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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by keisha85

  1. keisha85


    i thought i was going to bruise alot more then i have, but apart from the one right at the top, none of them are bruised and they are quite hard to see in the picture i took of them last night! the first shower i got after the stitiches came out was the best one i have ever had!!!!!!
  2. keisha85


    thank you i have asked the nurse just now and she says it is fine and not to worry about it as its bruising. and just to keep it clean and dry. it is not from the port site, it is from one of the small incisions. hope you are feeling ok sarah
  3. keisha85

    can definitely eat more today

    hi all the feeling of being normal again is great isnt it lellow? apart from i am woried about this stitch that is still in, my skin seems to be hiding it more by the day. will need to phone the nurse tomorrow and ask what to do about it. until the nurse has my op notes she was not able to answer about if i had any fill in during surgery, however i am not hungry at all so i guess i do hae some. i no the majority of people on here are hungry but i started mushy liquid stuff yesterday and really struggled am just not hungry at all. it is the strangest feeling, but i am having to force stuff in to me, is that going to hurt my band?
  4. i guess as i have no come to the end of the goals its my tun to set them! 1. wear the dress that i saw when i went for my pre op apointment at christmas (would really like it to be a size 16-18, i am a size 22 at the moment) 2. ride a horse without feeling like it is going to break it (size 14-16) 3 not sure where this one fits but get substantially smaller bra, one of the main reasons i have put myself on this journey. need to think of something else to get from where i am to christmas as that is quite a big jump, not sure yet. any suggestions are welcome!!
  5. im fine thanx, thats not good about your pain meds. but hopefully you will not need them soon any way as i havent taken any since day 3 morning.

    i had stitches out yesterday and am alot more comfortable as they were pulling. hopefully you will recover as quick as i have.


  6. hi all, for everyone waiting the excitment is coming through everything you are writing. if there are nerves, it is nothing to be nervous of. all week ive not felt hungry at all, i had a couple of stomach rumbles, but they didnt make me feel hungry, just reminded i should eat!! feels very strange having to be reminded to eat. the best of luck to people who are in their first week and for the people who are counting down the hours to monday sarah
  7. keisha85

    Pre-Op Diet & Energy Level

    dglaeser i no how you feel about over doing it etc, i get in the office at 7.30am and finish at 6, but i only need to be in the office 8.45-5.15, however i find it easier to work during these times. my job is manic but not until september as i teach. the people at work do not know what have done however, they do know im having an operation. well done on your loss so far, not sure what to say regarding the work situation though sarah
  8. hope you are ok? i seen youve been on here whilst i havent. keep sipping!!

  9. keisha85

    Pre-Op Diet & Energy Level

    i was ok on the pre op diet regarding energy levels, but i no this is slightly of at a tangent, but i dont seem to have much energy now i am post op. im sticking rigidly to what ive been told, but geting worried about starting work again on monday and no energy. sorry about not following the thread completly
  10. hi

    wounds are healing up fine, i am only bruised on the one that is very high up. the rest arent bothering my any more but stupid me has managed to twist something in my ribs yesterday on the way home from the nurse's appointment!! im not normally acident prone, honestly!!

    the appoinment went fine, i will be weighed etc next time i go as i still a bit bloated and therefore she said we will wait.

    hope you are ok.

  11. keisha85

    Gas, Gas and more Gas

    ive not burped at all, apart from those silent ones on day 2 post op. but i dont have gas pain any more, but keep hiccuping!! random i know, but wish they would go away. i would try the water backwards upside down thing, but cant bend yet sarah
  12. keisha85

    I'm one of the Banded now!!

    hi all liquidbluegal, there is a list on the august 08 thread on pre op uestions of what is good to have. i now understand the grabber-picking up things from the floor!!!! or the tv remote that fell right behind my bed last night!! one thing i would get is dissolveable painkillers (not aspirin as this irritates the stomach lining) as i was not sent home with any, and therefore if you are in that position then atleast you will have some ready at home. if you are allowed soup, then more tins then you think you will need, i am having about 1 a day, as they are 400g and i have 2 meals of 200g, not that i am managing all of that. however, i thought i would get more at the weekend, but i dont think i am up to carrying tins of soup yet. is anyone desparate to get their dressings off? mine are itching like mad and the outsides (the sticky bits) are pulling my skin. this is the only discomfort i am in, unless i eat my soup too quickly, and then i want a drink, but have to wait half an hour. the other side of the op, is such a good place to be!!!!! im so pleased ive had this done sarah
  13. thanx for the good idea, im off to see the nurse tomorrow, so i will get some calpol on the way there. hope you are getting sorted and the nerves havent got to you too much


  14. azlife, i had to go up 2 flights of stairs to get to where i live, and it took a while to get up them, but 2 days later when i had to go down them again it was fine, just took my time. hope this helps. it was more the energy required not the pain that made me take my time sarah
  15. yes im from the UK, it is obvious isnt it?!! i was self pay, and from my first consult it took about 7 weeks to me op date. i cant finish a protein drink at the mo, its very annoying!! good luck for your op
  16. keisha85

    Lanakila - you're a gem!

    just thought i would join in witht this bit of the thread, as i agree with everyone. hopefully everyone on the pre op august thread will come onto one of these as there date passes, so we can keep as the august allstars group!!
  17. hi

    each day was getting better, but i had a bad night last night, so i think i am going to just take it easy today and hopefully notice the improvement again 2moz. i think it is more that i slept funny and have woken up with back ache. but i dont want to take any pain killers, because they taste so disgusting!!!!

