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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SummerTimeGirl

  1. SummerTimeGirl

    One glass of wine....

    Which stinks for seltzer drinks too. I planned on returning to those as my go to WHEN and IF I decided to have a drink again once my surgery was done.
  2. SummerTimeGirl

    Recipes...I NEED RECIPES LOL

    Haven't tried these yet myself but here is what was in my binder of info from my docs office for the Blended/Pureed Foods Stage Ham & Eggs 1 slice (1 oz) ham 2 soft cooked eggs 1 cup (8 oz) warm low fat milk Trim fat from ham and put into blender. Process for 2 cycles at "chop". Add the eggs. Process for 1 cycle at "mix. Add milk and blend until smooth. Poached Eggs 2 poached eggs 1 cup (8 oz) warm low fat milk Put all ingredients in blender. Cover and process for 2 cycles on blend. Beef Stew 1 cup (8 oz) cooked beef stew 1 cup (8 oz) beef bouillon Combine ingredients in blender. Process for 1 cycle on "mix". 1 cycle on "puree" and 1 cycle on "blend". Turkey Dinner 3 oz cooked turkey 1/2 cup (4 oz) cooked cauliflower, butternut squash, or sweet potato (with no added fat) 1 up (8 oz) hot water or turkey broth Combine turkey and potatoes in blender. Process 2 cycles at "chop". Gradually add in liquid. You may not need the whole cup. Process for 3 cycles on "blend". Roast Beef 3 oz cooked roast beef 1/2 cup (4 oz) cooked cauliflower without added fat 1/4 (4 oz) broth Put meat i blender. Process for 2 cycles on "chop". Add remaining ingredients and process at "stir" for 1 cycle and "blend" for 2 cycles. Spaghetti and Meatballs 2-3 tablespoons of cottage cheese 2-3 tablespoons of ricotta cheese 1-2 tablespoons of parmesan cheese 2 cooked meatballs 1 egg or 2 egg whites 1/2 cup (4 oz) spaghetti sauce Seasonings to taste Combine all ingredients in blender. Process 2 cycles on "chop" and 2 cycles on "blend". Spoon 1/4 cup (2 oz) of mixture into muffin pan and bake at 350* for 35 mins. Cream of Pea Soup 1 cup (8 oz) of cooked peas (hot) 1 cup (8 oz) of hot low fat milk 1 teaspoon of margarine Seasonings to taste Process the peas for 1 cycle on "puree". Add remaining ingredients. Process for 1 cycle on "mix" and 2 cycles on "blend". Vegetable Velvet 1/2 cup (4 oz) diced, cooked and seasoned vegetables 4-6 tablespoons of cooking liquid, broth or low fat milk Place all ingredients in blender and process on "liquefy" (high) for 1-2 cycles or until smooth. Cheesy Fruit Salad 1 cup (8 oz) low fat cottage cheese 1/2 cup (4 oz) canned fruit in it's own juice 1/2 cup (4 oz) water Place ingredients in blender and process on "liquefy" (high) until smooth. Gelatin Fluff 1 pkg sugar free gelatin (any flavor, 4 servings) 1 cup (8 oz) low fat cottage cheese 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Prepare the gelatin as directed. Cool in fridge but remove before it sets. When cool, blend with the cottage cheese. Blend until smooth. Pour into a container, cover, and chill until set. Cottage Cheese Pudding 2 cups (16 oz) low fat cottage cheese 1 cup (8 oz) low fat milk 1 box sugar free pudding any flavor Put cottage cheese and milk in blender and blend for 1 min or until thick and creamy. Add pudding mix and blend until thoroughly blended. Divide into 4 equal portions. You can also use mixture to layer with fruit or parfait
  3. SummerTimeGirl

    Is feeling hollow the same as hungry?

    I don't have any advice as I haven't had my surgery yet but, are you sure continued support from you psychologist isn't still included? I know with my insurance and program after my psych evaluation one of the first things the therapist said was, don't hesitate to call or reach out to me in the future if you need me. You have lifetime access to us because you went through our program. So, it doesn't hurt to ask and see if you do too.
  4. SummerTimeGirl

    Just had my surgery 4/14

    Haven't had my surgery yet so can't comment on the nausea but wanted to congratulate you on your surgery. Best of luck.
  5. SummerTimeGirl

    I HIT GOAL!!!! Validate me! :):):)

    Awesome!! You look great! Congrats!
  6. SummerTimeGirl


    Yup. They do. I mentioned them above along with several others my office recommended.
  7. SummerTimeGirl

    Comfort Foods

    Not a regular drinker either but I probably have a Friday or Saturday night once or twice a month where we chill at the neighbors house and have some drinks or they all chill at our house around a fire with some. I am soooooooooo gonna miss those nights! Summer is the only time when my drinking may increase because our pool is open and, well, I just like to be poolside with some drinks or swimming and having a few. We also have an outdoor movie screen so we do movie nights outside a lot in the Summer. And again, drinks are involved. So yeah, the thought of that changing is sort of a bummer.
  8. SummerTimeGirl

    TMI....BM/POOP!! Read on...

    You taking iron? I know that can do that too.
  9. Same here. Never ate breakfast either and when I told the dietician this she was not happy. She was especially not happy once we found out I was now Type 2 Diabetic. Something that I was unaware of until pre-op testing. I hadn't been to my regular doc appointments or had blood work done in about a year and a half due to Covid so I had no idea I crossed that line. Anywho, since starting the program I try REALLY hard to become a breakfast person. Even if it's at least a protein shake or a hard boiled egg or something. I wanted to get myself in the habit of eating breakfast NOW before my surgery.
  10. SummerTimeGirl


    Welcome! And congrats to you!! I haven't had my surgery yet. Scheduled for May 19th. Fingers crossed that doesn't change.
  11. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgery?!

