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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SummerTimeGirl

  1. SummerTimeGirl

    Type 2 Diabetes

    So what did the doc say?
  2. SummerTimeGirl

    Surgery Tomorrow

    Best of luck!
  3. SummerTimeGirl

    Toning Inner Thighs

    You're not alone. Doubt I will ever be able to afford it either.
  4. SummerTimeGirl

    Toning Inner Thighs

    I'll be following as I already have extra skin at the very top, inner thighs and I hate it! I can only imagine it will get worse when I get the surgery. Mine looks like this top photo found on this page. I'm really thinking nothing but plastic surgery will fix it down the road, sadly. https://canberracosmeticsurgery.com.au/procedures/body-contouring/inner-thigh-lift/
  5. SummerTimeGirl

    Liver diet pre-op

    I get my surgery May 19th and have to do the pre op diet for 11 days before. I cannot imagine doing mine for an entire month as it only includes 4 protein shakes a day and 4, 1 cup servings of non starchy veggies. Now I've seen other pre op diets consist of 2 shakes a day, one for breakfast and one for lunch, then a lean protein (meat) and veggies for dinner. I can see that being doable. So I guess it depends. What I've been doing since March 1st to prepare, and to get used to eating better in general, is just eating low carb/no sugar diet staying between 1000 and 1500 calories a day (dietician approved) then will do my pre op as prescribed.
  6. SummerTimeGirl

    Type 2 Diabetes

    Good luck! I am anxious to see what they say. I can't imagine it would halt the surgery.
  7. SummerTimeGirl

    Type 2 Diabetes

    I'll be having my surgery on May 19th. I too found out during all the pre testing that I was now in fact Type 2 as well. I had been on the borderline for years until now. Mine came back at 6.7 this time around. Anyway, the nurses and my family doc and surgeon saw the results but didn't address it at all. Now I don't know if that's due to the fact that I'm already on Metformin for Insulin Resistance or maybe because surgery is not far away or maybe a combo of the two. Either way I was never put on any additional medication. They are probably gonna wait and see what happens within the first few weeks, I assume, before making a decision. I'm sure this new info won't prevent you from getting the surgery. If anything it's even more of a reason to get it.
  8. SummerTimeGirl

    Nicotine Test

    I just had my nicotine tests today and it was a blood test.
  9. SummerTimeGirl

    Nicotine Test

    My surgery is May 19th and insurance has already been submitted and come back as approved. My office told me to get that test done by the end of this week.
  10. SummerTimeGirl

    For Those Who Had A Pre Op Diet.....

    Thanks everyone for your input!
  11. SummerTimeGirl

    For Those Who Had A Pre Op Diet.....

    LOL Yeah nothing was mandatory. They just mentioned theirs, of course, which seems to be the norm for every office to do from what I'm hearing from others. The paperwork for the pre-op diet only says I need to have at lest 108 grams of protein a day (via shake/meal replacement), 64 ounces sugar free/non carbonated/decaf liquid and 4 servings of no starchy veggies.
  12. SummerTimeGirl

    For Those Who Had A Pre Op Diet.....

    Sounds like everyone's offices suggest their own brands/brands they carry but no one really says it's mandatory to buy the kind they sell. I'll probably end up just sticking to what I have. The only "goal" was 108 grams of protein each day while on the pre op diet so, I'm sure any protein drink will do. Then of course the 64 ounces of liquid and 4 servings of non starchy veggies.
  13. SummerTimeGirl

    For Those Who Had A Pre Op Diet.....

    Yeah my office had several listed too and Premier was one of them and something we happened to already have on hand since I've been planning and dieting for the last month ahead of surgery/pre op diet. Plus my husband also drinks a Premier each morning cause he's not a breakfast eater usually. So yeah, we just happened to have them. If I have to buy the BA brand I will. No biggy. I was just wondering if there was really any difference between that and other stuff. My husband is all, well they must suggest that for a reason. Don't do anything that will get you in trouble with the doc or stop you from being able to have the surgery. LOL Yeah, he's a by the book kinda guy. Me............not so much. LOL
  14. SummerTimeGirl


    Yay, CONGRATS!!!!!
  15. SummerTimeGirl

    Emotional wreck

    There are a few reasons why I would hold off getting it done if I were you. For one, it sounds like you're really not ready and could benefit from a psych evaluation beforehand. Two, you said you have never tried losing weight seriously until now and now that you are, it's working and you're actually losing! That's great! And finally, you have no underlying health conditions so IMO, it's not dire that you do it now, or else. I know for me I wrangled with the idea in my head and with my doc and my husband for YEARS!! Weighed the pros and cons, did research, spoke to others who had it done, etc. before deciding to finally go ahead with it. And then when I did decide, I did have to do the psych evaluation and a whole slew of other stuff (not as much as some but enough). I also spent years working with my doc on my diet and my endocrinologist, the local gym, etc. trying my hardest to lose weight and still, with all that effort, diet change and medication I still ended up with high blood pressure and now, Type 2 Diabetes. My weight simply would not move thanks to underlying issues I have (PCOS and Insulin Resistance, to name a few). Just made it extra hard for me. I always told myself and my doc over the years that if I truly gave my diet and exercise my all and NOTHING satisfactory happened as far as weight loss, that I would seriously consider weight loss surgery. But if it the diet and exercise did indeed work, I would just continue down that path and do it on my own. Well sadly the dieting, exercise and medication did not work for me so I chose to get the surgery. And I really did try, for YEARS!! Given the fact that you do NOT have any underlying conditions/risks, if I were you I'd step back and reevaluate getting it done and continue working hard on your diet and exercise since it seems to be working for you. But in the end, only YOU can decided what's right for you.
  16. SummerTimeGirl


