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Everything posted by TheWomanWithin

  1. TheWomanWithin

    May 2006 Band Crew

    I Hit another stumbling block in getting my band. First I had problems with finding the right financing, then a scare with diabetes, now I have to reschedule from May 5th to May 25th because of another health issue. I have had problems with my left kidney for 3 years and was told by 2 doctors to "just lose weight and it will all be fine" ugh pompass a$$holes. My new doctor immediately sent me to a specialist and he ran tests, which came back I have a vessel or something sitting across my kidney. I have to have 3 or 4 more tests - including a CT Scan and MRI done in the next two weeks. The Urologist said he won't release me to have the band until he finds out what specifically is wrong!!! :::uwelcome::: Who knows, I may be bumped out of the May crew to June or July when it's all said and done lol Good lucky and hopefully everyone else's journey is going smoother than mine.
  2. TheWomanWithin

    Funny, I'm sure you've seen but...

    Never seen that one, but thanks for the morning laugh :biggrin1:
  3. TheWomanWithin

    Icebreakers for kids?

    A hunt is fun for all ages; we just had a cousin's bday who turned 3 at a park and the kids from 1-20 had fun looking for stuff all over and loved they all got prizes when we returned google scavenger hunt and you will find tons of ideas like this
  4. TheWomanWithin

    Icebreakers for kids?

    Here is the scavenger hunt info - the only word of caution is this: if you have it at a mall, please call your mall office first to make sure it is ok to do; sometimes they say yes as long as the kids are supervised You can adapt this by ages and place of the hunt: Rules 1. You must have fun 2. All team members with the exception of the camera person must be with the item in question in the picture. 3. Any team member caught running, will have 50 points deducted from their total. 4. PLEASE remember to be courteous and respectful if anyone asks what you are doing. 5. The first team to return to the starting point earns an extra 20 points. Remember the team with the most points, wins! 6. The Mall Crawl begins at 2:00pm and ends at 3:30. Teams returning after 3:30 pm will be penalized 5 poins for every 5 minutes they are late. Remember Rule#1 7. Judging will be done when all teams have returned to the starting point. Unruly participants will be disqualified. The judges' rulings stand. :speechles Complete 10 of the 12 following: 1. Take a picture of your teammates with someone from Adam Market Research. 2. Take a picture of all teammates dressing up in feather boas and waving hi to passerby's. 3. Take a picture of your teammates making the letter "J" using everyones bodies. (use the first letter of the special person the party is for) 4. Take a picture of your teammates wearing a red shoe each. 5. Take a picture of your teammates wearing crazy hats. 6. Take a picture of one of your teammate with toilet paper on their shoe coming out of the bathroom. 7. Take a picture of your teammates wearing a bra on the outside of their shirts. 8. Take a picture of your teammates getting a makeup demo (if the teammate is a guy - you get 10 extra points) 9. Take a picture of your teammates with a bird on their heads. 10. Take a picture of your teammates with a stranger doing the Macarena. 11. Take a picture of your team handcuffed together! 12. Take a picture of your teammates at a resturant wearing employees hats (ask the manager!) Polaroid I-zone are great for this and a photo scrap book to put the pics in. You only have 12 pictures, use them wisely. EXTRA POINTS 50 Points Find a 1985 Penny (son's birth year - change the year accordingly) 20 points 1. Find a 1985 Movie (take a picture) write down the movie name and date 2. Find a 1985 Toy (take a picture) write down toy name and date made 3.Find a 1985 Book (take a picture) write down name author & date 4. Find someone whose bday is September 25th have them autograph your page and exact date, time of birth etc lol 10 points Find and BRING back any or all of the following: 1. a movie ticket stub (stand outside when a movie is letting out and ask patrons nicely) 2. A flyer from the info booth 3. A blue Bubble gum ball (candy, ball, etc) 4. A shopping bag from Sonic Trax 5. The autograph and booth of a stylist from Progression hair Salon I asked the group to make teams, then I split them up and put people together I didn't think knew each other well and let them go out of their comfort zone of friends. I can't tell you how much fun they had. We had a variation of this 5 different times with kids from 12-19 and they all had fun.
  5. TheWomanWithin

    Icebreakers for kids?

    I know a perfect thing IF you have the patience with kids of different age groups. Each year we have scavenger hunts for our older kids bdays. It's always been a success and people have taken our ideas lol Can you come up with ideas in the room you are holding this for and have things hidden or clues around the room for the different age groups? You can hide prizes or have them timed and have a grand prize - Ive found each group getting a prize was easier. Had a scavenger hunt for son's 18th bday at the mall with things like - dance the Macranea with a stranger, find a feather boa and spell out a name in your group, etc The group that had the most at the end of the time limit got $100 each - wow that was a success (execpt for the little old lady on the bench who everyone wanted to dance with! heheh) They had little cameras that printed the pictures out then put them in a scrap book and showed the other groups. This helps with socialization, problem solving and just plain having fun If you like this idea, I'll grab his book and post what all we had so you can get an idea - the ranged from ages 15-18 on this particular hunt BUT it can be made for other ages also.
  6. TheWomanWithin

    Anyone being banded in May?

    nevermind that! I see you found it already
  7. TheWomanWithin

    Anyone being banded in May?

