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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TheWomanWithin

  1. TheWomanWithin

    Men - don't read, it's about my period :)

    ack that sounds like me - I was diagnosed last March with Endometriosis and Adenomyosis; along with uterine polyps, and had those same symptoms. you can click on one of the links, or go to www.mayoclinic.com and look these up. I thought no way would I have Endo, but I did and explained alot of my symptoms I had for years. Mayo has other female probls there also, always good when there are changes to check with your GYN if it last past a couple of months.
  2. TheWomanWithin

    Obesity and marriage problems

    Jules; Like your husband, mine works full-time, always has, always will. We own a pool business and he works his ass off in the 90-100 degree FL weather where I can be at home with the kids and have my own business....this does not excuse him for being an insensitive cad and saying things that hurts me... wait, where have I heard that before? lol someone told me that when my husband was having problems accepting my weight. What your husband should so is support and love you, help you achieve what you want to do - where you are weak, he is strong and vice versa. When our lives start having "bumps" such as things like this, I remind him of our vows when we got married: Our hearts and spirits are entwined as one. We now desire to profess before all the world our intention henceforth to walk the road of life together. To these two people, this marriage signifies the birth of a new spirit, a spirit which is a part of each of us, yetnot of any one of us alone. This "birth of spirit" reminds us of Spring, the season when all life is reborn and looms again. It is appropriate, therefore, that we were married in the Spring, and that it be under the open sky, where we are close to the Earth and to the unity of life, the totality of living things of which we are part. The beliefs and thoughts about love which motivate these two people are perhaps best expressed in the words ofpoet Kahlil Gibran: "You were born to be together, and together you shall be forevermore. You shall be together when the wings of death scatter your days. Aye, you shall be together even in your silent memory. But let there be spaces in your togetherness, and let the winds of the heaven dance between you." "Love one another, but make not a bondage of love. Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. Fill each other's cup, but drink now from one cup. Give one another of your bread, but eat not of the same loaf. Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each of you be alone, even as the strings of a lute are alone, though they quiver with the same music." "Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping, for only the hand of life can contain your hearts. And stand together, yet not too near together, for the pillars of the temple stand apart, and the oak tree and the cypress grow not in shadow." Do you LISA, knowing this man's love for you and returning it, realizing his strengths and learning from them, recognizing his weaknesses and helping him to overcome them? (and I meant this no matter what life's circumstances may bring) Let your rings serve as locks not binding you together, but as keys, unlocking the secrets of your hearts for each other to know, and thus bringing you closer together forever. "Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself. To wake at dawn with a winged heart and give thanks to another day of loving. To rest at the noon hour and meditate love's ecstasy; To return home eventide with gratitude, and then sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips." You can change the outside, you can change the inside, but deep down where it really counts, you will always be who you truely are" ...Stay true to yourself...
  3. TheWomanWithin

    Obesity and marriage problems

    I am so sorry to hear that Jules, it is sad and disheartening when I hear things like your story. Was this just a ploy from your husband to have control over you and MAKE you make the decision to lose weight? or is it that he would really leave because you are overweight? If he was really going to leave, wouldn't he have left before? Sounds like it's been an ongoing battle in your relationship (same as mine) and sounds like there is more going on behind your husband's outside emotions than he is letting on. It really sounds like to me that he is insecure inside about himself that he cannot handle your weight. Believe me, I have been there and I know how it feels. I said almost this same thing here as I did to my husband. He needs to put himself in your shoes (all our other halves do) and really see how you feel. I know the majority of the time people cannot relate to or empathize with someone unless they have gone through that specific problem themselves. Like losing a child - most of you will never know how it feels until you go through it. But we are still human and have feelings and can be supportive of the other person. Just the same, someone cannot know how we feel daily when we are overweight unless they have been there. You need to ask him if the tables were turned, what he would expect you to do? He could be in an accident and gain weight from being paralyzed, or he could develop a metabolic disorder that could make him gain weight, even yet, he could lose his job, gain weight feel bad about himself and would he expect you to be there, care for him and really love and support him the way he needed? Some very deep thinking and soul searching is in order for you both. If he cannot handle the ups and downs of real life and what it brings with it, then maybe that is not the good match of a soul mate? Sorry for such a long post, but I have found people here are so supportive and have really made me feel better about some things that I wanted to lend another side to this.
  4. TheWomanWithin

    LAP band to bypass....?

