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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SummerTimeGirl

  1. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Sheesh, the nurse just called to go over some things before surgery and dang, it sure seems like a LOT of stuff to remember. Stuff like stopping certain vitamins and things the week before, not taking my meds the night before and morning of surgery, stop NSAIDS 7 days prior, fasting blood glucose/some other test/covid test on a certain day and NOT before or else I could be canceled, clear liquids ONLY (no red dye) the day before but only water after midnight and no water even prior to two hours before surgery, showering the night before and morning of surgery with that soap they give you and no deodorants and whatnot afterward, on and on and on. I hope I remember it all and don't mess up by taking something I shouldn't or eating/drinking something after a certain time frame. LOL
  2. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Yay! Congrats!!
  3. SummerTimeGirl

    Nurses! pls respond!!!

    Not sure if it would be allowed or not, perhaps they would under your circumstances but, maybe you could use a Camel Pack like the military use? That way it's always with you (you wear them on your back and they're lightweight) and you could even sip in while wearing your mask as the tube should slip/fit under the mask easily. If you don't know what they are look it up.
  4. SummerTimeGirl

    Protein taste issues

    Have you tried the flavorless protein powders? My dietician suggested I have that on hand for that very reason cause she said you can slip it into anything else that you can get down and not even notice. Haven't had surgery yet myself so just relaying her suggestions.
  5. Hope you're feeling better or at least spoke to the doc about possible issues.
  6. SummerTimeGirl

    Are Smart Scales Worth it?

    Now THAT sounds interesting. But I just checked it out quick and it appears it only goes to 60 inches. I think my hips are 62. Or at least they were years ago when I last checked. LOL I could always get it and wait until I lose a few inches before I start to use it.
  7. SummerTimeGirl

    What's the deal with "Straws vs No Straws"

    Yup. Was told the same thing....to avoid straws when I get my surgery done due to taking in too much air and possibly too much liquid at a time. Who knows. I don't typically use them anyway unless at a restaurant so it's no loss for me.
  8. SummerTimeGirl

    Are Smart Scales Worth it?

    I've been using this scale and love it. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078HW8BPY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  9. SummerTimeGirl

    Body image issues worse after surgery

    I know for me I feel totally comfortable wearing a bathing suit now. I usually wear a tankini that has a longer top with a separate skirted bottom that comes down long enough to hide my very upper, inner flabby thighs. I worry all of this will be much worse (and sag lower) when smaller and what I'm able to hide easily now won't be so easy to hide when I lose. Totally effs me up with worry. Right now I know what to wear to hide everything and what looks good on me and makes me feel good about myself. But, who the hell knows once I lose weight. Scary thought.
  10. SummerTimeGirl

    Body image issues worse after surgery

    All the things you spoke of I worry about for when I get my surgery in a few weeks. I also get told how young I look despite turning 49 in a few weeks, etc. I REALLY worry about losing weight and looking old. I have a friend who had the surgery years ago and I kid you not, she looks about 30 years older and she's so frail and all skin and bones. I DO NOT want that for myself. The uncertainty of all of that happening has occupied my mind for months now. I always thought of myself as being attractive (and have had many men hit on me throughout my life.....esp when I was thinner). It was always my weight that has been an issue and my body that I felt was ugly. So yeah, I'm so afraid of this changing my facial appearance, shallow as it may be. And most definitely afraid of all the sagging skin and knowing that I most likely will not be able to afford skin removal surgery down the line. These issues sometimes make me second guess doing this but I do want to be healthier. But the unknown is most definitely the scary part of this surgery for me. Sigh
  11. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    I start my 4 protein shakes/4, 1 cup servings of non starchy veggies diet on Saturday. And yes, TOM should be paying me a visit too. With any luck he'll come on time and be gone before the 19th. LOL Glad things are going well for you!
  12. SummerTimeGirl

    Swallowing Pills

    My surgery is upcoming but I was told I could take anything as I usually do as long as it's not bigger than a tic tac. If it's bigger than that, then I need to crush it. So if I'm to continue taking what I do now, looks like only my Metformin will need to be crushed (for now) as the Lisinopril is small enough and and so is my Hydrochlorothiazide but I'm actually supposed to stop that once I get the surgery done.
  13. SummerTimeGirl

    Joing a gym

    Yes, I did not mean all Y's were like the one I attended. Sorry if it came off that way. That was just my experience at one and why I stopped going which is why I suggested the OP ask certain questions and perhaps look around the place and check it out before considering joining. I actually did a walk thru of our Y before we joined and everything was great. Which is why we joined. Not sure why the decline seemed to happened shortly after I joined. And I attribute the it being over crowded due to me living in a small town. We had no other gyms locally aside from the Y unless you want to travel 30+ min away and who the heck wants to add an hours drive round trip in addition to your gym time. LOL
  14. SummerTimeGirl

