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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SummerTimeGirl

  1. Oh wow, that's very reasonable. Wish I had had that option years ago when it was suggested to me because I definitely would have tried it based on what I read about it and what my doctor told me about it. I looked into it again about a year ago only to find that my insurance still did not pay for it and that it was still astronomical in price. SMH I was hoping maybe it dropped since it had been out for years now but no. LOL I'll be interested in hearing how it works out for you.
  2. My doc was trying to get me on that years ago because he said some of his patients did really well with it. Unfortunately my insurance did not cover it and out of pocket it would have been some crazy number like $1700 a month!!!!!! CRAZY!! He said he would supply me with samples but then worried eventually he'd stop getting them and didn't want me to be doing really well on it and then suddenly have to stop cause he couldn't get it anymore so I never got to try it. Anyway, good luck on it. I have heard good things about it.
  3. SummerTimeGirl

    I "snuck" having WLS

    Initially I am NOT telling anyone. My reason has more to do with me not wanting to tell anyone for fear that, once I do, something will happen that will prevent me from being able to get it and then I'll need to explain why. SOoooo, until it's actually done and over with, I will keep it to myself. But of course my husband and our son (he lives with us) know.
  4. SummerTimeGirl

    Making the surgery choice, which one?

    I started this process originally thinking I wanted the bypass. But it wasn't until I spoke to my surgeon for the first time that he suggested the sleeve because I am anemic and also because I take Diclofenac (NSAID) for my back twice a day every day. He said if I even THINK that I will continue to need them that he will not do the bypass and instead the sleeve. Which in the end is ok by me.
  5. So yesterday I had my blood work done. Of course as results are coming in online I'm looking and I see some things I expected like the high cholesterol. I see under the COMPREHENSIVE METABOLIC PANEL my Glucose was 121, high of course, but when looking online it says between 100 and 125 is considered prediabetic. So I was still hopeful. But then my A1C test came in this morning and the Estimated Average Glucose was 146 and my A1C is now 6.7!!!! In 2019 it was 6 and in 2017 it was 6.1. I have been in tears all day cause one, I didn't want this to happen and two, I worry this will prevent me from getting the surgery (is there a certain number you need to be at/under beforehand?). Fear of becoming diabetic was a HUGE factor in why I finally decided to get the surgery and yet, here we are. Sigh None of my doctors have called me yet to discuss these results so, not sure what's gonna happen now. Just sick over this.
  6. SummerTimeGirl

    Bummed/Crying Off and On All Day

    Thanks everyone!! After a good night's sleep and coming on and seeing these comments, I do feel better. Just makes me want to work that much harder for it. We already discussed which surgery I will have weeks ago. Doc said he wanted to do the sleeve because 1. I have a history of being anemic and 2. I currently take Diclofenac (NSAID) for my lower back and he said if I even think I'm gonna need them in the future then he does not recommend the bypass. So, sleeve it is!! OAGB, I thought anything beyond 6.5 for A1C and you were considered diabetic? I tested at 6.7.
  7. SummerTimeGirl

    What is your why?

    Finally decided to get it done due to...........High BP, borderline Type 2 Diabetic for years now, tired of being out of breath, my lower back hurting, not being able to do certain activities because I am worried about weight limits, etc. Of course it will be nice to be able to shop in normal stores for clothes again and wear normal clothes as well. So yeah, hoping a lot of positive things come of this.
  8. SummerTimeGirl

    Diet changes leading up to surgery

    So I just started the process the end of February. Have done all my blood work, taken certain classes and quizzes online, did my EKG, chest x-ray, H-pylori test, and visited with the cardiologist. All I have left is a visit with the dietician, pulmonologist, and the mental health specialist. Oh and one more visit with the surgeon. That's providing nothing else comes up that needs to be done/taken care of. But so far.......... Things I'm doing to prepare................. Taking a daily multivitamin (as suggested by dietician) Started Keto again (but not extreme this time, this time I'm eating fruits as suggested by the dietician, and keeping fats low) Stopped drinking Diet Pepsi and now consuming 64 oz (as suggested by the dietician) or more of water ONE cup of coffee a day (sometimes I would drink 2 or more a day) Tracking my food on Cronometer and in a separate journal that also asks about my mood energy, activity, sleep, etc each day Trying to eat 3 times a day and 1 snack (as suggested by the dietician) Adding in exercise at least 15 min a day, 3 days a week to START with a goal of 60 min a day, 5 days a week (also suggested by the dietician) What I need to work on............ The 30-30-30 rule as given by the dietician (no drink 30 min before a meal, eat the meal within 30 min, no drink for 30 min after) Slowing down my eating/chewing/making my meal stretch out over 30 min
  9. SummerTimeGirl