    I had a friend from high school have RNY. She wanted to lose 70-80 lbs and ended up losing 120+ She actually gained weight to GET the surgery and then lost to a very very unhealthy weight and was hopsitalized then had to recover because her body kept losing. She has kept a healthy weight in the past 2-3 years, but for awhile there her body just didn't work with her - that's a main reason I decided to the Lap Band since it's adjustable and can be removed.
  5. TheWomanWithin

    New to LBT

    Grats! :gluck: wow that was a fast surgery date. Even with self pay Im not going in until May 5th.
  6. TheWomanWithin

    Whats wrong with me?????????????

    surgery and the stress of making a huge life long decision would be my guess ) (psssttt...Im having the nerves too)
  7. TheWomanWithin

    But how can sex NOT slip the band?

    not sure about the majority of you BUT for myself, I'm hoping this helps to have MORE:p lol
  8. TheWomanWithin

    What was I thinking?

    The way I see it is like this: the band is a tool NOT a miracle cure like some believe. Diets, pills, exercise are all tools also. I'm just giving myself a lifelong (or until my body decides otherwise) tool to help me be healthy. My family knows and my best friend know, other than that I figure I will tell people on a need to know basis and whatever I think they can handle.
  9. TheWomanWithin

    Questions for group...

    Kat, Dr. Ortiz' office told me that even a 5% weight loss can shrink the liver enough so it's not in the way during surgery. He has his patients go on low carb/high Protein shakes and we can have 2 salads a day (only greens) 1 week prior. I am having surgery May 5th, but started this week on a modified liquid diet so I can lose enough before surgery for less complications after. It's really supposed to help, but each doctor has different requirements before surgery.
  10. TheWomanWithin

    One bad week...

    I'm so sorry to hear that, you're in our :pray: Our son's best friend died this time last year at the age of 17 of a heart attack :cry so we know how you are feeling. take care and hope your mom gets better
  11. TheWomanWithin

    NSAID...What do you take?

    I have gone down from 2 - 750mg of Vicodan 4 times a day to 1 - 200 mg of Celebrex. I was in so much pain I was passing out from it daily:phanvan not a good thing to do with small children in your care.:paranoid If anyone has ever experienced a separated pelvis - you know how it feels - hurts to sit, walk, stand, lay down. I was in a car accident in 1999 and the 2 outer parts of the pelvis was crushed into the middle section, leaving me with a limp and major pain. After almost a year of physical therapy I was able to manage the pain and only at rare times a limp. I have 4 children and have never had meds during natural childbirth; even during 27 hour labor <FLEXES>lol so I can handle some pain. After my last child 3 years ago; the separation became much worse. Adenomyosis and Endometriosis plus they removed over 100 uterine polyps - just aggravated the separation and I opted out of a hysterectomy for lifestyle changes. Sometimes no matter what you do, take meds or don't take meds, lead the healthiest lifestyle or don't lead one, you can get diseases (look at Lance Armstrong and many others) or have things go wrong with you and possibly die. Anyone who goes to a physician of any sort, puts their life and health in that person's hands and expects to be taken care of. My view is this: one week something is good for you, the next week it's not, quit it or you're going to die (doom and gloom stuff) That's just my opion and I don't necessarily want to put what I think into other's minds. Nsaids as well as all other drugs have their good and bad. I certainly hope so, the doctor thinks it might help but isn't going to relieve ALL the symptoms. I am going to take the capsule apart to be able to swallow it easier :nervous
  12. TheWomanWithin

    NSAID...What do you take?