    Here's our thread for May bandsters: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=16512 Welcome and Grats!
  8. TheWomanWithin

    Home Alone

    Starting slow and adding up time is a great thing. Make a list and do mock trials of what happens when if something does happen. My 19 yr old daughter I could leave alone at any age IF I chose to do so would have been fine - she's always been very mature and knows how to handle things. No way in heck I would leave my 20 yr old son alone before the age of 13 lol he would have had no clue if someone was robbing us - we tried a couple of times while we ran within a half a mile to the store at the corner. He was petrified to stay alone. When he was 13 I finally let him stay while we all went to Publix (local grocer) it was a good 20 min drive. 15 min after we left home, I got a call from my alarm company saying there was an intruder and the police were at a standoff with him inside my house OMG !! We run out of the store with NO groceries and break the speed limit to get to our house, see 3 police cars and tread carefully.. thinking what is this guy going to do with our son. The police tell us to watch out the guy is standing at the window - we look up and it's our son ROTFL They didn't think he was 13, he was 6' tall and older looking so they thought HE was the intruder. We had just had our alarm installed and he set it for the silent police notification when we left for the store instead of alarming him if someone came inside! <doh> We said, what are you doing? he was afraid to go out in case the police shot him so he stayed inside and watched them LOL
  9. TheWomanWithin

    questions about self pay

    I'm being banded May 5th by Dr. Ortiz in TJ Mexico http://www.obesitycontrolcenter.com/ $8,500 (have to book by the end of May to get the special price) includes the following: The cost of the procedure includes the following services: <DIR><DIR>Three surgeon team – all of our surgeries are assisted by surgeons including an anesthesiologist. Two day stay at the Hospital where your surgery is performed. Operating Room Costs All Preoperative Evaluations Lap Band Implant Two nights at a 5 Star Hotel (5 nights in Cancun) Transportation to and from the Airport Free Fill Adjustments and Follow up care (additional fee for fluoroscopy) Now if I had it done here in the US, Dr. Grossbard in Zephyrhills FL (20 min from where I live) http://floridaobesitysurgical.com would cost me $24,500 for the same type of care and doctor. Dr Ortiz banded and taught Dr. Grossbard the Lap Band and they did do surgeries together in the Cancun facility until a storm messed up their hospital. </DIR></DIR>
  10. TheWomanWithin

    Inches lost! I am thrilled!!!

    thanks, what a great tool to use like the carb/calorie counter I can't get your link/web address to work though
  11. TheWomanWithin

    Depressed and needing support

    Dody I am so sorry to hear about your husband, what you are feeling is the normal process of grieving of a loved one. I lost my mother 12 years ago, a son 8 years ago and my oldest son's best friend (age 17) 1 year ago. It never gets easier, only the pain diminishes and sometimes the small little things that remind us of them hit us when we least expect it. We were in Rooms to Go buying a couch and my youngest daughter saw this boy who looked like my son's friend and called his name. WOW I had a major break down and couldnt stop crying in the store, talk about embarassing! The poor salesman was beside himself and I had to explain and then he went to get me some Water lol of course my husband just stood there dumbfounded because he had never seen me cry in public. Just try and remember the good things about him and the love that you shared; and cherish those "Hello"s from him :scared:
  12. TheWomanWithin

    First post and 11 videos to break the ice...

    you mean there are no rules against this guy posting bogus non weight loss related stuff here?
  13. TheWomanWithin

    Just for laughs

    OMG glad you said adult content on this Wheestin. This looks like someone trying to get their website out there and this forum has tons of people on it. Can someone :scared: mikeyboy82 and delete this thread? :focus: of WLS
  14. TheWomanWithin

    Endoscopy from hell

    Sorry to hear that Kat, wow I have heard it both ways with being asleep or not. Sounds like your dr is a total jerk and doesn't care what a patient feels. Ask him what if he had a tube in his...oh well nm can't say that on here! Hope the infection clears up and you aren't put through anymore. <fingers crossed>
  15. TheWomanWithin

    What size do you want to be?

    well for me a size 10 would be heaven. I haven't been in a size 14 or less in 15 years or more. I was anorexic when I was 17 and lost down to 117lbs and even then at 5'7 I was size 6!!! large boned and size 10 shoe - don't think I will ever be thinner than I was at that time. My goal weight is a "healthy" weight of 150 lbs and then when I am there I will see how I am doing and re-evaluate where I need to be.
  16. TheWomanWithin

    What Am I Doing Wrong ?????

