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Everything posted by keisha85

  1. hiya, just to let you know how it went, it went really well, i was walking 3 hours after coming round and the nurses were really pleased and half surprised at that. but it really helped with the shoulder pain.

    one thing i will say is get yourself some disolveable paracetamol before you go in as i was not sent home with any painkillers, just antibiotics and anti-clotting injections so was in pain yesterday but now i am taking that every 4 hours i am absolutly fine. and slept in my bed all night last night, woke twice because i was thirsty.

    hope this settles any nerves you might have, and i am willing to answer any questions


  2. good luck tomorrow, i will be thinking about you and all the others that are due tomorrow sarah
  3. hiya

    it went great, the nurse's were surprise that i was up and walking down the corridor 3 hours after id come round, but it really does help with the gas pain in my shoulders, so i did it everytime i needed to. the people i went with always do an overnight stay, and i was glad of that as i needed some IV paracetamol, which made it able for me to sleep, it was the port pain (which is very high up, close to my breast bone) that was really hurting. i was officially discharged by the surgeon at 5pm on the operation day as the nurses had let him know how well i was doing, so lef tthe hospital at 9am on saturday morning. one thing i will say is that they did not send me home with pain relief, so make sure you have some dissolveable paracetamol as i did not have any until about 6pm and was in agony. very thankful to my friend who went out and got some. apart from that it is the easiest thing, so there is no need to be nervous at all. i slept in my own bed all of last night, only waking up because i was thirsty and my sister was talking in her sleep! any other questions you want to ak, feel free.


  4. keisha85

    No smoking preop?

    juliaN it is a natural blood thinner, which as i am now on 10 days worth of medical blood thinner they obviously did not want it to affect that. the only reason i know this is because it can be a natural deterent for fleas in dogs if given in tiny ammounts as it thins the blood so they cant suck it up. random information for the day!!
  5. hi all, i thought i would come and let you know how it went on friday. it was really easy and the nurse's were lovely, especially the one i had during the day of the op. i did not have and feeling of sickness or dizzyness and was up and walking 3 hours after i had ocme round. my port site is very high up and is causing the most pain, however, with my disolveable paracetamol (which my friend went out and got me yesterday afternoon) it is manageable. i have been walking alot and the gas pain has virtually gone. am just tired, but slept in my bed the whole night last night, woke up twice because i was thirsty, but apart from that it is so easy. hoep this settles some nerves that i no people are having. sarah
  6. does any of the august 1st people have a strange sense of calmness about them? i feel really odd, not nervous not excited just calm, like i could go to sleep right now and not stay up because of nerves as i thought i would. very weird feeling. sarah ps good luck everyone for tomorrow and hope everything goes well.
  7. i wish id known about the tylenol, as ive not got any of that! might have to go look for that tommorrow, even though i will be sent home with both pain killers and antibiotics for a week. the pain has mostly gone now (it hits me for 6 hours and then im fine, but its evil). hope the pain from the op is no where near as bd, i hope it is going to be more like a dull ache. but will have to wait and see. is everyone with their op on the 1st packed? im packing tomorrow afternoon i think, before going to a leaving party of someone from work.
  8. hi all, hope you are all well and not to nervous. is there anyone who is not allowed pain killers for 2 weeks pre op? as i am in that catergiory and joy of joys i got my period this morning so have been in agony all day. atleast it took my mind off friday, but i really did not want to e in surgery when i have my period o well, cant control it. moan over!!!
  9. keisha85

    No smoking preop?

    there is a variety of things in my pre op pack that are not allowed pre op no smoking for 2 weeks no drinking for 2 weeks no painkillers or Multivitamins for 2 weeks no garlic for 48 hours but every surgeon is different. but all of this is related to the healing process, apart from im not sure on the reason behind the multivitamins!
  10. keisha85

    Tired waiting... :(

    o dear, hope your day gets better. and i completely agree with di, stay away from your ex, that is horrible and you need support through this process and he's obviously not the one to provide that
  11. the best of luck to edel and jill and everyone else on here who is not going to be able to come on here now until after their op. i think i am going to live on here for the next 48 hours!!!!!!
  12. i had not actually thought about this aspect at all, i am a uni lecturer and by the time i get back to the office i will have about 20 mins to eat my lunch, unless i get pestered by students, which happens most days!! now ive read this, i think i am going to make something inthe morning before i leave, which will stop me having to prepare something at lunch time (i live where i work) and therefore will hopefully increase the time to 30 mins. i have been given my timetable last week and atleast my lunch is the same everyday as last semester it changed depending on the day. i am being banded in 2 days, so it will give me 6 week weeks before the new intake of students arrive. but this thread has definately given me things to think about
  13. how are you feeling jill? that would freak me out if i was moved forward. good luck for tommorrow sarah
  14. keisha85

