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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SummerTimeGirl

  1. SummerTimeGirl

    pre-op: one last binge

    I have contemplated eating what I want too while getting all my pre op stuff done. But then my blood work came back saying that, instead of still being borderline, I was now in fact Type 2 Diabetic. Luckily I had already started Keto weeks previous before that test came back (to get me used to no sugars or bad carbs). But yeah before that I most definitely felt like saying eff it, I'm gonna eat what I want while I can. But nope, figured I'd take this time now to prepare myself for what needs to become the norm for me anyway once this surgery is done. But I totally get your way of thinking. Had my blood work not come back like it did I may have even done the same but that scared the sh*t outta me because it is something I had been trying to avoid for years now.
  2. SummerTimeGirl

    How often do you weigh yourself?

    I've learned over the years of dieting to stay off the scale but for once a week. For instance, I started Keto again while I wait to get all my pre surgery stuff done and last weekend I decided to have a cheat meal of Chinese food. First cheat in a month. So the day after the meal I weighed an extra 7 lbs!! Now of course this was not true weight/fat weight because I obviously did not eat that much food to gain all those pounds. LOL It was water retention. BUT, it took me ALL week (as eating no-no foods usually does for me) before it went away and I went back down to what I weighed before that cheat meal. So yeah, you definitely can fluctuate BIG TIME depending on many factors. If you're ok with that then have at it. Otherwise I'd just do it once a week, same time of day, same clothes or naked if possible, after your bathroom business, etc.
  3. SummerTimeGirl

    March 26th

    Exciting! Can't wait until it's my turn! BEST OF LUCK!!!!!!
  4. SummerTimeGirl

    Surgery in 2 hours!!

    Best of luck!!!
  5. SummerTimeGirl

    Gastric sleeve or bypass??

    Well my surgeon said when he has a patient with diabetes he almost always likes to do the bypass because it supposedly has quicker, more immediate results for people who have that and high BP. But with me, like I said, I have a history of being anemic and also take the NSAID's every day which is a no-go for bypass pts. So, that made the decision even easier. PLUS I was only borderline Type 2 at the time. It wasn't until I did my blood work a few weeks later that we realized I was now Type 2. As for my date, we haven't even discussed it yet but I have an appointment on April 2nd with Mental Health then on April 5th I meet with the Pulmonologist. Providing neither of them need anything further from me, I will have completed everything and then it's just a matter of the office submitting it all to my insurance and waiting for an answer from them as to whether or not they will cover it and then I guess I get a date. I'm hoping for a May date the latest but I know they are backed up due to Covid so it may be later. I really don't know.
  6. OMG I hear that!!!! One of the first things I asked my surgeon after he was done all his talking and explaining and he asked me if I had any questions I said, given all you know about me now and my weight, do you have a suggested weight goal in mind for me? He said no, I do not expect you do get to any certain amount of weight, that is entirely up to you (was so happy I picked him at that point lol). I told him I asked because when I was last at my "thin" weight where I actually felt good and thought I looked good, my weight was actually 180 and I was in a size 6! I'm not very tall (5'6") but that weight just sat on me well. I told him my own personal goal is to get down around that (who knows if it will still now, I may need some adjusting to that) again knowing damn well the "standard would have me somewhere between 120 and 150. He said you'll get a feel for what is right for you. Your body will settle around a certain point. His main concern is hopefully helping me ditch the high blood pressure and newly discovered type 2 diabetes and all my meds. That's my main concern too.
  7. Hmmm not sure I'll be much help but, I had one phone call meeting with my dietician and that was it! They have me down for not needing to see her again. BUT, I also haven't had the surgery yet so I'm not sure if I will encounter her again once that is done. When I first started I was sent a ton of info in the mail (due to Covid). And in that packet they had me links to a site that had me watch several videos and take several quizzes that had to do with nutrition. I even had "Homework" which included a 4 day diary of what I currently eat and I also come up with my OWN food diary/log for what I would eat while on each stage of the diet AFTER the surgery (had to log protein, carbs, fats, etc for each item too and total it out for the day). I then had to submit all that back to the office. It is then that I got my one and only meeting/call with the dietician. The call consisted of us going over the "homework" I turned in. She also made suggestions of better food items that I could be using AFTER surgery instead of the ones I had put down on the paper and she explained WHY she suggested that how it would be better for me. Anyway, my experience was nice. She let me ask all the questions I had about food and whatnot and that was that. The call lasted like an hour. But, like I said, I haven't had the surgery yet so not sure if I will see her again (although she told me to contact her at anytime should I have questions about anything in the future) but for now I don't have to. Could you maybe use your own outside dietician? I don't see why they would have a problem with that as long as you have one. Depending on your insurance/surgery plan, you may just need to pay more out of pocket. But if it were me personally, I'd probably just suck it up and stick it out in order to get done. But that's just me.
  8. SummerTimeGirl

    Gastric sleeve or bypass??

