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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SummerTimeGirl

  1. SummerTimeGirl

    I violate thermodynamics and it's crap

    Haven't had the surgery yet but this is one of my biggest fears. That I will be one of those "freaks" or "flukes" who gets the surgery but then STILL CANNOT LOSE weight!! I feel for you. I don't have any advice but I do see many people on here saying that the beginning is like that for many reasons. Maybe one of them will comment. Hang in there!! I'm sure things will move for you soon.
  2. SummerTimeGirl

    I'm Losing My Mind

    I use the app Cronometer. Let's you add custom recipes and stuff too. And if a food is NOT in their database you can just scan an item via your cell phone camera with their app and it auto adds all the nutrients/info.
  3. So yesterday I was given a tentative surgery date of May 19th. That's the day unless insurance drags it's feet or Covid changes things. So in preparation I have been going over my nutrition packet again and see that they say the first 3 months AFTER surgery ALL vitamins/minerals/etc. need to be chewable. So under the "Sleeve Gastrectomy" they have the following things listed that need to be taken and their recommendations/suggestions: Multivitamin - 2 tablets Bariatric Advantage Chewable Essential Multivitamin Bariatric Advantage Multi Chewy Bite Centrum Chewable Flintstones Complete Chewable OR Mutlivitamin - 4 tablets Bariatric Fusion Complete Chewable Multivitamin Now, further into the booklet it speaks about taking ONLY Vitamin B12 and B1 for each of the following stages: clear liquids (1 day), full liquids (14 days), and puree (7 days). On the soft foods (14 days) stage in then says to START the Multivitamin listed on page 6 & 7 (which I listed above). So on one hand it says take a chewable multivitamin right after surgery for three months and but then it says to basically NOT start it until 14-ish days out. So which is it? I also notice that it says under the soft foods stage, where you start taking the multivitamin, that it DOES NOT also list the vitamin B12 and B1. So, does that mean I only need those for the first two weeks/those stages as listed above and that's it? And finally............. 1. Of those vitamins listed above, which would you recommend I choose or do you recommend another kind? 2. Since it says the chewables have to be taken for 3 months, which vitamins did you then switch to AFTER the chewable stage? 3. I am anemic, should I automatically keep taking my iron pill (by crushing it or trying to find a chewable) or no since it's not listed? 4. Is there such a thing as a chewable B12 and B1? I never had to look for such things. Should I go ahead and buy these vitamins now or should I wait until my pre-operative class and/or my final surgeon visit to get clarification? Just trying to get all my stuff bought and gathered beforehand and not have to wait until last minute. Thanks so much!!!
  4. SummerTimeGirl

    Any May Sleeve Surgerie

    May 19th for me. Providing insurance approves and gets back to us in a timely matter.
  5. Thanks so much for the info! I'm assuming you had no issue with taste and whatnot? You tolerated it well? I think to start I'm gonna order some sublingual B12 and B1 and perhaps these vitamins you posted because I definitely feel I will need iron. And it doesn't appear to be outrageous in price like some of the things I've seen. High price is fine if you take them and know you like them and tolerate them well. But, when you're first ordering some and you have no clue, I wouldn't want to pay a lot only to maybe have to buy another brand.
  6. SummerTimeGirl

    Surgery tomorrow

    Best of luck to you!!!
  7. Thanks so much! Just got off the phone with my surgeons office and they tentatively scheduled it for May 19th. They will now submit all the info and wait to hear back from the insurance and we will go from there. Eeek!
  8. Just completed all my requirements and waiting on insurance approval and a date, I guess, at this point and I have not told anyone but my husband, of course, and our son who lives with us. I didn't want to tell anyone for fear that I would get turned down or something would happen along the way that halts it and then I'd need to explain why. So I figured I just won't say anything until it's all over and done with. I don't foresee anyone talking sh*t about it since all my friends and family know how hard I've tried losing in the past and all my struggles with my underlying conditions. I imagine everyone will be happy for me. And if not, that's on them.
  9. SummerTimeGirl

    SOS with post-op clothes!!