    Update on my post op appointment

    Fingers crossed all is ok!!!
  10. SummerTimeGirl

    Pulmonary and Cardiac Clearance

    So I just got my cardiac appointment done. I got an EKG done earlier in the morning before my appointment and so the cardiologist said everything looked good on that so based on that test and nothing alarming in other previous tests, that he didn't require me to do any further testing as he feels confidant that I am fit for surgery. YAY!! One step closer. Pretty much all I have left to do now is my pulmonary, dietician and mental health appointments and they will all be completed by April 5th! So, fingers crossed my blood work (which I did this am) is fine too and nothing unusual shows with that. Oh and I guess next week I'll hear back about my H-Pylori test too. But after that, that should be it!!!
  11. So, of the many things I need to get done, Cardiology and Pulmonology are on the list. Can anyone tell me what exactly that entails (did you have to do the same?)? I guess there are some sort of tests they will do?
  12. Was told the same info. I'm actually meet with the dietician for the first time next week and I plan on asking about that in more detail. I'm hoping once I'm done with the surgery that that part will be easy for me as I currently don't typically drink while eating. I think it's because of the way I grew up. We HAD to eat our food FIRST before we were allowed to drink, but for the occasional sip, because my dad didn't want us kids to "fill up on liquid and not eat our dinner". Anywho, that seemed to have stuck with me throughout my life. Hey, maybe that's why I'm fat? All that eating and no water in-between to fill me up faster? LOL But seriously, I think that part will be easy for me. Now what I may have an issue with is eating too fast. I am horrible with that. I usually rush through my meal in order to get done and get moving on to the next thing that needs to be done. I think THAT is where my problem will be.
  13. SummerTimeGirl

    I made it through!

    Yay!! Happy to hear it went well for you! And, Chantrella, I hope things change for you soon and you can eventually keep something down. Fingers crossed you continue to improve and it gets better/easier.
  14. SummerTimeGirl

    1st appt but w/ a Nurse Practitioner

    So far I've had one video call with my surgeon that lasted like 45 minutes. He introduced himself, asked me how I came to find him, explained the different procedures, showed me diagrams, went over my medical history, told me which procedure he suggested for me and why, then allowed me to ask as many questions as I wanted. At the end of it he said we'd meet again at least one more time before the procedure. He also encouraged me to come up with more questions to ask him (should I have any) for the next visit. I felt good about our visit and got good vibes from him which was good.
  15. SummerTimeGirl

    Pulmonary and Cardiac Clearance

    Thanks everyone for the responses! At least now I have an idea of what I could expect going to these appointments. I actually had a echocardiogram back in 2010. All came back good and normal. Hopefully if I need another I will get the same good report. Thanks again!
  16. SummerTimeGirl

    Pulmonary and Cardiac Clearance

    Thanks for all the info!! For me they listed the EKG on its own then also listed a separate "Cardiac Clearance" visit which is why I was wondering what else that could mean. Apparently the cardiac clearance AND the pulmonary is a requirement from my insurance. I have no heart issues that I know of. Thanks again.
  17. SummerTimeGirl

    Mini melt down

    Haven't had the surgery yet but I know how you feel. When I was at my fittest and skinniest, my weight showed on the scale as 179. Well when you're a teenager that number makes you feel and sound like you're super obese. Especially when all of your friend are weighing in between 115 and 135lbs. But now I look back on those photos and I long to look like that again. Never realized how good I did look. And I should have known better because I wore a size 4, got hit on ALL the time, was able to wear sexy clothes (when I would allow my friends to force me into trying/buying them), etc. and yet I couldn't get the "obese" factor out of my head. But it didn't help either when the doctor would even say things like, "I never would have guessed you were that big. You carry your weight well." I'm sure you've all seen this meme............ So true. Anyway, not sure how you get the negative images and thoughts about yourself out of your head. It's just something I guess we constantly have to work on. But I know it's not easy. Sorry I didn't have much to offer. But hey, if you need someone to give you advice on some outfits, take several pics of yourself in some new ones and post the pics. We'll help you out.
  18. SummerTimeGirl

