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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SummerTimeGirl

  1. What about a suit with a skirt? That's all I ever wore most of my life since I was heavy and they are usually very flattering. Or a dress type? Or even a suit that has lose shorts for the bottom. Below are a few examples.
  2. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    I second that!!!! Had mine the same day and still needing to sleep upright/semi-upright and it SUCKS!!!
  3. SummerTimeGirl

    Some happy raves:)

    Love Aldi's Keto buns and bread. Can't wait to have them again, eventually, post surgery. Thanks for all this.
  4. SummerTimeGirl

    Portion Control Containers

    Thanks for the responses. I have been thinking about getting them but I keep getting thrown off by the portions as my paperwork from my surgeons office speaks of lesser volumes for each of those boxes. But for the protein. They say more. I mean, I guess I could get them but then use the sections differently and not as they're marked? For example, in my binder when I get to the soft foods (and beyond) it lists MOST fruits and veggies for 1/4 cup (2 x a day) and yet these containers have the veggies and fruits listed as a cup. Same as the starches/carbs, I get ONE serving of 1/4 cup a day and these containers say 1/2 cup per starch/carbs. And the fats too. I can have 1 tbsp and these are fit for 2 tbsp. I want them so bad but don't know if they will work for me. How close did you all follow the plan given to you once you got to the SOFT FOOD stage and beyond? To the T, less than, a little more?
  5. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    For real! Day 10 here and I usually LOVE soup but this just may change my mind about that. LOL It's like, when you feel hungry no amount of broth, water, or yogurt is gonna cut it. I NEED MEAT!! LOL
  6. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Now that's one thing I have had no problem with......my fluids. Been getting it all in just fine with no issues, no nausea, etc. Hang in there!!
  7. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Day nine for me and still sore in my stomach in like two spots. Mostly around the biggest incision location. But yeah, still feels like burning and tearing if and when I move certain ways. Still can't sleep on my sides due to those reasons. So tired of sleeping sitting up and slouching down in the bed on my back that my ass and lower back have been killing me because of it. LOL
  8. SummerTimeGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    UPDATE: On nothing really in particular but for the fact that I am sooooooooooooooo over this liquid diet. On my final week of liquids right now. When all is said and done, at the end of next week, it will be 4 weeks total. I just want to eat some MEAT!! SOMETHING! Getting tired of just water, protein drinks, broths/cream soups, popsicles, sugar free pudding and jello and yogurt. Uggghhhhh Today I did sneak and took a small bite of a banana and chewed it like 50 times before swallowing. LOL
  9. SummerTimeGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    UPDATE: No new changes, really. Stomach feeling better and better each day. Still sleeping on my back. Had my one week checkup today which just amounted to the doc (one of his associates as my surgeon was not available this week) checking my stomach and asking if I was doing ok with fluids and my meds. He said the first visit they just concentrate on recovery but during my next visits they will start concentrating on weight loss and hitting goals. He said the tugging and burning I feel inside when I do try and lay on my side or move certain ways is normal and that it will be that way for a while. Said wearing a binder MAY help it feel better enough to allow me to sleep on my sides so I may try looking for one. But he said no turning or anything I do can hurt my insides so that at least was reassuring. I also forgot to mention in the beginning of this post that my surgeon took pics while he was doing the surgery and gave them to me. I think there are like 6 or 8 views of my stomach before and after, my gallbladder, liver, a hernia he found, etc. LOL He said my gallbladder looked healthy and he did see a small hernia around my belly button but did not think it was gonna be an issue so he didn't touch it. Hopefully that won't become an issue later cause I think I'll be mad he didn't fix it while he had the chance.
  10. SummerTimeGirl

    What kind of vitamins should i buy

    Just got my surgery on the 19th and the only thing my doc required me to take after surgery was 2 multivitamin chewables (I chose Flintstone's for now), B12, and B1 (although upon discharge they added calcium to the list which I take the chews). They also told me to add back in my iron (cause I'm anemic, always have been) and to continue all prescription medication until/unless my family doc changes anything in the next few weeks. The only script he told me to stop was my hydrochlorothiazde since it's a diuretic. Got all my vitamins from either Walmart or Amazon.
  11. Had my surgery on the 19th and still can't sleep on my sides. Only two days ago started sliding down in bed on staying on my back all night to sleep (otherwise I was sitting up in bed) but that becomes uncomfortable. Can't wait to be able to sleep on my side. For now though not even trying to prop pillows under my sides works. I just feel such great burning and tearing type feeling and it scares me so I don't do it. LOL
  12. SummerTimeGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    You're welcome!! Best of luck to you!!
  13. SummerTimeGirl