    Haven't had surgery yet but how about those sites that send you clothes? Not sure if they are worth it, or if it works like I'm thinking but, maybe that would be a good way to try new clothes as you lose? Here is a site that has some tips: https://www.bariatricbody.co/post/12-step-guide-for-shopping-buying-and-making-your-clothing-wardrobe-work-after-bariatric-surgery
  10. SummerTimeGirl

    Clothing Problems! What to do?

    Haven't had surgery yet but how about those sites that send you clothes? Not sure if they are worth it, or if it works like I'm thinking but, maybe that would be a good way to try new clothes as you lose? Here is a site that has some tips: https://www.bariatricbody.co/post/12-step-guide-for-shopping-buying-and-making-your-clothing-wardrobe-work-after-bariatric-surgery
  11. SummerTimeGirl

    Pre op testing

    Yeah perhaps you don't need to be on one. I know from reading here on the forum that NOT everyone is required to be on one for whatever reason(s). My doc does. Which is ok with me.
  12. SummerTimeGirl

    Pre op testing

    I was told I will start mine 11 days before surgery. And I'm not even totally sure it will be 100% liquid or some combo of mostly liquids and a lean & green type meal once a day. Both the dietician and the lady I had my mental health evaluation with said the doc or his office will go over that with me when the time comes. Which I'm assuming will happen once all the paperwork has been submitted and the insurance approves.
  13. SummerTimeGirl

    Post OP!

    Congrats to you! Wishing you well on your recovery!
  14. SummerTimeGirl

    First Surgeon Visit

    My guess is that they MAY require a sleep apnea test or perhaps some sort of lung function test. But I'm hoping to not have to do either based on my recent chest x-ray looking good and also since I have no known issues with sleep, grogginess after sleeping, etc. None of the symptoms or issues that others I know who have sleep apnea experience.
  15. SummerTimeGirl

    First Surgeon Visit

    For me I started my journey at the end of February and today is my FINAL required pre surgery doctor's (pulmonology) appointment. I'm hoping they will not require any additional testing and so that I can contact my surgeons office today have them submit my info to the insurance company. We'll see! Best of luck to everyone!!!
  16. SummerTimeGirl

    Restaurant Card

    Ya'll do have a point, now that you say it, about the kids menu being crap most times. Didn't even think of that.
  17. SummerTimeGirl

    Restaurant Card

    LOVE IT!! I half joked to my husband the other day about how, if and when we go out to restaurants after I finally get my surgery, that I would just be eating bites of his food cause I surely wouldn't be able to eat an entire meal of my own. Then I jokingly said something about ordering off the children's menu IF they would allow it. Then here you go with this!! I wonder if my doc has anything like this? I'll have to try and remember when my times comes. So cool!
  18. SummerTimeGirl


    My heart breaks for you and I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through. Do you have a counselor or someone along those lines that you can speak to? Any close friends you can spend some time with. I imagine the times you are alone are the worst because you're left with your thoughts. Perhaps you can find some sort of outlet? Maybe join a gym or take up a hobby that can help occupy those lonely moments in your life/head? Of course NOTHING will ever get you over your loss or replace your husband, but maybe something can help you at least eventually find some peace with it all. I feel for you and I am truly sorry for all you're going through.
  19. SummerTimeGirl

