought for more then a few minutes, im sure there will be more. Sarah
  21. lizzy, i have told one person last night, her immediate response was 'that was what fern britton had wasn't it?' so i do not think she is judging me at all. i am going to see if she would like to come and visit me for the weekend, as she lives about 300 miles away. failing that, i will have to have a re-think, as i live and work at the same place, and there is only an older lady who i would trust. ive got a few weeks to think about it though.
  22. keisha85

    hi every one

    that is alot that has come off in a couple of months. hopefully the same will happen for me, as i want family to notice at christmas, as none of them know what i am actually doing!
  23. I thought i should actually become a member, now i have a date of the first of august, have been reading alot of posts in the last couple of weeks, trying to work out what counts as a normal consultation, i had mine on friday and was there just over 2 and a half hours, say the patient coordinator, the surgeon and the dietician. I am 23 and origionally started looking to have a breast reduction when i was about 16, however, time has passed and I now think this is the better option as i hopefully, fingers crossed, will stay in proportion. however, before now, wheneva i have lost weight, i have never managed to reduce my bra size, but i will just have to wait and see. i am 5'7 and 19.5 stone, and my ultimate aim is to get into size 16 clothes.
  24. im choosing not to tell anyone, however, after my consult i was told i would not be allowed to have my op unless i nominated someone to be with me for atleast the first 24 hours that i am at home. how did you get around this?
  25. i had my consult on friday and the dietician said i needed to do the liquid diet for atleast a week before hand, as that is what catergory bmi i am in, however, i was thinking it might be worth doing this for 2 weeks, she said it was up to me, however, i do not want to mess up, becasue i have decided to do longer. should i stick with a week?

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