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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SummerTimeGirl

  1. So on my soft food stage, heck, my binder said even on my puree stage, I was able to have soft, flaky fish such as salmon and flounder. So I made the recipe found on this link for my husband and had one of the sticks myself (only had one cause it had some "breading" and I didn't want to push it so soon). It was SOOOOO GOOD!!! If you cannot try it now, depending on what stage you're on, I'm sure once you get to the "regular food" stage you could. Skip ahead on the video to about 2 min 40 seconds to get to the recipe. If you try this, make sure you SEASON the flour to YOUR LIKING. I think I used some Tony's, Old Bay, parsley, and a few other things. I'd imagine you could experiment and use almond flour instead of regular flour and ground pork rinds instead of panko too to make it even healthier.
  2. SummerTimeGirl

    Surgery was aborted.

    Oh my! How frustrating and disappointing, I know. BUT, and I know you don't necessarily want to hear this but, it's for the best. You wouldn't want some complication pop up because the liver got in the way, ya know? And, while this is not typical, it HAS HAPPENED to many people. They get in there and have to stop for one reason or another. I know you're angry, but I wouldn't let it stop me from going forward if it were me. I'd just try hard to lose the weight they mentioned and go for it again. So sorry but I know if you can do it!!
  3. SummerTimeGirl

    Good Sources of Carbs

    I'm on soft stage too. Mine seem to come from chili w/beans, my greek non fat yogurt, cottage cheese doubles, and unsweetened applesauce thus far. But I'm still under 30 most days too.
  4. I asked a lot of stuff that was pretty much answered in the videos I had to watch (and take tests on) afterwards and in the binder that was sent to me. But these are some of the things I asked (some may seem silly but it was all new to me lol)............. Various types of surgery? Which is best for me? How long does it take? How many days in hospital? How many holes in stomach? Medication after surgery? How many have you performed? Mortality rate? What tests need to be done prior? What makes the surgery work when dieting and exercise never has? Will it fix my PCOS and Insulin Resistance? Does insurance cover all the pre-testing as well as the surgery? Time line of stuff to be done until we get to surgery? What does my Insurance require? Recovery questions: How worried do I need to be about the insides coming undone? Do the staples inside the stomach stay forever or does the stomach sort of mend itself together? OK to get future MRI w/staples (if they remain in the stomach)? How often do I need to worry about getting up and walking as to avoid blood clots? How long after surgery before you can exercise w/bike, swimming, weights, etc.? Hair loss? Will I continue taking my medication as usual? What pain meds, tylenol, etc can I take afterwards? How long after until you can have sex? Post Op What would be my goal weight? I am personally comfortable with ..... (I gave 180). How long will digestion take/how long does it take food to empty from stomach afterwards? What will my stomach capacity be short and long term? Supplements for life? Alcohol use after? Fears Fear of death. Fear of losing too much/looking older. Fear of problems down the road. Right now carbs and sugar stop me from losing weight and whenever I try lose I always know to avoid those foods. Once I have the surgery, will I be able to eat foods that I currently stay away from such as whole wheat, oatmeal, fruits, certain rice, beans, etc. Things that are normally a part of any other persons normal, healthy diet?
  5. SummerTimeGirl


    My binder says........... "Caffeinated drinks are gastric irritants and are dehydrating. Caffeine should not be consumed unless and until you are achieving your fluid goals. Limit postoperative caffeine intake to 8oz a day."
  6. SummerTimeGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    Weblog? What do you mean? Other than writing on here I have no such blogs/logs. But thanks!
  7. SummerTimeGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    I have no advice or suggestion about the warm arms as I have not experienced that issue myself. If it persists and you're worried about it, you could/should call your surgeons office. Otherwise, yes, I was tired for the first two weeks and slept off and on a lot throughout the day. I think the fact that I was on only liquids for almost 4 weeks total (two before and two after surgery) had a hand in that. That and the fact that I could not sleep normally and had to sleep sitting up I didn't get a good nights sleep at all in the beginning.
  8. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    Had my surgery May 19th but aside from amounts, i.e., like 2 oz or 4 oz being listed for foods, they never mention anything about calories for the day in the puree or soft food stages for me. My plan does not mention calories until I finally move on to regular foods and then they say I should AVOID consuming over 1000 calories a day for the first year. It also says I should be striving for the following each day: 7 meat/protein servings 1 milk serving 3 starch servings 2 fruit servings 2 non starchy vegetable servings 2 healthy fat servings Today I start soft foods and it says I should strive for: 5 protein/dairy 2 fruits/veggies 1 starch 1 fat And again, the amounts and suggestions they have next to each of the different foods listed are for 2 and 4 oz servings during this stage.
  9. SummerTimeGirl

