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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SummerTimeGirl

  1. Ghost Protein Powder. Has anyone heard of it? Not sure if it's new or not but recently I've seen some videos from other bariatric patients who were able to get their hands on some. They all swear it tastes so good. They have all sorts of flavors too such as............. Nutter Butter Chips Ahoy Peanut Butter Cereal Milk Pancake Batter Banana Pancake Batter Chocolate Cereal Milk Blue Raspberry Sonic Cherry Limeade Original Greens Sour Patch Kids Redberry Warheads Sour Watermelon Welch's Grape Blueberry Acai That's all I've seen thus far. I looked on Amazon and they are trying to rob people for like $70 a canister. But GNC online has it for like $40. They also have a website and a FB page but I haven't really checked them out yet. I'm really interested in that Chips Ahoy and Nutter Butter ones. LOL They sound amazing which is why I was wondering if anyone has been able to try them yet. https://www.ghostlifestyle.com/?fbclid=IwAR3h-Vj1UozGt1TbKN5hFRSsMeHZqtZRKNwU9QtqXjGH6tKaV9APjOhWJKE
  2. SummerTimeGirl

    GHOST Protein Powder

    Got my samples yesterday. Just in time for me to try a few before I went to all clear liquids today. I was able to try the Nutter Butter and the Chips Ahoy. LOVED both! But what I really liked the most was that they did NOT taste overly sweet. Can't wait or surgery to be over so that I can try the others.
  3. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Good luck to everyone having surgery today!!!!!!!!!
  4. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    After my surgery Wednesday I will be 2 weeks FULL LIQUIDS, 1 week PUREE, 2 weeks SOFT FOODS, then regular diet.
  5. SummerTimeGirl

    What was your tipping point?

    Love it and hope I'm as lucky one day. Congrats!!!!!
  6. SummerTimeGirl

    100Lbs lost

    Awesome!! Congrats!!
  7. SummerTimeGirl

    What was your tipping point?

    Hello and welcome!!!!!!! Have been actively trying to lose weight for the last decade with the help of my primary doc and endocrinoligist (who my primary doc sent me to after he and I tried just about everything for me to lose weight and nothing was working). Anyway, my endocrinolgist finally figured out I had Insulin Resistance (put me on metformin for that) plus PCOS and of the two make it extremely hard to lose. You constantly, actively always need to be trying to lose otherwise it seems you just steadily gain. Over the years both docs had me log food, log the gym attendance, try medication, various diets, etc. Nothing worked. I think the most I ever lost was 30-40 lbs and that was on Keto but then I slacked and eventually and fell back into bad habits and like a year later, gained almost all of it back again. The 40lb loss wasn't enough anyway, as I'm over 300lbs and have been for over a decade. I also have high BP, crap cholesterol, and was teetering on the border of becoming a type 2 diabetic. Sadly, during the pre testing phase for weight loss surgery we found that I am now indeed type 2. Something I wanted to avoid and was hoping to not get before surgery. So here we are, surgery is 2 days away and I'm hoping like hell it helps me lower my BP and ditch the type 2 and improve my cholesterol.
  8. SummerTimeGirl


    My surgery is Wednesday. Got my Covid test on Friday. Negative. I don't recall anyone saying to quarantine at all. Even the nurse who called to give me my pre surgery info said, "now someone may say to quarantine, especially after your test and you test negative but, do what you have to do. Meaning, if you need to go out and food shop or something similar, it is what it is, you can just wear a mask."
  9. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Yay, someone else on the same day! There are several of us! I know what you mean. My pr op diet consisted of 4 protein shakes and 4 one cup non starchy veggies a day. By day 4 I cheated and had a few bites of chicken breast cause I feel I needed it and on two other days I had a few slices of spicy salami. I figured I wasn't doing anything too nuts since others have been allowed meat on their pre op diet. But I haven't cheated since then. I haven't been too hungry most days. Just needed a little extra those few for whatever reason. Maybe because it's that time of month (which it's late) and plus I had a hard work out at the gym the one day too. The pickles (which is a free item for me and I can have as many as I want) and the cucumbers with vinegar and salt and pepper are the only things that have been saving me. LOL Hang in there! We'll get through it. After surgery I have two more weeks of full liquids but it allows me to at least add in a few more items that I currently can't have. Best of luck!!!
  10. SummerTimeGirl

    MyFitnessPal vs. Baritastic

    The data breaches is exactly why I ditched MFP long ago too.
  11. SummerTimeGirl

    Pre-op. Clear liquid diet cheated!!!

    Today is day 8 of my liquid diet (still have two more days then the totally clear liquid no food the day before surgery). I can only have 4 protein shakes and 4 one cup servings of certain veggies a day and yes, I cheated a few times. The one day I ate a few bites of the skinless, boneless, chicken breast I cooked for my husband and on two other days I had about 6 slices of spicy salami. Those were days were I was really active and working in the yard and the other day had a full workout at the gym. I just felt so sluggish like I needed meat. So I had it. I figured it wasn't THAT bad since I know others have been allowed meat on their pre op diet. I figure at least I didn't cheat and have something surgery or dairy which is definitely a no-no for my pre op. One good thing about my diet is they said I could have dill pickles freely. And I LOVE pickles so that's been great. LOL Anyway, starting today no more cheats as I want what I did cheat and have yesterday (the salami) long gone out of my stomach and intestines before surgery Wednesday. LOL I'm sure you'll be fine too just get back on track.
  12. SummerTimeGirl

    Phase 2 clear liquid diet ideas...

