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Everything posted by keisha85

  1. cutiew, i think, personally, there is a limit to how much you can focus on the diets, otherwise you come obsessive about it. and i feel i am going that way. i have been given a food diary to write in what i eat, from the dietician. and i am writing in it as soon as i eat. im now debating whether myself whether to put the chewing gum in the diary, as this has a few calories. my sister and father have both been anorexic and my sister was bullemic. i am the complete opposite (obviously going through this process), but could these obsessive food thoughts be genetic? regarding your holiday, are you going to family or going away away? as if you are with family, as long as they know, then it might be a good place to keep you motivated. you will succeed, just keep working on it. Sarah
  2. keisha85

    Can anyone recommend a good exercise DVD?

    i bought the rosemary connely (sp) aerobics and toning video. have done it twice in the last two days. very unco-ordinated during the first attempt, but tonight i was alot better. it was great fun as well. sarah
  3. i dont know about fish, cs only like tuna. but chicken has to be skinless, even though that is the best bit. and has to be boiled, grilled or baked hope that helps wel done on your loss
  4. thanx cutiew, im following the drs instruction to the letter, so not sure how i am managing to miss out on quite that much protein. two days a go i wasnt very hungry at all at tea time so i only had a cup a soup and in the morning i was starving i nearly fainted, so even if im not hungry ive got to have some protein cos i do not want to wake up like that again. hows ur pre op diet going?
  5. hi all i started my pre op today. have just imputted what ive eated onto the daily plate website and im meant to eat 1000 cals a day. i have put in what i am goignt o have for tea as well, and will change it tommorrow if i change my mind, however, this is following what the doctor has told me to eat and it is 700 cals, not sure why. it is also only 42.6g of protein? ive not been given an ammount of protein to be eating would be glad if anyone can shed some ideas? Sarah
  6. keisha85

    im so impatient

    ive got a week to go before my operation, start my pre op diet 2moz. bought myself some skittles and chocalate as a last treat and i would of preferred a tomato and basil cupasoup, as i seem to have become obsessed with them! im so impatient, am counting down the days, and just want it to be the day of the op, even though i know i will be nervous on the day. i did some aerobics for an hour last night, it was great fun and once i have postd this, i am going to go and do some more and try and not hurt my neck as i did hurt it last night.
  7. keisha85

    im so impatient

    ive got a week to go before my operation, start my pre op diet 2moz. bought myself some skittles and chocalate as a last treat and i would of preferred a tomato and basil cupasoup, as i seem to have become obsessed with them! im so impatient, am counting down the days, and just want it to be the day of the op, even though i know i will be nervous on the day. i did some aerobics for an hour last night, it was great fun and once i have postd this, i am going to go and do some more and try and not hurt my neck as i did hurt it last night.
  8. keisha85

    Nervious & Anxious

    hi if you go on pre op questions there is a thread for all august bansters, so lots of people going through this at the same time. i personally have found this group of people very useful. sarah
  9. zukagirl, congrats on getting your date, bit annoying about your late surgery time though. ive only been given a time to arrive, which is 7.30am which they have drummed into me, does not suggest the surgery time as that is when everyone has to arrive. everyone with this company gets an overnight stay. so am taking lots of books with me, not sure if i will have the concentration to read them. have you got things planned for the morning to keep your mind occupied? Sarah
  10. it is the strangest part of the process so far, saying 'goodbye' to all this food. i comfort eat and always have done and therefore i need to think of good things and lots of them, to avoid doing the whole comfort eating thing. last night i had a massive craving for a salt and vinegar crisp sandwich!! but as ive not had crisps in the house for coming upto 8 weeks and not eaten them in that time either i just told myself to have an apple instead. these cravings are weird, have a feeling they are going to get even stranger once im the official pre op diet from friday and my life changes forever!!
  11. keisha85

    August Schedule

    can you please put my location of berkshire, uk onto mine? as would love to know if there were people around here as there is no local support group. thank you sarah
  12. ive just done something quite scary, bought my last lot of food shopping before my pre op diet starts on friday. not sure why that is scaring me, but i think it is because it means everything is so close
  13. hi. the count down is on for the first of september for you!!


