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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SummerTimeGirl

  1. Congrats!!! Great results!!
  2. SummerTimeGirl

    Rx Weight Loss Meds Post-op?

    I've never tried the Unjury brand protein powder that you say you don't always get a full scoop of so I don't know how big their portion size is but, have you tried any other brands? I know Genepro's, for example, 1 scoop of protein is way smaller (and has better absorption than many others) than others and packs more protein. In fact I know many other patients who just mix the one scoop, and some do two, to a few ounces of water or flavored water and down it as sort of a shot, just to get it in and over with for the day. Maybe you just need to sample some others?
  3. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Oh that's ok. I use the fat free ones.
  4. SummerTimeGirl

    Vitamins after surgery

    My plan requires chewables for the first 3 months. So far I've been using Flintstone's Complete 2 of them a day. That kind was on the docs recommended list.
  5. SummerTimeGirl

    Surgery date

  6. SummerTimeGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    UPDATE: First day of Puree, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!! Already tried the ricotta bake (4 oz as per my program) and just now sitting down with some refried beans (4 oz) mixed with a lil taco sauce, lil shredded cheddar, lil sour cream and a lil spicy guacamole and OMGGGGGGGG, I'm in heaven!!!!!! Soooooooo goooood!! LOL So far everything is going down good and easy. Haven't felt overly full or restriction with the amounts I'm able to have thus far at each meal. But that's ok. I feel content after eating and not still hungry. Otherwise everything is going well for me, as it's been, and nothing new is going on. Stomach/incision pain slightly better. Three of the six incisions have finally shed their glue coating. The big incision is NOT one of them.
  7. SummerTimeGirl

    My New Sleeve experience (so far)

    Thanks for the update. Glad things are going better for you. Today is my first day of Puree and the first thing I had was the Ricotta Bake so yeah, I know what you mean about how great it is to taste actual food again. LOL
  8. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Totally agree with the tiredness and resting. I am not one to nap but I feel like that's all I do off and on all day every day. I'm guessing it's the lack of energy (food). And also agree with taking time to heal. I was told I couldn't do weights or the gym til at least 4-6 weeks outs. Hell, they told me not to even lift anything more than 5-10lbs, no lifting, bending, reaching, not to even load or unload the dishwasher or do laundry. But I get it. Cause a few times I've done some of those things and right away feel that burning and tugging inside where the incisions are so YES, take it easy and take time to heal. DON'T RUSH THINGS!
  9. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Sorry I have no advice. I never even used straws before surgery. Only in restaurants.
  10. Once you got to the SOFT FOOD stage and beyond have any of you utilized portion control containers such as these and did they help? https://www.amazon.com/Day-Portion-Control-Container-kit/dp/B06XWNN2LB/ref=sr_1_6?crid=W2225LTZL04C&dchild=1&keywords=bariatric+portion+control+containers&qid=1622343067&sprefix=bariatric+portion+cpntrol%2Caps%2C205&sr=8-6
  11. I don't remember having dry mouth but I got water once I got out of recovery and in my own room (about 1 hour).
  12. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    I usually use Old El Paso but I have also had the ones from Aldi and really liked those too. Back before surgery I would make bean burritos, much like Taco Bell, using them. They were soooooooo good and taste just like theirs.
  13. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    No, I don't have a particular recipe. Just tossed in what I like. This time I used two cans of white meat crab, 1/3 cup of shredded mozzarella, 1/3 cup light mayo, 1/3 cup light sour cream, then added to taste: salt/pepper/old bay/celery seed/onion powder. I'm sure you could find a better recipe online.
  14. I may have dieted before my surgery but the week before I had to start my liquid diet I DID have some of my favorites before the big day. I had pizza, a cheesesteak, cheese fries, pork fried rice, chicken lo mein, a certain cake that I make and love, Taco Bell and a few other things. That last week before the liquid diet was nuts!! LOL But I was also celebrating Mother's Day, my birthday and an anniversary during that time since all of those days fell in either the pre op diet phase or after surgery.
  15. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Funny you mention this as I just got done preparing some egg salad, buffalo chicken salad, and some crab salad for the upcoming week. I also plan on making the ricotta bake but am waiting for my ramekins to come in tomorrow. Then I'll make several portions of that, some tuna salad, and portion out some refried beans/cheese/taco sauce mix, as well as portion out some chili. My plan says I can have 4 oz per meal. And I already have some chicken salad made up too that just has some chicken, mayo, salt and pepper (the way I like it). so excited to finally be able to eat some real food! LOL
  16. SummerTimeGirl

    Extremely strict post op diet

    Does seem extreme. But then again if nothing else we see how drastically different each of our docs seem to be. Day one home from the hospital for me I started two weeks of FULL LIQUIDS. After that, 1 week Puree, then 2 weeks SOFT FOODS, then regular diet after that. I wish you luck cause by the middle of week 1.5 of the full liquid part I was going nuts (thankfully puree is tomorrow). But then I also had 11 days prior to surgery of nothing but liquids so if you add that to the two weeks after surgery, that's 25 days full liquid in total. Maybe if you are moving along smoothly with no issues he may change it up on you and move you quicker into each phase. I've seen that happen with lots of other people. Either way, I wish you the best of luck!
  17. I first started "dieting" on March 1st. Low carb/no sugar and lost 22.2lbs by May 8th. May 8th I started 11 days of liquid diet before surgery and I lost an additional 5.6 during that time. Since surgery day, May 19th, I have lost 11 more as of today. So, 38.8 total from March first until today, June 2nd.
  18. So I finally got my packet of info so that I can start with the classes, meeting the dietician, getting my pre-surgery testing done, meeting with the surgeon for the first time (which is today), etc. Anyway, in the packet they have a list of items to get BEFORE surgery. I have some of the items already so I won't list them, but I was wondering if anyone actually had a list too and if you did, what did you actually buy/use (pls post links/pics if you can) or what did you wish you had gotten in it's place instead? Are ALL of these things really necessary? Just want to start thinking about that stuff NOW and looking around while I have time. List is as follows (minus stuff on it I already have): Notebook/Food Journal Pill Crusher Water Bottle (32 or 64 ounces) 1-8 oz Prep Bowls 2 or 4 oz Plastic Containers Food Scale Small Plates and Bowls Baby Utensils (not sure why it auto linked some of the words above)
  19. SummerTimeGirl

    No effect on me?