    Same for me.
  14. SummerTimeGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    Small update. FOOD: So last night I has some sugar free pudding, since that's on my list, and did fine with it. Today I had some Light Greek, Nonfat Vanilla Yogurt. Had about 4 ounces in about 3 minutes and felt fine. Again I worry about this because yeah, I understand not having restriction with liquids but this? I'd think since there was/is more substance to it it would be different. Hope I'm wrong. CRAVINGS: Strange enough, can't say that I've been too hungry or starving or anything, considering I've only had liquids for like 3 weeks straight now....lol, but at times I do feel hungry. And during those times I find myself craving lots of strange things. Some of it is stuff I don't even eat like steak and liverwurst. Most of my cravings have been about meats and salads. Can't wait to have both!!! SLEEPING: A lil progress. I was able to lay flat and sleep in bed without too much pain and today I woke up feeling even better. I have been icing my stomach regularly for the last two days. Wondering if that's been helping?
  15. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Yessssssssssss!!! 100%
  16. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Well that's good that they repaired that and that you're up and moving around! I went home yesterday around 3. I was only given water while in the hospital and did well. Never felt sick or got sick. Got in 18 additional ounces of water once home. Have been able to take my meds with no problems, even the big ass metformin pills, and so far today I got in about 55oz of liquid (which consisted of 2 premier shakes, 20 oz of tomato soup/1 can soup 1 can water and the rest Gaterade Zero). The one thing that hurts on me is my right side more towards the middle but the doc said that's the spot most have issues with as it's where he pulls the stomach through and so it's a larger incision spot. I really feel tight and sore when first getting up and wiping after peeing. LOL Now that a lot of this gas has moved through I can't wait for this stomach/muscle soreness to get gone and I will be great!! I slept good last night in bed but sitting up. I was afraid to lay down for risk of turned in my sleep an stretching the incision sites. So far, so good! I am really happy thus far with how I feel and how much I've been able to get down relatively easy. I've also been up and walking around a lot inside and outdoors.
  17. SummerTimeGirl

    How Much Weight Loss During Liquid Diet

    I was on a 10 day, 4 protein shakes and 4 one cup servings of non starchy veggies a day diet. Then the day before surgery was clear liquid only. I lost 8lbs.
  18. So is that normal? I've heard of people having a sore throat, inside, after surgery but mine hurts to the touch on the outside. Didn't start until tonight, day after surgery.
  19. SummerTimeGirl

    Sore Throat.....But On Outside

    It's already starting to go away so I guess it doesn't matter. LOL Had a good sleep last night, sitting up, in my own bed. Feel better today. Stomach isn't hurting too bad when I stay on top of the Tylenol.
  20. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Surgery went well this morning. But this pain and discomfort from the gas is no joke! Originally, in the am, I thought I was having bad burning from acid and complained. Turned out it was just from the gas since walking around helped some. I feel like I'm walking a few minutes twice in each 30 min time span. Still lots of gas. Will be glad when it's gone. So far I've only had water and doing well getting it down. Was so tired during the day and fell in and out of sleep much of the day but in spurts of about 5 min. Finally tonight I fell asleep for like an hour but now I'm wide awake again. I think due to the Tylenol is wearing off.
  21. So I was supposed to get my period last week which would have had my period long gone before surgery tomorrow. But OF COURSE it decides to come today. Is it ok/should I use a tampon or how will this be handled come tomorrow? Grrrrrrrrrrrrr...........Thanks!
  22. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Yup! And I can't wait. LOL My surgery is 10:15. Gotta be there by 8:45.
  23. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Congrats on everyone who just had surgery! Wishing you all a nice and easy recovery!! I, on the other hand, am here on the eve on my surgery and all these MFer's in this house are eating stromboli, buffalo chicken pizza, chicken salad, etc. AND TOM came to visit today which does NOT help!! LOL I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wanting to scarf down some food. Nothing but water today and Gatorade Zero!! LOL Good luck to all of us going in tomorrow!!! See you back here soon!!
  24. SummerTimeGirl

    TOM/TMI Question For The Ladies

    Oh yikes!!! I'm guessing they may have done that due to the area they were dealing with. I guess I'll just ask when I get there. So mad!!! LOL

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