    At first I was going back and forth between the two but more leaning towards the sleeve. But after the first consult with my surgeon, he said he would do the sleeve since 1. I am currently taking Diclofenac for my lower back pain and if I even THINK I'm gonna continue to need it then he would do the sleeve and 2. because I'm anemic. So that made up my mind. LOL So the sleeve is what I'll have done when I get my date.
  9. I'm early in the process too and skeptical to buy too much before getting my date. But I did just recently purchase this and it's been fine for me. But I haven't had it long. Not too expensive either. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08CZ9R2D5/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  10. SummerTimeGirl

    Cancer Weight Gain - Help!

    Congrats to you!!!! Wishing you continued health!!
  11. SummerTimeGirl

    High Abdobmen Fat

    Ugh, I hear that! Aside from my stomach being big all around, right under my left breast is like a pouch of fat that sticks out further than the part of my stomach under my right breast. Last time I lost 40lbs I felt like it was possibly shrinking but not too sure. I HATE THAT POUCH and worry that it won't go away once I have my surgery done. I feel like that area may eventually need lipo. I'm basing that off of a surgery I saw on TV. The person had some sort of fat pouch on their *ss (mush like my pouch) that they thought was a lipoma or something but ended up the fat just poofed out in that area and she was told it would never just go down/away no matter how much weight she lost or exercises she did so they ended up sucking out a great deal of it. Hope that doesn't need to happen but who knows.
  12. SummerTimeGirl

    PCOS and sleeve success?

    Hmmmm, interesting. Never knew that either and I too suffer from PCOS.
  13. SummerTimeGirl

    SEX! (not gender...I mean actual nookie)

    LOL Right? Back in the 80's as a teen we used that term all the time.
  14. SummerTimeGirl

    SEX! (not gender...I mean actual nookie)

    Nookie...........LOL..........haven't heard that term in decades.
  15. SummerTimeGirl

    Gastric Bypass Oct 2017 (PICS)

    Awesome!! Congrats! LOVE that dress!!
  16. SummerTimeGirl

    Boyfriends Mom! WTF

    Yes!!! In fact I only have two things left to do on my list. Meet with the pulmonologist and someone in mental health. Then I guess I'll get my date!!
  17. SummerTimeGirl

    Whats the hold up....

    So I first made contact with someone about surgery on February 8th. I had someone message me back from the office on February 9th and set me up with my first video visit with the surgeon on February 25th. I also had a few calls in-between with the nurse about various things such as insurance and when things needed to get done. Once I met with the surgeon on the 25th, he and the nurse listed a ton of required tests I needed to get done and also appointments. The tests included....... Tons of blood work (walk-in/DONE) HPylori test (walk-in/DONE/was also negative) EKG (walk-in/DONE) Chest X-ray (walk-in/DONE) Also had to meet with......... Dietician (video session/DONE) Cardiologist (in person/DONE/didn't require any further tests) Pulmonologist (appointment made/April 5th) Mental Health (appointment made/April 2nd) Aside from all of that I also had to......... Watch 12 different videos pertaining to the surgery itself, recovery, and videos on mentally preparing myself, goals to meet, etc. Each video ranged from 30-55 minutes in length. Then, after watching all of those, I had quizzes on ALL of the videos that I had to complete online or on paper then had to submit them to the office. Also had to pass them all, which I did. I consider myself lucky because, aside from the program and their own requirements, my insurance DID NOT require me to attend any other classes. Just needed to get certain tests done. I know a lot of people complained about Covid making their process harder but in all honesty, I think it's made my experience easier/faster because I can do most everything online, through video, or phone calls. FOR ME it's easier to make a call/video calls rather than having to actually go somewhere. As you can see above, most of the tests I needed to get done could just be done as walk-ins and no appointment was needed. That too made it all that much easier/faster. I am also staying within network, which again, makes things easier as everything I do is available for all my docs to see in one place. No need to gather results and truck it around to other offices. All of my results also came in within the same day that I got the tests done. All but the HPylori. That took a few days extra. So yeah, at this point in time it's March 16th and I ONLY have two appointments left. Providing the pulmonologist doesn't need or want any testing himself, I will have completed everything by April 5th (also assuming all goes well at the mental health appointment) . At that point my nurse navigator said she will submit all my paperwork, results, etc. to the insurance company for final approval. If the rest of this goes smoothly then I will have gotten all my stuff done within about a month/month and a few weeks time. Not too bad. Then it's just waiting on surgery date/day!!!
  18. SummerTimeGirl