    Almost that time

    Woot! You got this! Hoping for a speedy, pain free recovery!!!
  19. Well, that could be a contributing factor for her too. The good news is there is hope and so many things you, and she, could try to get her "back in the mood", I'm sure. I am hopeful she will come around eventually. Maybe she could benefit from a supplement or something to help her out? I know I've just begun looking into those things myself but haven't tried anything yet.
  20. Still in the process myself but I think it's safe to say that both my husband and I were scared and skeptical for years when it came to talking about me possibly having it. And we both only really thought about it because my family doc kept suggesting it after years of seeing me trying everything under the sun and nothing working. When we first got together in our teens (he was 19 I was 16 and now......I'm 48 now and he's 53) he was under weight and I was at a nice normal weight but I always thought I was heavy. Despite being able to wear sexy clothes and fitting in a size 4, I still thought I was heavy. I guess mostly because I WAS heavy growing up but sorta slimmed down between the ages of 12 and 16. How and why, I have no clue. It just happened. But come age 19, that's when the weight gain started for me along with the other health and hormonal problems (i.e., PCOS, Endometriosis, Insulin Resistance). Anyway, over the years the weight just kept creeping up on me despite trying many diets, exercise programs, etc. He gained too but did not become overweight. His weight gain actually resulted in him finally being at a normal weight. LOL But either way, he NEVER EVER said a harsh word to me about my weight and as for sex, even despite having gained all this weight over the years, you wouldn't know it. The dang man STILL wants it ALL THE TIME. At least like once a day!!! LOL Me on the other hand my drive is non existent. And I blame the weight on that. Despite him telling me every day that I'm beautiful, he loves me, and that I "turn him on", I just don't feel that way about myself. I am so damn self conscious that I NEVER let him see me totally naked. Well, at least not standing up and walking around. LOL I don't want to say those words he says mean nothing, cause they do, they actually mean the world to me, it's just that they still don't change my own mind about myself no matter how reassuring they are. Ya know? I still feel like I look a mess regardless of what he says. Not in the face but in the body. IMO Anyway, he is totally up for me doing whatever it is I need or want to do to make myself feel better about myself and more importantly, to keep me healthy and around for a long, long time for him. So, that's pretty much where we are. As for the sex part, I surely do hope this sex drive of mine comes back once the surgery is done. I think and feel the world of him too, and find him highly attractive as well and I hate that I keep turning down his advances a lot of the time when this sh*t sex drive of mine has NOTHING to do with him. It gets tiring constantly trying to convince him it's truly NOT HIM and that it's totally all me/my body/hormones (and sadly my last blood work showed that I'm not near menopause yet so can't blame that either....lol). I seriously feel bad that he feels at times that I don't find him attractive cause that's really not the case. I LOVE that man!!
  21. Like many of you I have been through it all in the way of diets and better eating. And every single time I would be dieting or trying to lose weight, people would always say stuff like...."just eat more fruits and whole wheat/grains, beans, brown rice, etc". Ya know, things that most people substitute for other unhealthy foods. Problem is, for ME those items ALWAYS made me stall or even gain weight!!! I could never have them! My hope is that once I have the surgery I WILL be able to have items like that again occasionally and actually be able to still lose weight or maintain, depending on where I am along in the process, but NOT GAIN! I always missed those things when dieting. Have any of you experienced this? Were they no-no items for you too BEFORE surgery? Could you eat them again, like most normal people, once you had the surgery?
  22. SummerTimeGirl

    Fun conversation

    Won't miss/looking forward to.................... Won't miss squeezing into a booth with a fixed non movable table at a restaurant. Will be nice to fit one and be able to breathe. Not being able to partake in sports/activities that I worry my weight exceeds (i.e., kayak/canoeing, water/jet skiing, parasailing, zip lining, etc). Going to the waterpark for the lazy river only. Will be nice to get back on the slides. Going snow tubing again. Longer hikes. Being out in public without worrying someone is looking and judging me. Fitting into NICE clothes that I actually WANT to wear. Not because I have to. Hoping I will once again enjoy clothes shopping. Haven't in decades and do so mostly online now. Not having to research which airline has the widest seats and worrying about needing to ask for an extender. Not having the dang car seat belt make that dreaded, "you've pulled it out too far" noise LOL. Soooooooooo many things!!!
  23. SummerTimeGirl

    800 calories a day

    Haven't had the surgery yet myself, and just came across this persons page, Tiktoks and whatnot just a few days ago but, she looks like she may post a lot of meals and plans on her pages. Worth a look. https://bariatricqueen.com/mealprep-page/
  24. Haven't had the surgery yet but whenever I get that due to a cold, allergies, sleeping with my mouth open or whatever, I find that gargling with Listerine a few times a day knocks that bad boy back down to size within a day, usually. I guess it acts like a disinfectant/bacteria killer in a way? Who knows but it seems to work.
  25. SummerTimeGirl

    My goal outfit is/was . . .

    I hear ya! Back in the day when I was slim I was all about the barely there clothing and heels. LOL Can't wait to see all the nice, stylish clothing I'll be able to wear again some day once my surgery is done!! At least I HOPE! LOL

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