    Have you called the fill center from http://fillcenterusa.com/ in Clermont? I read someone on here went to them and was satisfied with their service. Did you go to the center on Palm River Road in Tampa by chance? Im asking because I know I read also that someone had a bad experience with them. Call and talk to them and tell them the problem - get them to be your friend and tell them they are your last hope that kind of thing works for females all the time! Since I am near Tampa, I had planned on using Dr. Grossbard for fills, hope I don't encounter any problems like you have had.
  17. TheWomanWithin

    Passport needed??

    I was told until Dec. 31, 2006, I only needed my D.L. and my birth certificate... Best to call the Dr's office where you are having your surgery and see.
  18. TheWomanWithin

    What size do you want to be?

    well a size 0 of course; then I wake up from my dream and check out reality:phanvan At 5'7" I used to look ok in a size 10 - but that's been so many years ago that I'll have to look at sizes once Im down that far - I haven't bought anything with a number size in it in so long I have no clue what sizes are XXXL XXL XL are my friend :biggrin1: I have shorts that I bought from ebay that were a 22/24 (embarrassing, but I had to email the person and ask how tall and how much they weighed to see if I could fit in them) and they were so tight in the waist, I popped buttons off !:think 21 lbs lost and I can pull them off of my hips no without unbuttoning with problem. <fingers crossed for size 10 or lower> My oldest daughter is 5"8 and 135lbs and she wears a size 7, so I have to be realistic - I'll be happy when I don't have a #2 or X starting my sizes lol
  19. TheWomanWithin

    May 2006 Band Crew

    Ive already changed from diet sodas to only unsweet tea and changed my sugar in coffee to Sweet n Low, and I drink lots of Water. I Started 3/31/06, doing the low carb thing until my surgery and then maybe it won't be so hard doing the liquid diet the week before my surgery... I started walking 10 min at 2.2 mph on 3/31/06 and increasing 2 min and .2mph every time I walk. Ive had to watch how many Protein drinks I drink - they make my stomach sick for hours (which can be a good and bad thing!). I backed down to 2 shakes a day and upped my carbs some and that has helped until this morning I leave on May 4th for TJ Mexico and Dr Ortiz on May 5th. I'm going to buy my SF items and Soups, liquid meds etc all the week before surgery so I don't have to go out if I don't feel like it.
  20. TheWomanWithin

    Ladies who have lost more than 50....

    Ive been looking for quetions like this, but haven't found any until today! Sounds like me - I was even on meds from my dr and it didn't help me. going to the bathroom 50-60 times a day is a MAJOR pain, I get no sleep from being up all night in the bathroom lol Hope getting banded and losing weight helps me too.
  21. TheWomanWithin

    Obesity and marriage problems

    While I agree with 99.9999% of what you have said. that might be a major no-no My first marriage was physically abusive, I would say emotional abuse can and often does lead to physical/sexual abuse. Not sure I would tell him anything other than, she isn't giving up on herself and she is doing the band for her and then re-evaluate her life after that point and see to go from there. Of course, I can give good advice BUT do I take my own? nooo lol Just a perspective from my point....
  22. TheWomanWithin

    Obesity and marriage problems

    Ahhhh... I love Maya Angelou, she is such an inspiration
  23. TheWomanWithin

    Obesity and marriage problems

    Jules, honestly take a look at your life - be honest with yourself....It's a hard thing to do, but after doing that you might find where the rage is coming from. I cannot tell you how bad I feel when I read your posts - I think more of us are in your shoes than we want to admit. C'mon ladies we ALL know and have heard all our lives, that men are visually stimulated. i.e. the reason a woman's body either excites or repulses them. Dang it. some men just think with the wrong head sometimes! and cannot see past the outer self. [rant on]My husband and I have some major issues over this very matter - and I won't stand by and let him make me feel bad because HE has to do certain things and act like he is single instead of married. [rant off] Anyway, I am so glad to hear you scheduled with your doctor. This is something to do for YOU and you will be happier and healthier, with or without your husband :biggrin1:
  24. TheWomanWithin

    This really is unbelievable.

    We had this same situation happen with BCBS. What you have to do is call them (if you haven't) and get the person, date, time etc., tell them what happened and ask what your policy is about the surgery. Normally what happens is BCBS will pay X doctor or X hospital a certain $$ of the bill to have their patients at that facility. Under different state laws, the doctors or hospitals CANNOT hold you responsible for a covered expense. If calling BCBS doesn't help, call your state ins commissioner and find out your rights )
  25. TheWomanWithin

    Leaving tomorrow!!

    Good Luck Boo, please let us know how you are doing and how your trip with Dr. Ortiz. Can't wait to get mine done on May 5th - are you staying at the Lucerna?

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