  14. keisha85

    no going back!!!

    hi cutiew, i have had a look around and there is not a doctor closer, but am going to ask the surgeon when i have my op if that is a possibility as he obvious has different contacts to me. but after speaking to the nurse in my pre op, she said the dietician would work something out for me that if i had to wait that length of time, then it should be ok. Sarah
  15. keisha85

    no going back!!!

    on sunday i realised that i had to pay all the outstanding ammount by this friday, so i paid it yesterday. whilst i was on the phone, i was asked if i had any questions. the one question i wanted answering was the normal time it takes from op to first fill, as on here it is so very varied. the lady who spoke to, said that the consultant performing the op does not like to see any one before 8 weeks and does atleast the first 3 fills under x ray conditions. this means that they have to be done at the hospital where i am going to have my op. which is atleast an hour and a half away from where i live. the problem is that the only xray fill appointments there are are on a monday night-everyone booked in for that evenig has to be there by 5pm. this is going to cause problems for me, as i teach and therefore cant take time off during term time. so i have worked out that the only times i can go (this is if they have room in that one slot) is in half terms etc, which would be 14 weeks after, 21 weeks after, 29 weeks and 36 weeks. im getting myself worried (i worry about stupid little things that i can not control) that i am not going to be able to have my fill done for ages, and therefore there is no point in having this done. i have also been told that i have to see the nurse every 2 week, this is easier, as it is 30 minutes away from where i live. hopefully there will be eveninng or saturday appointments to see her, as surely there are people in the same situation as me-that work and are having this done? im now not worried about the surgery, just about these appointments and getting to them. Sarah
  16. keisha85

    Bra sizes channnging

    one of my reasons to start on this journey was my bra size-at a JJ, it is the one part of me i absolutly hate. and i am really hoping to go down to a D cup. do not know if this will be possible, but if i can lay on my back wihtout being suffocated, it will be a massive thing for me. i wonder how many bras i am going to have to buy as the weight comes off, as well as clothes. Sarah
  17. keisha85

    Had pre-op today and

    the pre op i had on tuesday really reassured me, especially as it was that morning it finally hit me, what i was doing. i am now really excited and cant wait for august 1st. as we are on the same day, i will be very willing to be email buddies. Sarah
  18. keisha85

    Today is the day!

    good luck, i hope it has gone as well as you hoped for. im counting down the days, cant imagine what the last couple of hours are going to be like. fingers crossed for a speedy recovery sarah
  19. hi as your from the uk, i was wondering if you could help. theres alot of people who are talking about gas-X strips, however i am struggling to find them in the UK. did you use these or something similar? sarah
  20. hi lellow and claudine, i also hae the same surgery date as both of you. and it hit me yesterday on my way to my pre op appointment. am now very nervous and cant believe i am going to let someone cut into me. not that i am nervous about that bit, but all the changes i am going to have to make. ive now not had chocalate digestives (my big failing) for nearly 5 weeks! as i decided as soon as i got my operation date, i was going to cut them out completly. but august allstars will hep everyone through, and as we are going to be the first ones, we can tell everyone else what it is like. Sarah
  21. hi, how are you? i had my pre-op appointment yesterday and it sunk in it was actually me that was having this done, not some one else. did you go through that stage?

  22. has anyone experienced bloating whilst on pre op diet. as i have got it really badly this morning. i had chicken, rice and veg (small portion) last night and was fine, however i did not manage to sleep well ast night due to external commotions. and went to sleep feeling hungry. I now feel very bloated, even though i had not eaten anything until i had a yoghurt, thought that would settle what ever it is that is causing it, however it has possibly made it worse. has anyone experienced this? i am worried it is going to affect my pre op checks tomorrow if it does not sort itself out. Sarah
  23. good luck to you also. i had my pre op this mroning and it really sunk in to what i was actually doing and i wasnt just watching from the side lines. i am so glad i am not on the liquid diet, but i would happily follow it if that is what i was required to do.
  24. thanks for your reply. i am allowed 1000 calories a day, so am glad i am not on the liquid diet as alot of people are. i went to get the past, 2 flights of stairs above the office and when i came back it had virtually gone. so fingers crossed it wont happen again, because it was very uncomfortable. il understand if it does after i have had my op, as it will have some link to it. how long are you on pre-op diet? Sarah
  25. hiya,

    the appointments with the nurse should not be a problem, and therefore i will not have to see the as much, however, i obviously do have go for fills with him. i have my pre-op blood work etc on tues, so am going to mention it again, and also take the academic diary with me, in the hope that i can be booked in before the 2 week notice period they normally ask for. you dont realise that there's so much to think about, like i was going to put some nail varnish on this mroning, and i have to remember to make sure it is all of efore i have my op. have you got those thought of things to remember?

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