    Ive heard that about Nsaids also. I use Celebrex (Nsaid) for a separated pelvis; Endometrosis and Adenomyosis. I have had so much less symptoms on Celebrex than any other nsaid I have ever taken - its a soft capsule that has granules inside so its easily digestible. My dr said to keep taking it after surgery or take the capsule apart and put it in Water to dissolve it more. Hoping the weight loss will help so I can go off the meds totally.
  13. Yes that is considered North tampa or "New Tampa" and about 10-15 min from downtown. Are you coming to Tampa for a convention? I will have to see if I'm among the able bodied between May 8-12 LOL Im coming back in town from Dr. Ortiz on the 7th, so we will have to see. At that intersection there is a Ruby Tuesdays, TGIFridays, Bennigans, Macroni Grill, Chili's and a couple of other places and on the other side of the interstate McDonalds and Red Lobster.
  14. Yikes Amy that is really sad about your daughter - You would think in this day and age antibiotics would be strong enough to cure Pneumonia. Hope she gets better soon remember to take care of yourself. We actually live in Land O Lakes but our business is in Tampa and Brandon.
  15. :biggrin1: Hi Amy, I live about 15 min N of Tampa - glad to see someone else is from this area. Nosey question, what happened to Emily to be in the hospital 2 weeks? how old is she? Our son was in the hospital 4 days and I couldn't stand it, makes me sad when kids are sick like that.
  16. TheWomanWithin

    Disheartened about sizes

    Wow, glad I'm not the only one who doesn't get the clothing size thing. My highest weight was 289 and I could wear what I do now, which is a 22, but it was SNUG in the waist, the hips and legs hang off of me. I can tell after my youngest daughter was born, I gained only in my front stomach and arms ugh! I could wear shirts 2 sizes smaller if it weren't for my arms and 2-3 sizes smaller pants/shorts if my waist were smaller
  17. TheWomanWithin

    What are you not willing to give up?

    :ranger: I'm with you there Paulax....I went from a full pot of coffee in the morning to :cup::cup: 2 cups in a single cup brewer just to curb my addiction some...oh and 2 cups at night lol:tea:
  18. TheWomanWithin


    True story: years ago; before I started gaining weight I was helping my cousin walk to lose weight - she weighed well over 350 lbs and when we would walk, people would say stuff out the car window to her - being the person I am, I yelled out at one guy "HEY at least she can lose the weight; too bad you can't lose your ugliness" - people who heard were me cracking up. I think that was the last time she felt bad about walking and went on to lose 150 lbs! so hang in there
  19. TheWomanWithin


    Me either, wth is wrong with me - there are plenty of large people who live in our subdivision...it's just the freakin woman next door may weigh 100lbs soakin wet and when I walk down the sidewalk with the kids, ugh I can just feel the stares:eek: like she can't see the sun because of my lardass!!! omg lol
  20. TheWomanWithin

    Im Going In!!

    Hey tomorrow you have your Band Birthday:bananapartyhat: and I have my don't remind me I'm turning 39 Birthday lol Grats! it's a great day to Celebrate...
  21. TheWomanWithin

    Still in Pain--Ortiz's #??

    I got the following from Dr. Ortiz website: Please use the appropriate email address below or you may call us anytime at 1 866 Dr Ortiz (1-866-376-7849). From outside the United States, please call us at 916-683-2808. http://www.obesitycontrolcenter.com/ Hope this helps
  22. TheWomanWithin

    Another ? about Mexico for the ladies

    Miper, not sure I would go alone. I tried to get my husband to go with me and take the kids so we could go shopping after, but he doesn't want to fly with them. I'm taking my m-i-l (which I love dearly) and we are going to go shopping on Sat after my surgery on Friday:madgrin:
  23. TheWomanWithin

    May 2006 Band Crew

    Add me to the May list also just got a call my surgery was moved from April 21 to May 5th now. Going to Dr. Ariel Ortiz in TJ Mexico
  24. TheWomanWithin

    April 2006 Bandits

    bah! please take me off the april list - dr called and I had to reschedule to May 5th Thanks )
  25. TheWomanWithin


    what more can I say than WOW! I can't wait to get back to my goal weight... Kellie you are much braver than I think I ever could be...ouch! not sure I could go through with that much surgery...BUT the results are making me want to go talk to a PS for after I reach my goal weight! btw...post your before picture you have on your website with the after picture of you in the pink tank top WHOA! what a difference - I looked at them side by and just sat in awe, you look so great:clap2: Keep up the good work. Lisa

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