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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About BostonRiley

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  • Birthday May 25

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  1. Welcome to the boards! I had bypass surgery on 2/19/21, so I'm about 6 weeks out. Since surgery I no longer like jello (in any flavor), bananas, any type of turkey breakfast sausage, hard boiled eggs or plain water. The taste of any of them make me want to throw up. I am now starting not to like applesauce either. After surgery I looked forward to my spoonful of applesauce to take my acid reflux meds with. It's now tasting very acidic but I'm still using it until my body says no more. I haven't come across anything that I didn't like that I now like.
  2. BostonRiley

    Letter...Cigna is tripping

    I have Cigna and received the same letter. I called my doctor’s office to inquire about what type of information Cigna needed. After 2 weeks I called Cigna again only to be told that my doctors office still hadn’t resubmitted any paperwork. Once I got that taken care of Cigna told me that it would be 5 business days for them to make a decision. I called Cigna every single day looking for an answer. On the 5th day I was told that they technically had 30 days to decide as my case wasn’t an emergency. At that point I told myself that whatever was going to be would be. I just kept living my life and tried to put it out of my mind. Wouldn’t you know exactly 30 days from when my paperwork was first submitted is when I was approved. Don’t let this notice from Cigna change how you’re feeling, etc!!
  3. BostonRiley

    Last week surgeries

    I had surgery on February 19th. I have no pain but I am uncomfortable! My stomach gurgles but I don’t know if that means I’m hungry or if it’s gas. I’m trying to get in all the liquids I can, I all of a sudden don’t like jello (I loved it before surgery). I’d love to try protein shakes, yogurt or thinned out oatmeal but I’m only 4 days post op. I have no energy so I lay or sit around with added walking inside the house. My butt actually hurts from laying/sitting so much. Before surgery I wore glasses all the time since surgery everything is blurring when I wear them. I asked about it in the hospital before I was discharged, was told that it should go away as it could be from the anesthesia.
  4. BostonRiley

    I'm sure we are all sharing the same view today!

    I had my surgery on Friday 2/19. All went well, almost no pain but the gas is no joke! I've been home since Sunday and I'm doing good with my liquids. Last night I had a dream about candy and cake! So weird but I guess that's what I'm going to miss the most. I hope your pain subsides quickly and that you're able to go home soon.
  5. Welcome to the board! I think each person's choice is their own. At first I didn't want to tell anyone that I was having gastric bypass. I thought for sure that everyone would have a lot of opinions, etc on the matter. Once I started to telling people I realized that I was comfortable with my decision and that I didn't care what anyone else thought. Yes I have had people ask me why I was doing this, I keep my explanation as short and simple as possible. I wish I had some advice for you as what to tell people. Good luck to you!
  6. The cost of my surgery is $72, 948.40. I'm lucky that my insurance is paying for all but $4,500. I can't imagine what the cost would be without my insurance. No matter what it is I wouldn't be able to afford it.
  7. BostonRiley

    February 2021 bypassers?

    I'm sorry that someone would be so insensitive and say such a thing to you! Sadly I know what this is like. Two of my fellow managers at work kept trying to convince me not to have the surgery. They kept telling me that they could help hold me accountable with my eating. They were like look how much you've lost already, if you keep eating that way you won't need surgery. One of them kept trying to tell me all of the horrible things that their mom went through after she had the surgery. I kept my mouth shut but I wanted to say "that's because she didn't follow the rules!" HUGS to you MWD!
  8. BostonRiley

    Got my date

    Welcome to the group! I'm new here as well. My surgery date is February 19th. I too am nervous and excited.
  9. BostonRiley

    February 2021 bypassers?

    @TreeTrunks Thank you for the welcome! I start my preop diet on 2/5, so only a few more days to go. I feel like I have so many appointments between now and the 19th. I haven't bought too much stuff as I'm afraid to. I did buy some templates on Etsy to track my water in take, my weight by the week and a sheet for my measurements. My boyfriend helped me last night take a bunch of before photos for me to put in my weight loss journal. I am right there with you with the overthinking! We will get through this though!
  10. BostonRiley

    February 2021 bypassers?

    February 19th is my surgery date! I'm getting more anxious as the days go by.

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