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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SummerTimeGirl

  1. SummerTimeGirl

    What are your go to meals?

    Have you tried the cooking the chicken breast various ways? I ask because my nutritionist said many of her bariatric patients come to her with that same complaint but when she asks them if they tried cooking if in different ways they tell her no. She then sends them home to try cooking it different ways and she claims that like 90% of them are then successful eating it. She said lots of times it just depends on how it's cooked, how dry it is because of the way it's cooked, seasonings etc. So, who knows. Haven't been there yet myself to test it out but you may want to try cooking it in other ways if you haven't already.
  2. SummerTimeGirl

    Elusive Sleep

    Haven't been through it yet myself but have seen several threads about the same thing lately and so it does seem normal.
  3. SummerTimeGirl

    Cardiologist Check

    I was anxious for that appointment too but after doing the EKG he didn't require anything further from me. He said that in combination with my clear health history (no heart issues, or lung, no surgeries prior, etc.) was enough for him to approve me. You'll be fine!!
  4. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Best of luck!!
  5. Thanks. Yeah I do have protein waters and shakes on hand too. Tried a few different ones that I sorta stocked up on but not too crazy in the event that I no longer like them. The good thing is I had my husband try them too so whatever I no longer like he will take care of for me. LOL So, do you have any input on the bean soups they mentioned? I figured the cream soups I had to add milk or water but those "blended" bean soups they mentioned have me baffled.
  6. SummerTimeGirl

    Lying about not getting surgery is awful

    Sorry but people do and don't tell others for many PERSONAL reasons. Just like someone who is gay MAY or MAY NOT choose to tell someone that info. It's THEIR choice. Just like when someone is in need of getting dentures. They MAY or MAY NOT choose to tell others. But it's THEIR choice. Just like someone with a life threatening disease MAY or MAY NOT tell others. It's THEIR choice. I personally do not see how someone withholding personal info about themselves is harmful to others. IMO it isn't. No rules saying we must tell the world about every little diet, procedure, dental work, life saving intervention, etc. that we may need or want needs to be broadcasted. Also, I didn't need to engage other overweight people with questions to learn if or how they've had surgery themselves. I found out about it from my doctor. Like I imagine many others do too when the doc and patient have tried everything to help them lose weight and nothing has worked.
  7. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgery?!

    If I find myself going through something stressful I swear it come late. It's almost as if once I relax it's like, ok, here I am. LOL
  8. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgery?!

    Mine is already late. Figures. Probably my nerves holding it back. It's happened before to me.
  9. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgery?!

    Ughhh I'm on day 3 of my liquid diet (4 shakes, 4 one cup servings of certain veggies a day) and the headaches are unreal!!! But of course the lack of caffeine, food and an upcoming visit from TOM will do that. LOL
  10. SummerTimeGirl

    MyFitnessPal vs. Baritastic

    I use Cronometer. Does what I want/need it to. Basic food logger with a large database but you can easily add items they don't have listed by just taking a pic of the food items bar code. You can also put in a recipe and it will give you the nutritional info for the recipe/servings/etc. Been using it forever so not sure what other apps do and don't do compared to this one. Used to use My Fitness Pal over 10 years ago but never tried Bariastic.
  11. SummerTimeGirl

    Surgery Day!!!!!

    Good luck!!
  12. So I keep hearing about many of you being taken off your medication from day one. I asked my surgeon about this during our final meeting and he said to keep taking my blood pressure medication (Lisinopril 20mg, 1 tab 2 x day) and my Metformin (500 mg 2 tabs, 2 x day) but to STOP taking my Hydrochlorothiazide (50 mg 1 tab 1 x day) as it's a water pill and he said, in the event I have issues with dehydration, he wants to know that it's due to something I'm doing or not doing (eating/drinking/or not) rather than that medication so he wants me to stop it. That's the only medication I'm on. Problem is, last year I had an issue with my Hydrochlorothiazide being refilled and I went without it for like 4 days. Well, I felt like total crap and was practically bed ridden cause the slightest bit of activity had my heart racing, major headache, and everything else. Once I got my water pill and was on it for a few days, I felt back to my normal self. Needless to say I am scared to death of just stopping it for fear of that happening again but I gotta trust the doc I guess. Do you think things will be different this time around since I will be (HOPEFULLY) losing weight and not weigh as much as when that happened, this go around? He of course told me I had to see my family doc two weeks after surgery and that he would be the one to guide me on possibly stopping all my other medication. Has anyone else done it this was too? I just feel like most of you were told in the hospital to stop all medication and obviously that won't be the case for me. I would LOVE to finally be off of everything eventually!
  13. SummerTimeGirl

    Happy Mother’s Day

    Happy Mother's Day!
  14. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgery?!