    Night time munching

    I haven't had the surgery yet but while I'm getting all my pre-testing and whatnot done and waiting on my surgery date, I decided to put myself back on Keto for the time being. Only this time, because my nutritionist wants me to, I'm adding in more of a variety of veggies (that's usually not considered Keto friendly) and also some fruits. So, while back on Keto with these new stipulations, if I feel the need to snack, my go to's are............ Celery w/peanut butter or dipped in Ranch Raw veggies (grape tomatoes, celery, cucumbers, etc) alone or dipped in PB, Ranch or Cream Cheese Cucumber slices mixed with a little olive oil, vinegar, salt and pepper Cucumber slices with cream cheese sprinkled with Everything But The Bagel seasoning String cheese Slice of various hard cheeses Pepperoni or hard spicy salami slices Hard boiled eggs Greek Yogurt (with or without a small amount of Lily's chocolate chips/salted caramel chips) Small bowl of berries with sugar free whipped cream Sugar free Jello/Pudding with or w/o sugar free whipped cream Anyway, you get the idea.
  19. SummerTimeGirl

    Keto diet recipes

    If you go over to www.ketogenicforums.com, they have a ton of info, recipes, a thread like here where they post what they had for dinner, etc. Great source of info. I've been going there for years and it's really helped me and I haven't even had the surgery yet. LOL
  20. SummerTimeGirl

    Boyfriends Mom! WTF

    I agree with the others. Ignore that negativity and worry about you. Sounds like you did your homework and know and accept any risks and issues that MAY arise. I know for me I let the problems two friends of mine had with their own surgeries stop me from getting mine for years!!! Now I'm kinda p*ssed I allowed their issues affect me all this time. I could have been long down this path years ago. Best of luck to you!!
  21. SummerTimeGirl


    I haven't had surgery yet but I've been using Cronometer for years for tracking food and whatnot. I love it.
  22. SummerTimeGirl

    I get to go home!!!!!

    Great news!! Wishing you continued success!!
  23. Yes, you are lucky he can even be in there all those hours. I know you don't want to hear it. I get it. My dear friend's father was admitted to the hospital last Summer and everyone knew he wasn't coming out alive (several, severe health issues) and still, they wouldn't allow her, her mother, her brother, ANYONE inside to be with him. They had to say their goodbyes quickly as the ambulance took him and sadly, he died alone. So yeah, I get it but you are fortunate to be able to have him there at all. Wish this Covid crap was a thing of the past. I haven't had the surgery yet myself but from what I've read here from MANY people, you'll do fine and it will be over with before you know it. I'm sure if you become overwhelmed you could always call your husband overnight and he could comfort you that way. Stay positive!!
  24. SummerTimeGirl

    Onederland for My wife and I

    Wow, so awesome!!!! Congrats to you both! You look great! And strangely enough, you look like my son. Especially in the 3rd pic down. LOLOL
  25. My husband is not considered obese. Just slightly overweight. I think for someone of his height, 6 foot, his highest weight shouldn't exceed something like 196 lbs. Just a few weeks ago he weighed in at his highest weight ever at 216. So, last Monday we both started back on Keto (but with keeping the fat down) and he is now down 5.8 lbs and I'm down 9.4. I stuck to the plan with no cheating thus far and he's had some beer and wine several nights this past week and also ate some snack cakes at work. We both did Keto in the past and I lost 40lbs and he lost 30lbs. We both gained it all back over two years time because we stopped Keto and totally indulged in food and drink we shouldn't have during the entire time. Anywho, once I started the WLS process I told him we were both going back on Keto because it wouldn't hurt me to lose some weight BEFORE surgery and it wouldn't hurt him either. He is totally game for whatever. As he says, since I'm the one who cooks for the two of us, he'll pretty much eat what I make. He's not one to complain. LOL I of course take his likes and dislikes into consideration but he's totally for whatever it is I need to do. As far as I see it's all beneficial for the BOTH of us. Even though he has a very high metabolism as compared to me. After surgery I will just continue us on the same type of diet/way of eating. High protein, low fat, low carbs, low sugar. I'll adjust and alter if and when needed.

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