    Surgery Day June 3, 2021

    Congrats to those who had it done already this month and best of luck to those yet to have it done. I wish you all a speedy and easy recovery!!
  10. SummerTimeGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    UPDATE: Day 20 today post op! Yesterday I had my two week post surgery primary doctors visit. He was pleased that I lost what I did so far and also made some adjustments to my medication. So now instead of taking 1, 20mg Lisinopril twice a day, he cut it down to 1.5. Both to be taken at night only now. Plus I had already been taken off my Hydrochlorothiazide (day before surgery) which was also for my high BP. He said during my next visit, in September, I may be able to cut that down even further. My BP at yesterdays visit was 106/74 and has consistently been around the same since surgery (I test at home myself). He also said he's gonna see about cutting the Metformin down in September too but he wanted to wait a full 3 months and another panel of blood work before he decides on that. Either way, I'm happy with those decisions so far. Oh and, I was finally able to sleep, LAYING DOWN, on my sides like two days ago. Didn't make it through the night, as I did get uncomfortable, but it's a start and a sign that I'm getting better! Everything else has been fine. Still getting all my water and protein in with no issues. Bathroom is normal.
  11. SummerTimeGirl

    Watching TV makes me hungry!

    Same. Same with my FB page. I said to my husband I think I need to snooze some of my old favorite food/recipe pages for a while as they make me fixate on food and eating. Plus it doesn't help seeing friends and family post food and drink pics from their vacations and recent outings to restaurants. LOL So really, if it all becomes too much, I just log off. Same with Tiktok. OMG, the Devil! LOLOL Sooooooooooo much food and so many recipes come up. But some of them I end up saving for the future as they are low carb and no sugar and will work with my new way of eating.
  12. SummerTimeGirl

    Pre op test done

    Once I had my initial meeting (via video due to Covid) with the surgeon, I got all my tests, and everything else they required (which was me reading and viewing tons of videos, answering questions and passing, meeting with the dietician/psychologist/etc), done within a month. But I am also a homemaker so I had time to sit down and just get all the "homework" done online and submitted quickly. Then when it came time to get the blood work and various other tests done, I tried to get as many done in one day as possible. Like the chest x-ray, blood work, and EKG I was able to walk in to my local out patient medical center and do it all at once. The only thing I really had to have appointments for were the psychologist, dietician, meeting the surgeon in person for the second time, cardiologist and pulmonologist. And all of those appointments were done via video within that same month. It all went quickly. My surgery date was given to me once all that was done and while we waited to hear back from the insurance company for final approval (once all that was submitted). A week later we heard back from then and that was it.
  13. SummerTimeGirl

    Waffle recipe

    Sounds really good! Thanks!
  14. SummerTimeGirl

    May Surgeries - check in!