    So happy I'm not the only one going on the 19th!!
  15. SummerTimeGirl

    pre-op: one last binge

    The past two weeks/week and a half I had my most favorite foods before starting my liquid diet today. Since March 1st I have been low carb/no sugar but wanted to get my one last hurrah with some of my faves cause I'll either never be able to have them again due to possibly not liking them in the future, not tolerating them, being a while before I can have them, or just plain no longer being interested. LOL Plus I had an anniversary, my birthday and Mother's Day to celebrate early since MD comes when I'm already on the liquid diet and the other two come right after surgery. LOL So yeah, this week I had.... Chinese Food (my favorites....chicken lo mein, pork fried rice and shrimp rolls) White Pizza (a few slices) Cheesesteak and a side of chili cheese fries Homemade baked macaroni and cheese My homemade pasta salad (that we usually have throughout the Summer) And I baked a cake we all love here and had a few slices of that Oh and for my last meal yesterday, a few bean burritos from Taco Bell (have always loved them....LOL) Hubby was like, do you REALLY want this as your last meal? LOL Anyway, glad I did it. And also didn't gain a thing from it so that's always good.
  16. SummerTimeGirl

    One glass of wine....

    So true! You definitely get the drunchies. Or at least I do. LOL Always after a night of drinking I'm raiding the fridge for something to eat. And usually not the best of choices. But I am glad to hear that most of you have been able to keep down a glass of wine. Hubby and I usually spend one night each weekend (or at least a weekend or two each month) hanging with our friends (neighbors) at the fire, or in the pool come Summer having several drinks. Gonna miss that in the beginning for sure.
  17. SummerTimeGirl

    Swimming after sleeve

    Just found this old thread cause I was curious too. Our pool gets opened on Tuesday but surgery is May 19th. Gonna suck not being able to get in for a while. Especially since I'm the primary one who takes the grandkids in. Bleh
  18. SummerTimeGirl

    Type 2 Diabetes

    Glad to hear it. Wonder why they won't just do both at one time like I hear so many others having done?
  19. SummerTimeGirl

    Talking to my kids about WLS

    My grandkids, as well as my son and DIL, live with us so I of course had to tell the kids what was happening (2 of them will be 4 and 5 next month and the other is eight) because for one, I take care of them when my son ad DIL work (which is most of the day and most days of the week and even when they are home they're always up my butt....lol), and two, they will not be able to jump on or around me like they're used to. Not to mention my time away for surgery. They asked why I need it done and I said for health reasons so Gigi doesn't need her medication (hopefully) any longer and to prevent further problems with my health. But they were more concerned with why they couldn't lay on my lap and jump around and play with me. LOL So I explained how I will have some boo boos on my stomach and I told them once I came home I would show them so they knew what I was talking about. But in the meantime, I showed them a picture of the stomach of someone who had already had it done. We often watch medical shows here at home and they have seen instances of surgeries being performed so they kinda understand what's happening. It's really the "why" they don't fully get. They know I take medicines and will hopefully not have to eventually down the line but they're kids, they don't fully get why one has to take medicine to begin with. I mean the 8 year old gets it but the other two, ehh. LOL Anyway, in all my explaining I think they get enough of what's going on.
  20. Agreed! Nothing wrong with wanting to look/feel good (and that being the only reason for some.......I WISH that was my only concern) but my sister was concentrating on that ONLY when I was clearly trying to tell her the newly discovered diabetes, high BP, Insulin Resistance, PCOS, years of no diets and gym working, and fear of any future issues is what I was MORE worried about at this time. FOR ME. Like in one ear and out the other with her. LOL But yeah, not gonna tell anyone else for sure. HAHA
  21. Hmmm, I don't have any such appointment before mine. The only thing they said about anesthesia was that, once I get to the hospital , I have to meet with someone from anesthesia and sign papers. That was it.
  22. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Yup, I have a binder too with all the paperwork from day one. LOL
  23. Just the past weekend I was reassured that I had better just stick to NOT telling anyone else like I had ORIGINALLY planned. I had only told my husband, obviously, and my son knows cause he lives here too, but other than that I did not want to tell anyone. However, I had since changed my mind and decided I had better tell my sister and mother in the event that something happened to me. Mostly because my husband knows my wishes at death but they do not and I didn't want them giving him **** for fulfilling my wishes cause I know they would disagree. Anyway, I should have just kept my mouth shut! LOL As soon as I told my sister immediately I was hit with the following......... "Why" "You're not that big to need it (she must be blind lol and as if size is the ONLY reason)" "Are you sure you tried everything else first?" "My SIL had it done and gained it all back" "Someone else I know had it done and her heart stopped on the table and they had to bring her back and now she has a pacemaker" "Are you sure you tried everything else?" "Just because you have it done doesn't mean your high BP will go away" "Well I was able to lose my extra weight by eating better and walking" etc. My mother was just like, "why?". SMH Anyway, I even said to my sister, these comments are exactly why I didn't want to tell anyone. YES, I've tried it all, YES, I'm sure, YES, I NEED it for HEALTH reasons and not to "look good", cause at one point after she accepted it that's all she kept saying is how skinny I would be by mid Summer (right....SMH)............ugh!! It was annoying! But yeah, not telling anyone else for sure!
  24. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    My calendar is filled with a ton of reminders to go off all month long. LOL
  25. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Welcome!! I think the doubting is normal. I know for me it's been nothing but excitement for my surgery coming up on the 19th but about a week ago I started having my "what if" moments too. I just chalk it up to nerves. That and I have never had any type of surgery in my life, never been put under, etc. so I worry how I may react to it all. I'm sure we'll both be fine!!!

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