    Joing a gym

    Never was a member of Planet Fitness so don't know. I did belong to a local YWCA years ago when I first started trying to actively lose weight. I loved it at first as it had the gym, spin classes, a pool, racquetball court, etc. But after a while I was finding myself standing around more than anything waiting for equipment to become available (too crowded, not enough equipment) and also there were many times the machines were broken. Needless to say after 6 months of that I stopped going. I felt like I was wasting my time more than anything. I had stayed away from gyms until recently when I joined a "gym", which is really just taking advantage of a rehabilitation center through my insurance. So, I paid like $50 for a month of using their equipment and it also came with 8, one hour long sessions with a personal trainer (each additional month will only be $35 for unlimited use for the month). So she created a program for me both inside and outside the gym using stuff I already have at home. Of course once I get the surgery in a few weeks that will change slightly for a while. but that's ok. Anyway, not knowing what to do, or what equipment to use for what I wanted to achieve, was another reason I stopped going to the Y. I just had no guidance and walked around aimlessly trying everything but not really accomplishing anything. LOL So, my suggestion is, no matter where you end up, ask questions and try and maybe at least get a one hour session with a trainer to better guide you on what you could be using to accomplish whatever goals you're trying to achieve. Also try and see if they have enough equipment to accommodate the amount of people who come in. Does the equipment look up to date and in working order, etc. Good luck!
  15. SummerTimeGirl

    Sleeve with Fatty Liver

    I forget what show I was watching but it was about a guy having the same procedure (he was VERY heavy) and I remember the doctor saying something like, "let's see once inside if he followed my orders and did the pre op diet as I told him?". And once inside he commented again saying like, Oh yeah. His liver looks great. It's amazing what 2 weeks on the liquid diet can do. We (the docs) can definitely tell when you've done as you've been told when it comes to preparing for surgery." I just found that interesting that 1, they could tell if you did it or not, and 2, that it could change so much in such a short period of time. So, I'm sure you'll be fine.
  16. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Yay, another May 19th! That's 3 of us now.
  17. SummerTimeGirl

    Medication After Surgery

    Glad to hear this. I think you're one of very few who was told this, as I was. Most everyone else I read about or talk to says the hospital and/or surgeon told them at the hospital during discharge to stop all medication.
  18. SummerTimeGirl

    Medication After Surgery

    The surgeon does not know. I was not even thinking about that experience at the time because we were talking about various other stuff. My regular doc does know. Good thing is my surgeon told me he has been in close contact via phone and email with my regular doc so I'm sure the advice is sound. Just worried a little. I guess if I start feeling that same way I can always just start taking it again or at least contact the office for further advice on it.
  19. SummerTimeGirl

    Surgery completed

    Yay!! Congrats!! Wishing you a speedy and easy recovery!!
  20. SummerTimeGirl

    Reflux after weening off of Prilosec?

    Oh really? Well I hope the 1 month only I was prescribed will be enough. I'd sure hate to have to experience reflux. Especially when it was never an issue to begin with.
  21. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Yikes!!! 3 weeks all liquid? And I thought I had it bad with just the shakes and veggies as I've seen others who were able to eat meat at least once a day. I think that it just hasn't hit me yet that this is happening. I'm sure once it gets closer I may get anxious, I don't know. Guess we'll see!! You're gonna do great! So am I! Gotta stay positive!! So happy to have someone else going in the same day as me.
  22. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    No. I start my pre op diet (4 shakes a day and 4, 1 cup servings of non starchy veggies) on May 8th. I have thought that same thing a million times and even did liquid diets in the past but that never lasts long (nor do I ever lose much). So I'm totally excited and ready for the surgery.
  23. I agree, get help from your dietician. Also the Internet is a great place for quick, easy and healthy recipes. You'll find all kinds of stuff if you look. I've also come across some great Tiktok accounts of others who have had the surgery and doing great. They post lots of easy recipes and whatnot. Look around! Best of luck!
  24. SummerTimeGirl

    Reflux after weening off of Prilosec?

    My surgery is May 19th and the surgeon prescribed me Protonix to be taken once a day for 30 days (once I'm home from the hospital) then I'm to discontinue it. I know it has repairing properties, and I've never had issues with GERD/Reflux or anything, so I think it's just as a precautionary but not 100% sure.
  25. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    YAY, that's my day too!!!!!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