    Not sure if you'd be allowed what I am but you could always ask if something below interests you. This is what is listed for me for the FULL LIQUID part of the diet. I get my surgery next week...................... Sugar free, non carbonated, caffeine free items NO JUICE (whether regular or diluted) Supposed to get in 32 oz from this list of items (should be about 1/2 total intake--plan for fluids in between meal times): Broth/bouillon (regular or nlight) Crystal Light Decaf Coffee (8 oz max) Decaf tea Fruit Infused Water (non carbinated) Mio PowerAde Zero Gatorade Zero Propel Zero SoBe Lifewater Zero Sugar free Jello Sugar free lemonade Sugar free popsicles Unsweetened decaf iced tea Vitamin Water Zero Water And 32 oz from this list of items (should be about 1/2 total intake--plan for protein options at meal times): Blended Bean Soups (black bean or lentil) Lactose Free Low Fat or Skim Milk Low Fat or Skim Milk, Fairlife Milk Protein Supplements (at least 20 g protein per scoop or per 11 oz) Soy Milk Strained Low Fat Cream Soups (made w/milk, cream of broccoli, cream of potato, cream of chicken, or tomato) Traditional Light Yogurt or Greek Yogurt (NO chunks, plain, vanilla or lemon)
  13. SummerTimeGirl


    Yay congrats!!!
  14. SummerTimeGirl

    Insurance Pre-authorization

    When all my stuff was done an the doc office sent it to insurance they said it could take 30 days to respond. I got an answer, however, in about 5 days.
  15. SummerTimeGirl

    Miss Chugging Water

    I know I'm gonna miss this too. Usually in a sip/chug I can take down like 4 oz at a time. LOL
  16. SummerTimeGirl

    GHOST Protein Powder

    Sounds good!
  17. SummerTimeGirl

    Vegan protein powder

    Just started a thread yesterday about GHOST Protein Powder. Myself and several others have heard good things about it and one member even tried it and really liked it. I'm still waiting on samples but they do appear to have Vegan options. Check it out. https://www.ghostlifestyle.com/?fbclid=IwAR3h-Vj1UozGt1TbKN5hFRSsMeHZqtZRKNwU9QtqXjGH6tKaV9APjOhWJKE
  18. SummerTimeGirl

    GHOST Protein Powder

    Yay! I cannot wait until my samples come. I ordered them yesterday and they shipped then too. So excited! LOL I'm day 6 of my pre op.
  19. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgery?!

    Funny you said that about it being a mental thing and not being hungry. SO TRUE!! Today is day 5 for me of my liquid diet and here I am, 10pm and I only had 1 protein shake and 1 cup of veggies for the day. Supposed to have 4 of each. SMH Just not hungry. And FINALLY, no headaches today. So that's a plus.
  20. SummerTimeGirl

    Canadian land border crossing

    Maybe you'll find some info here. I skimmed it quickly and it sounds like the essential service travel restrictions (and I do think medical falls under that but not sure) are in place until May 21st. If you go before that maybe proof of doctors appointment/surgery, proof of negative Covid test and whatnot will be enough? I don't know. https://www.ezbordercrossing.com/coronavirus-travel-issues/ And this article makes it sound like a full opening by July. https://www.wgrz.com/article/travel/canadian-border-closure-extended-to-may-21/71-121f81d3-9d0d-4636-a7a9-de9fcf57237c
  21. SummerTimeGirl

    6 weeks out, what to eat?

    What stage are you on? I ask because by week six according to my plan, I will be switching over to regular foods. They have me at 2 weeks Full Liquid, 1 week Puree, 2 weeks Soft, then regular after that. So I'm wondering where you're at by 6 weeks. I follow this girl on TikTok. She seems to have lots of recipes and/or meal prep ideas. Maybe check it out? https://bariatricqueen.com/
  22. SummerTimeGirl

    GHOST Protein Powder

    Comparing it to other brands and prices I think it's right on target (if you get it on their site). On their site they sell a big 26 serving/2lb canister for $39.99. In their sample section I pretty much ordered one of each item, but for a few, including some of the water flavor drink packets. Can't wait to try the Swedish Fish one!!
  23. SummerTimeGirl

    GHOST Protein Powder

    Checking out their site now and it appears you can order sample packs!! Hell yeah, definitely wanna try some.
  24. Thanks guys! I do have some bone broth at the ready for that stage too because it has so much more protein than regular broth. As for the yogurt, yeah not sure but it's on the list (plain, vanilla or lemon). As are those bean soups that are to be blended. That still has me baffled.
  25. So , one of the items listed as allowed during my Post Op FULL LIQUID phase they have listed is: Blended Bean Soups (black bean or lentil) Now, wouldn't a blended up black bean or lentil soup be more of a pureed type food? I can't imagine either being very liquidy. They also list "Strained Low Fat Cream Soups (made w/milk, cream of broccoli, cream of potato, cream of chicken or tomato)." Now, every cream soup I've ever come across is THICK and doesn't seem easily able to be strained. Then again I'm thinking of preparing them right from the can with no added milk or water. I guess they mean add milk first then strain it? Also, do you have a black bean and/or lentil soup suggestion for this phase? Or any other soups that would work? Or any other FULL LIQUID suggestion other than the typical waters (flavored or otherwise), teas (caffeine free of course), coffee (caffeine free of course), fat free puddings and jellos, and Light Yogurts? Looking for stuff I may not have thought of. Thanks a million! Trying to gather a shopping list for AFTER surgery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