  18. hi

    thanx for the positive thoughts, did you find you had a bad night then i good night, alternate?

  19. keisha85

    Started my new life 8/01.mixed emotions

    hi all, also banded on august 1st. my sister came and looked after me for the 1st 24 hours as i have a strange living situation, there are 8 of us sharing a kitchen and bathroom, but we all normally do our own thing. she wanted a pizza that evening and was adamant she would go and eat it in the kithen if the smell was making me want it, but it didnt, i just had my apple juice. i think the problem is going to come on friday lunch, as i live aove the canteen (i live in staff blocks where i work) and they have fish and chips on friday. but i am at the nurse appointment to have stitches out at 10.30, so will hopefully miss the cooking time. head hunger got to me slightly 2 nights ago just as i was falling asleep, so had some water and shouted at my head silently and it listened-sounds stupid i know. but i will win, we all will win, it just takes time.
  20. i can finally join this thread!!! sorry if it goes on for ages, but so much to put!! i had to leave where i live at 4am to get to the hospital for 7.30am and the taxi never turned up, but that was sorted by one of my friends helping out, can thank her enough. but that was the only bad thing that happened. i managed to get the train and underground and got to the hospital at 7.20am. was booked in by this nice man who clarrified all my details including my next of kin (i went by myself, with only someone coming to pick me up the following day). i then went back to reception and the porter came to take me upstairs to my room, he did not help me with my bags, but never mind, as it was on wheels and my handbag. once he had explained the room he left me to sort my things out (i was not nervous at all) and i went to the toilet, thought the light switch was the nurse call thing oops as a nurse turned up. she then came back again to ask some more questions, give me my back opening gown and my knickers (as i was on my period), she also measured my legs for the stockings. once she had gone, someone came to take a bit of blood and then i was weighed and had my height measured. this was the first time my height was measured and i was 1 inch shorter then i thought i was, which cause i small problem with my BMI as it was 1 point over what the hospital was happiest operating on without a high dependancy unit. however, the aneasthetist (sp) came to see me and said he was happy to continue as i am young and quite fit for my size. he took me down to the operating room and my nerves kicked in slightly, as ive never had an aneasthetic. but that was taken away by how high the bed was that i had to climb on without getting my gown caught!!! then three people started working on me, one put the BP thing on my arm and gave me an oxygen mask(which was oxygen) and another but an IV line in my hand and the other put some foot massagers on my feet. by this point i think it was about 9am. the anaesthetic took about 3 seconds to kick in, and my last thought was im not tired, so why dont i open my eyes and then the next time i opened my eyes was in the recovery room looking at the clock that said 10.15am. i got the shakes a little bit, asked if they were normal, which if id thought about it i knew they were as i have seen animals come around from anaesthetic before. i was then taken to my room (a different room to where i started from, this was due to my BMI issue) and a lovely nurse took my BP every 20 mins. i did not go back to sleep as everyone was coming back from their ops and my door was slightly open (i was the first one on the list for the day) i had some oxygen in two little things up my nose and a saline IV as well as some leg massagers. my shoulder started hurting at about 1pm (3 hours after i'd come round) so i pressed the bell to ask if i could go and walk, and the nurses were very suprised but let me. i had my xray at 3pm and the surgeon came and saw me at 5pm. both of these were planned for the morning but as i was feeling fine they did them in the afternnon and he technically discharged me (bascically meaning he did not need to see me in the morning). over night i had another IV saline and 2 IV paracetamols to help with the pain that i had in the top incision, all the rest i could not feel. i and walked around every 2 hours. the nurses kept commenting on how i did not look like i had had an operation that morning, so i guess that is good. my sister came at 9am and i was dressed and sitting on my bed ready to go home. went to the pharmacy to get my anti-clotting injections and antibiotics. and got home at 11am. was in pain by then and had to send another friend to get some dissolveable painkillers, once i had them i was fine and have been fine ever since (now on day 3 post op and now pain killers needed, can not feel my port and feel perfectly fine) i am very surprised with my quick recovery and wish everyone else one. sarah
  21. hiya,

    keeping you posted!!!

    i feel absolutly fine today, just the bit that is bruised, but it just feels a tiny bit tight on my skin.

    i can ot feel my port at all, did feel it 2 nights ago when i couldnt get to sleep as i was to hot, but apart from that ive not felt it at all.

    i feel completly back to normal now (or normal as in person, not normal as in hungry). i had the tv on yesterday, there are so many food adverts, but not one of them was bothering me which i was really surprised about and when my sister stayed she was really surprised how her take away did not make me feel hungry either.

    i have lost 7lbs since friday which i am really pleased about, taking my loss upto 15lbs since 3 weeks ago, which i am sort of shocked about.

    hope you are well


  22. hi lellow, so glad yours went well, did you have an incision very high up? as this is the one that is bruised. my port site is not hurting at all and i only had gas pains for aout half an hour 2 nights ago (in my stomach) the shoulder ones lasted about 2 days on and off. when did you weigh yourself? my next job after posting this is to update my ticker. do you feel virtually normal now, or not quite? sarah ps good luck everyone tommorrow
  23. hi,

    it turns out that isnt my port and is in the sae place that yours is going to be, but the port site has not caused any pain at all, just this incision on my breast bone, which is now bruised. i am in no pain at all today and havent taken pain killers for 18hours. i hope you have a speedy recovery to and the best of luck for tommorrow.

    sarah x

  24. hi

    i thought you might be on chat, so i hope ive got the right person!!

    i will be on chat later, but just to let you know it all went ok on friday and im feeling fine apart from pain where i think the port site is,


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