    Good luck!!!!!!
  17. SummerTimeGirl


    Until my surgery I'm on low carb, low/no sugar diet and eat the following when I get a sweet tooth. I imagine if you're that far out it should be fine for you too. Plain No Fat Greek Yogurt (about a cup) with a few tablespoons of Natural Peanut Butter (2-4 tbsp....just nuts and salt as ingredients), some cinnamon, and a little honey and made a "dip" for my apples. It's sooooo good! I also imagine you could eat the "dip" as is too. I also do a cup of Plain No Fat Greek Yogurt and mix in half to a full packet (the smaller ones) of the Hidden Valley Farms Ranch seasoning and dip my veggies in. Soooo good. I also take a tub of sugar free cool whip and then add in a small packet of any flavor sugar free pudding mix and sometimes even add in some Lily's Chocolate Chips, various flavors. Mix it all together and put it in the fridge and eat what ya want in moderation. As for chips, have you checked out the Quest Chips? Kind of expensive but really good! There;s also various brands and flavors of Parmesan Crisps out there. It's nothing but cheese and whatever spices/seasonings if any.
  18. SummerTimeGirl

    Quitting Smoking Pre-Op

    I haven't had the surgery yet but, my best advice is to just do it cold turkey! I smoked for over 20 years and tried multiple ways over the years to try quitting and nothing worked. Finally, I just put my mind to it that I was in contro, NOT the cigarettes, l and I just stopped!! It was hard. And a few times I walked my ass around to the store to buy more but I didn't smoke. Back in the day I used to smoke in the house so everything I did was tied to smoking.......before and after eating, with coffee, while on the computer, watching TV, etc. As silly as it sounds I took a McDonald's straw, cause they were about the same thickness as a cigarette, and cut it down to cigarette size and used to hold that in my fingers like I would a real one while on the computer, watching TV, wherever and whenever I normally would smoke and guess what, it helped. Multiple times I even found myself bringing it up to my lips and "taking a drag" of it. But hey, it was better than the real thing. I used to carry that thing everywhere. LOL And as crazy as this sounds, the one day I did break down and bought cigarettes but I told myself I was gonna walk back home WITHOUT smoking one and, if I could make it there without one, I would reevaluate if I really needed it or not. And nope, I didn't need it. I took things minute by minute but I kept those cigarettes in plain view on my desk and told myself if I REALLY needed one they were there. But I was always able to talk myself out of having one. I'd gulp water, have snacks like celery and carrot sticks, things that felt like cigarettes too in my hands/fingers. I don't know, just having the there gave me comfort. But I know not everyone would be able to have them that close without caving in. Anyway , all my little strange things that I tried worked for me in the end and I've been cigarette free for 16 years now! I wish you the best of luck. I know how hard it is and everyone has to do what works for them.
  19. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Hello and welcome! I'll have mine on May 19th. Tomorrow I attend my pre op class and also meet with my surgeon one last time so I guess I'll find out the deets to my pre surgery diet tomorrow. I know there is one, cause I saw it in the notes of the dietician, just not sure of the details. There is another forum about May surgery dates too. You can check it out at: https://www.bariatricpal.com/topic/436606-may-surgery/?tab=comments#comment-4919284
  20. SummerTimeGirl

    100 lbs!

    Awesome!! Congrats!!
  21. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgery?!

    Hello and welcome!!
  22. My surgery is May 19th but I already changed my diet on March 1st in preparation (we stay very low carb, low/no sugar as much as possible). So yeah, my closets and fridge have been cleaned out of all processed/boxed foods and junk that we don't need or shouldn't have. I've also begun the process of stocking my cabinets with Powerade Zeros, various protein drinks/flavors, got my food scale, child size utensils, containers.........the only things I have left to get are some sugar free Jello and Pudding, some bone broth, some flavorless protein powder, some sugar free popsicles and I think that's it. I even got my Biotene mouth spray and some extra chapstick for the hospital stay as others suggested. That, combined with what I already bought, should all get me through the first few weeks then I'll adjust or alter based on what I need/want from there. I feel well prepared, or at least I will be, over the next few weeks. As for how I feel, I'm just excited and ready to get it done and over with. As for the food, like I said, I've altered that over a month ago and had done this same thing in the past so I'm used to that and have no issues. I'm ready!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