    Ughhhhh............not another one. Dislike hearing all these surgeries being rescheduled due to Covid. Hoping mine stays the same.
  12. Best of luck!! My doc submitted last week and we already got word today that it's approved. Hopefully you hear back quickly too.
  13. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgery?!

    Oh no!!!
  14. SummerTimeGirl


    If it helps, these are also listed on my list: 2 Tablets of the following: Bariatric Advantage Chewable Essential Multivitamin Bariatric Advantage Multi Chewy Bite Centrum Chewable Flintstones Complete Chewable or 4 Tablets of the following: Bariatric Fusion Complete Chewable Multivitamin But people here have also given other suggestions. Some of which I will probably try eventually.
  15. SummerTimeGirl


    Flintstones Complete Chewables is on my list of approved vitamins and most likely what I will start with when I get my surgery done.
  16. SummerTimeGirl

    Nervous to take the plunge

    I picked who I picked for several reasons. 1. I knew, via my husband as they are his co-workers, several others who used the same surgeon and office and 2. He's within my network so there is less out of pocket cost to me. Plus I looked him up to see what others, who I didn't know, had to say about him. I think he had like a 4.7 out of 5 rating. And seeing and speaking to him myself gave me good vibes about picking him as my choice. I never felt rushed or made to feel stupid no matter the type or how many questions I had. He took the time to answer them all.
  17. SummerTimeGirl

    Body image issues worse after surgery

    IslandGirl, I totally get doing that too. Doesn't help either when you see someone who is technically at a lower weight than you and yet they look way bigger than you. I do this every dang time I watch 1000lb Sisters. Once Amy had her surgery she was down around 285 and here I am at 320 and yet to me she looks sooooooo much bigger than I am. So of course then I start the questioning of my husband, "do I REALLY look bigger than her cause I do weight more than she does and yet to me she looks bigger. Am I foolin' myself?" or I ask him "who looks bigger, me or her?" It's never ending. Back when I was late teens early 20's I weighed 180 and thought I was fat despite being able to wear sexy clothes that showed my mid section, short shorts and mini skirts, heels on the regular, etc. I ALWAYS felt fat and felt I WAS fat. Looking back on photos I was stupid for thinking that ad WISH I looked like that now. Didn't help that my GYN back then used to say, "WOW, you carry your weight well. I never would guess you weigh as much as you do." 🙄 I guess it just goes to show we're all different with different body types and no certain weight is THE weight to be nor is one certain type of body THE body to aspire to. It's impossible. Plus imagine how damn boring life would be if we all walked around here looking the same. LOL
  18. SummerTimeGirl

    Nervous to take the plunge

    Same here. My family doctor had been suggesting the surgery to me for over 10 years now because he saw how hard I was working trying to lose weight with nothing happening (he had me in the gym, trying different diet programs throughout the years, keeping food logs, seeing an endocrinologist, etc) . And even at his suggestion, giving me statistics, etc. I was still scared of the surgery. So I would do my own research here and there through the years but still chicken out when it came time to do anything more serious with it. It was until this year that I got more serious in the research because my A1C was reaching Type 2 status. I had always teetered on the edge but I was scared to finally go over. I didn't want or need another problem (already have high BP, PCOS, Insulin Resistance) so I bit the bullet and reached out. I was even more on board with doing it once I got to speak with the surgeon and had all my questions answered by him. I felt so much better about it all. However, sadly during the pre-op testing I discovered I was now in fact a Type 2 diabetic. Something I did not want to happen and was trying to avoid. But this makes me want the surgery even more now. This is a very personal thing and you have to do it in your own time. I wish you luck in whatever you decide. It's not an easy choice either way.
  19. SummerTimeGirl

    Liver shrinking diet

    I'd have no problem eating that either as that's also how I typically eat. I'm still waiting to see what my pre op diet will consist of. I know I'll have one but they've yet to give me the details of it. Guess I'll find that out in the 90 min pre op class I'll be attending or during my last surgeons visit.
  20. SummerTimeGirl

    Need help tmi going bathroom

    Walmart DEFINITELY has that stuff cheaper. Like 98 cents a bottle. I've taken it in the past.
  21. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgery?!

    May 19th here providing insurance comes through and there isn't any issues with Covid.
  22. Possibly. I know for me I struggle to get in the 1500 now that I've been on this for over a month. Many times I find myself under 1000 but totally full and satisfied all day and night. Of course the docs and Nutritionist don't want to hear that. They tell me NOT to go that low (as if I do it on purpose) and to stay closer to 1500 if possible. I guess everyone is different.
  23. Haven't had the surgery yet but damn, those numbers seem off. I weight like 35/40 pounds more than you and even my doc and nutritionist have me doing 1000 to 1500 calories a day to LOSE/not gain, while I wait for surgery, and at 90 (protein), 40/60 (healthy fats), 20 (carbs). And even I have issues hitting that when I'm being 100% on plan. The carbs I hit easily due to the veggies but the protein can be hard at times. I'd ask about that again to make sure you didn't hear that wrong or they made a mistake.
  24. SummerTimeGirl

    I HATE broth!!!

    Haven't had the surgery yet but I see on my list of "full liquids" they have that I can have STRAINED low fat cream soups. Would something like that make a difference do you think? Have you tried bone broth or does that not matter? Are you even allowed to have those (the cream soups)? They even have blended bean soups being ok for me with my liquid portion of the diet. Are you allowed light or greek yogurts? Sugar free pudding and jello? I know every doc and diet is different but just wanted to mention the things that are allowed on mine that maybe you could ask about if you aren't allowed already.
  25. SummerTimeGirl

    I violate thermodynamics and it's crap

    Not at all. I'm still excited to get mine done. Will take it one day at a time after that.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