    Sugar free deserts and heart healthy

    Looks like this may work for a treat too................. Low Carb Protein Cheesecake Prep Time 10 minutes Cook Time 50 minutes Total Time 1 hour Servings 2 Calories 165kcal Ingredients 8.5 oz. low fat cottage cheese 2 egg whites 1 scoop vanilla protein powder 1 tbsp. Stevia 1 tsp. vanilla extract 1 serving sugar-free Strawberry Jell-O Water Instructions: Preheat the oven to 325 F (160 C). Prepare the Jell-O according to the instructions on the package and place in freezer. Blend cottage cheese and egg whites until the consistency is smooth. Pour the blended mixture into a bowl and whisk it together with the protein powder, Stevia, and vanilla extract. Transfer the batter into a small nonstick pan and bake for 25 minutes. Turn off the oven, but leave the cake in it while it cools down. Once the oven has cooled, remove the cheesecake. When the Jell-O is almost set (you should just be able to stir it), pour it over the cheesecake. Let the cake set in the fridge for about 10-12 hours minimum before enjoying. Notes This recipe is for 2 servings of cheesecake. Each serving is half of the cake. The cake needs to be refrigerated for at least 10 hours to set, so it should be made the day before you plan to serve it. Make sure to use a protein powder with good vanilla flavor that holds up well in baking. You can change up the flavor of the topping by using different types of Jell-O. The egg whites need to be thoroughly whipped to ensure the cake has some height. For a taller cake, use a smaller pan or double the recipe. This cheesecake can be kept covered in the refrigerator for up to a week. Nutrition Calories: 165kcal | Carbohydrates: 6g | Protein: 32.5g | Fat: 0.5g | Saturated Fat: 0g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 0g | Monounsaturated Fat: 0g | Trans Fat: 0g | Cholesterol: 12mg | Sodium: 560mg | Potassium: 122mg | Fiber: 0g | Sugar: 3.5g | Vitamin A: 200IU | Net carbs: 6g
  20. SummerTimeGirl

    Sugar free deserts and heart healthy

    Recently I also whipped up some Plain Greek Yogurt (about a cup) with a few tablespoons of Natural Peanut Butter (2-4 tbsp....just nuts and salt as ingredients), some cinnamon, and a little honey and made a "dip" for my apples. It's sooooo good! I also imagine you could eat the "dip" as is too.
  21. SummerTimeGirl

    Sugar free deserts and heart healthy

    Haven't had the surgery yet myself but there are many Keto recipes floating around that you can try that MAY work for us after surgery (as they are usually sugar free). Here are some of the ones I use periodically. As you can see they are sorta similar. Various Versions of Whips/Mousse Desserts 1 tub sugar free cool whip 1 block softened cream cheese 1/4 cup Swerve Mix with mixer until fluffy and store in fridge (scoop what you want, when you want). Can add in Lily's Sugar Free Chocolate Chips (in various flavors), berries, sugar free syrups, etc. 1 block softened cream cheese 1 box any flavor sugar free jello 1 cup heavy whipping cream Mix with mixer until fluffy. Scoop into small balls with scooper or use hands. Lay balls on parchment paper and put in fridge or freezer for a few hours. I store leftovers in and airtight container in the freezer. 1 package of sugar free pudding mix any flavor 2 cups heavy whipping cream Mix with hand mixer until fluffy. Top with sugar free chocolate chips, sugar free syrups, or berries. Since these call for Sugar Free Pudding mixes there are soooooo many flavor variations you can come up with. Peanut Butter Balls 8 oz softened cream cheese 4 oz creamy NATURAL Peanut Butter (ingredients should list nuts and salt only) 4 Tbsp Swerve 1/2 cups crushed dark chocolate chips, optional Mix together room temperature PB, cream cheese and sweetener. Stir until well mixed and smooth. Scoop into small balls or use your hands. Roll into crushed chocolate chips, optional. Arrange on parchment paper lined pan and put into freezer for 2 hours. Enjoy. Store remaining balls in airtight container and store in freezer. Sugar free whipped cream and some berries would be a good treat too. There are lots of recipe websites out there too dedicated to those who have had the surgery.
  22. SummerTimeGirl

    Just had surgery

  23. SummerTimeGirl

    The Night Before Is Here!

    Best of luck!!!!
  24. SummerTimeGirl

    Protein bars

    Have you tried flavorless protein powder and slipping it in your foods/drinks? I know the nutritionist talked to me about that in preparation as a back up plan in case I found myself disliking the shakes.
  25. SummerTimeGirl

    I Reached My Goal!!!!!

    Yay!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