    My Surgery was May 19th and yup, I too had the low energy for the first two weeks after surgery as I healed. I'd find myself falling asleep throughout the day. Plus I had not been sleeping well because I could not lay down due to the burning/tugging in my incisions area so I slept sitting up which sucks. Anyway, once week two ended and I moved to puree I felt sooooo much better. Way more energy and no longer falling asleep.
  15. SummerTimeGirl

    Surgery Day June 3, 2021

    Congrats!! Best of luck to you!
  16. SummerTimeGirl

    Low carb

    I've used it in various things when I was doing Keto. Probably will continue to do so now since surgery if a recipe calls for it. I also use coconut flour when called for.
  17. SummerTimeGirl


    I have this and have been happy with it. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078HW8BPY/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  18. SummerTimeGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    That's awesome!! Thanks!!
  19. SummerTimeGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    Yeah I guess that makes sense. And the only reason I did try those things was because I have not had issues with sickness or any food thus far. Had I been one to get nauseous or sick, I would never have went there. LOL And strange enough, after having said what I just did above, I just got myself a 4 oz cup of egg salad (just eggs, mayo, salt and pepper) and a 4 oz of unsweetened applesauce and I ate all of the applesauce but could not even finish half of the egg salad. Was able to eat all that stuff yesterday that I mentioned above with no issues, and yet I couldn't finish even half of egg salad? This is all so strange. LOL
  20. SummerTimeGirl

    Update On Me (Surgery: 5/19/21)

    UPDATE: So today is day 4 of my puree stage. I gotta be honest, I have seen others speak about how on puree stage they ate mac & cheese and mashed potatoes (something I can have starting this coming week in soft foods stage) but yesterday I DID try some mac & cheese and I chewed it up really well before swallowing. The problem is, I ate more than my 4oz portion recommendation, probably closer to 8 or 10 oz, and didn't really feel that full feeling at all. I actually stopped myself from having more thinking, hey, that should have been my threshold, don't overdo it. Not sure what to think about that. Why was it so easy to, not only have pasta.....something many claim they couldn't eat until many months out.....but also a relatively large portion of it (at least 10 oz)? I also tried several bites of pizza (another food many claim they couldn't do until months out) with no fullness or issues either. It wasn't a full piece but probably half of one, and of course I chewed the **** out of that too but still, HOW? How was I able to eat so much and no even be phased? This worries me going forward. And no, I didn't eat the two together but still.
  21. SummerTimeGirl

    Worried, not losing 1 week post op

    I feel you and have thought about the same things. My surgery was May 19th and since then, 18 days later, I only lost 13 lbs. Now I guess that's not too bad but like you, during the pre op diet of liquid only and very few non starchy veggies, I lost only about 6 lbs in that 11 days time. All I could think is, if I am very limited now in my diet and only taking in roughly 300 calories and I still can't lose, what would the doc or dietician tell me in order to lose weight? Eat less? I mean, that's not really possible. Anyway, I am now in the puree stage and eating about 600-700 calories a day depending on what it is I eat based on the recommended 4 oz per meal, and no new loss. I worry about this and also about moving into soft foods next week. I fear nothing but stalls and it makes me worry that I too did all of this for nothing. I don't know. It's early still so I'm trying not to panic or be too negative. I guess we'll see.
  22. SummerTimeGirl

    Meal Plans for Phase 4

    This woman seems to have a lot of meal plans. https://bariatricqueen.com/
  23. SummerTimeGirl

    Coffee on pre op diet

    For my pre op we could but it had to be decaf and black.
  24. SummerTimeGirl

    Rx Weight Loss Meds Post-op?

    I mean, it's up to you but, IF IT WERE ME, as long as the nutritional values were the same or close (or better) to what your docs/nutritionists are suggesting/requiring, I'd still check out some others. But that's just me. Especially if it will help you out in the long run.
  25. SummerTimeGirl

    Abdominal pain 2 weeks out?

    I would consult your surgeon to be sure if you're worried but, and I just said this to my husband last night, I too have been having, the last two days specifically, this sort of weird feeling kinda under my skin in that location. Almost like if I touch my skin there, or clothes rub against it, it's a strange nerve uncomfortableness/slight pain, sorta thing going on? Almost like a nerve thing right under my skin. Anyway, it's not so bad or unusual that I feel I myself need to call anyone. I figured I'll wait a few days to see if anything changes. I'm also just over two weeks out. But I also still get that burning/tugging feeling and still can't sleep on my sides because of it. It's getting read old. LOL

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