    I'm in the same boat as you. Still on full liquid but that includes yogurt and I swear I down 8 oz plus with no problem and no full feeling at all. Some people said that's because it sorta dissolves into nothing before swallowing and real food will be different. I hope so. But I too have no nausea or vomiting, etc. Smooth sailing when it comes to food/eating/drinking. Yesterday, in preparation for my puree stage which starts Thursday, I made a chicken salad like I normally do, shredded chicken/chicken cut into small bites, mayo, salt and pepper. Now for puree I'm supposed to puree it down further. But for shits and giggles, and because I am so over the liquid stage and I was hungry, I ate about two tablespoons of it AS IS, NOT pureed and it went down just fine. I constantly hear of people having issues with chicken months out so this worries me too that it's so easy. I hope my dang doc took enough stomach out! LOL But seriously.
  20. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    No problems "eating" or drinking. Easily getting all my liquids in. Just sick of this liquid stage and ready to move to puree on Thursday (been hungry and tired from lack of nutrition...I do get my protein in, however). Only semi bothersome thing is the one incision site area that still burns and has that pulling sensation inside when I mover certain ways. Still sleeping sitting up/semi sitting for that reason. You?
  21. SummerTimeGirl

    Portion sizes?

    In my binder of info I do not have amounts for anything listed in the FULL LIQUID or PUREE stages. I only see amounts listed once it gets to the SOFT FOOD stage and beyond.
  22. SummerTimeGirl

    Some happy raves:)

    I think in this house between myself, my hubby and our son and DIL, we've tried all the variations of Ranch and liked them. I know there was one we got and it was just so-so for me but now I can't remember what it was. Everyone's tastes vary so just try what you can. They make all sorts of products, as you can see on their site.
  23. SummerTimeGirl

    Some happy raves:)

    Have you tried Walden Farms? Found in most stores but online too. They have some really good dressings and stuff as well. https://www.waldenfarms.com/
  24. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    My full liquid diet only consists of water, various zero sugar waters, decaf tea and coffee, low fat or skim milk, Greek yogurt (low fat...vanilla or lemon or plain), broths, cream soups strained or bean soups blended, sugar free pudding or jello. THAT'S IT! No fruit, no oatmeal, no mashed potatoes, nothing else! Which is why I am so bored and over this stage already. Was on full liquid for 11 days prior to surgery and now two weeks after. Thankfully come Thursday I can move to puree stage! CANNOT WAIT as I no longer feel full or satisfied on this liquid phase. I USED to love soup but not anymore. Or I should say, I probably still would love it if I could have the substance that comes in it, not just the broth.
  25. SummerTimeGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    UPDATE: 12 days post op and yesterday was NOT a good day. We were invited over to friends/neighbors for a BBQ and while the rest of my family went, I declined. Just wasn't ready to be around all the food and drinking (plus I can't always get comfortable sitting on the sofa let alone a camp chair). If perhaps I was out of this stupid liquid stage and into the puree or soft foods phase I would have. At least then I could have found SOMETHING to eat and participate in. Who knows. But after everyone was over there for several hours having a good time, I had myself a good cry and pitty party and asked my husband when he was coming home. He asked if I was ok and needed something I told him no. That I was just feeling bored and left out. He came home right away. I felt bad but he didn't mind, he said, cause he had already been there like 6 hours. Anyway, it was a bad day. He was asking why I was crying and upset and I just said I didn't know. I guess it was just the feeling left out that got to me and feeling hungry and not being satisfied any longer with these stupid freakin' limited liquids!! I've had enough of it!! Just can't wait to move on to the next food phase! My second issue is sleep. Still can't sleep on my sides and sitting up/semi up has my back jacked up now. And now I keep getting that tugging/burning feeling BELOW my belly button. A place that hadn't bothered me previously and a spot, to my knowledge, they didn't even touch. And lastly, I'm already wigging out that this isn't working/gonna work for me. I am only down like 7lbs since surgery and feel like I should have lost more. I know everyone is different. And I know people say it's early but, I DO NOT feel like I am dealing with that gas issue any longer and haven't since day 4/5, roughly. I can see it in my legs that I am not bloated and feel back to normal but for this burning/tugging stomach crap. So, considering I have been doing low/no carb/no sugar since March 1st and having the surgery May 19th, I would have expected to lose more than I have so far. I guess I'm just worried I'm going through all this for nothing and I won't lose as per usual. I mean, you would think if a body only had liquids for nourishment for almost 4 feakin weeks (and only roughly 400 calories a day) that the body would most definitely be losing weight. Of course, not me. SMH I can hear Dr. Now, now...."At your weight, in a mont, you should have lost turdy pounds by now". LOL I seriously hope I'm wrong and things move soon. I don't feel like this is that stall everyone talks about because I haven't really even begun the dang losing phase yet let alone be in a stall. Anyway, rant over.

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