    Makeup During Procedure?

    ive just read my instructions again to check about the deodarant thing andeveryting else you ave all mentioned, but it just says about nail polish and what im not allowed to eat or take 2 weeks pre op, e.g. garlic
  15. miss understood, regarding the younger people and skin thing. as im a younger person i feel i should put my thoughts in. ive been told that any skin young or old is damaged if it has stretch marks and therefore wont lie complettly flat. but you can do toning exercises 3-4 times a week to help. hope this helps sarah
  16. edel, i went through exactly what you are going through about 3 weeks ago, on my way back from the pre op check witht he nurse. i was feeling very upset about not being able to eat the foods i enjoy. e.g. choc digestives (my big downfall) but i think i am getting past that, because i have to change my life. i feel exactly how you feel about meating new people, however, i started my new job (lecturer) 9 months ago and in the end of sept we get another intake, for the new year and they are probably going to be sitting there judging me, but we can sand up tall and think the new people wont see us like we were, because even after that short ammount of time, and even it is only a couple of lbs, they wont ever get to see how we are now. i woke up this morning, completely freaking out, i mst have been dreaming about it, not sure which part, but i think it is all the life changes, because i dreamt about the actually operation the other week and i woke up feeling very relaxed. (i dont normally dream, so my mnd must be going over and over it) sarah ps does any one know why we cant click on our tickers to take us to the changing bit, as it is just putting it in the top of an empty page and i need to take 2lbs off mine. figured it out yesterday and i cant remember!!
  17. edel, you saying your packing tonight has suddenly scared me, im not blaming you at all, but it has just made it real again. i was just plodding along on the pre op diet, not really thinking about friday. and now its 3 days away arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not sure if that is more nervous, or excited. think it is both. when are you due back into the UK? casscass, the ten days will go really quickly, from 10 days down to 4 has just been lots of planning, but it seems to have gone slower this last day. but try not to worry, i know that is easier said then done, especialy because i am such a worry wort!! the strange thing is, im not worried about the operation itself at the mo, even thoug ive never had one. it is all the changes that im going to have to do. jillbeme, i think you have hit the nail on the head with the dont know whether to laugh or cry comment. good luck on friday
  18. hi

    it will probably arrive quicker then you think, as i tried not to count how many days and suddenly 10 days came up so fast and now im down to 4! when i wake up it will be 3! im not a little scared as those numbers are now tiny, but i am so ready for this, as you say you are. i will certainly let you know how i am getting on. i cant wait to be one of the people who post on the surgery day stories thread!!!

  19. edel, you will be fine, but i know exactly how you are feeling as my op is also on friday. i am havign mine in the UK, so do not need to worry about the flights etc. the people managing on a liquid pre op diet i think are amazing. i have a 1000 cal pre op diet, but atleast i can eat solid food. do you have to liquid after? i have to do 2 days liquid, 2 weeks liquidised (so technically liquid) and 2 weeks soft, mushy before going onto solids. good luck for friday, and try not to worry ( i know it is easier to say then do). sarah ps have you made sure youve got eerything you need, as this sorting has made it easier for me
  20. keisha85

    pre op big time binge help

    its so tempting isnt it, to just have that 'last meal' or last binge, but try and stay focused now you are on the pre op diet. my issue is, because it is so boiling hot, i am eating loads of sugar free ice pops, they only contain 1 caloie and apparantly nothing else, but i still feel like i shouldn't be eating them. but its a toss up between feeling boiling and eating 1 calorie, which in my head, would take 1 calorie to eat it anyway. or am i just thinking like a fat person with that theory and thinking of excuses??
  21. hi

    sorry its taken me so long to get back to you, forgot i had to check the PM's with out an email notification, will have to change that!!

    how are you feeling about your op? i cant wait for mine, even though i will be so nervous the night before

  22. thank you for your well wishes. have a great time when you are away and try not to stress to much about your pre-opdiet


  23. ive used arnica previously and it does work, however I have been told not to use it until the nurse checks my wounds a week post op.
  24. i sat and watched it just now, so thank ful to the person who put it on for everyone to see. i also got distracted by how many before and after picture screen shows there are. one of them had surgery and just under a yr later she looks amazing and is a model in a bridal magazine.
  25. keisha85

    Makeup During Procedure?

    ive been told no nail varnish on either fingers or toes. but nothings been said about anything else. but i do not wear mke up any way, so it wouldnt bother me. the deodarant would, especially as ive got to get a train there, for 4 hours!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
