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LAP-BAND Patients
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About shay30

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  • Birthday 05/01/1978
  1. Happy 35th Birthday shay30!

  2. Happy 34th Birthday shay30!

  3. 3 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 3rd Anniversary shay30!

  4. :thumbup:I am 3 days out and was on clear liquids for an entire week before the surgery - so I have been on water and broth now for 11 days and yes it sucks! I miss the taste of food and I keep saying that I only have to wait until monday that is one more full day and I can have any liquids that I want. I just want to some creamy soup. I will be so excited to be on the pureed stage. I am not really hungry but in the matter of 11 days - I quit smoking and drinking and eating - so if that is not a drive fo anyone out there - I don't know what is - please keep it up! Still so sore - and it hurts to take deep breathes - not a fan of pain medicine - but I might take some tonight (first dose in 42 hours)

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