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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jnfinney

  1. Jnfinney

    Protein drink idea

    Thank you! That’s a great idea! Every time I drive past McDonald’s I think.... man.. it’s shamrock shake season! Now I’ll make myself a protein one!
  2. Jnfinney

    Excruciating Pain Post OP

    @gabbyd how are you doing today?
  3. Jnfinney

    Hey March surgery folks

    @ruthpets my surgery was also 3/15 and I went out and got a mani/pedi the weekend after! It was such a nice treat for myself!
  4. Jnfinney

    Incision Pain

    I’m so sorry you had that much pain. I’m mostly pain free. Had my 1 week post op appointment today and everything is going great other than I’m having an allergic reaction to the steri strips that were placed over my incisions. A little hydrocortisone cream should do the trick - I’d take the itching over pain any day! I hope it gets better for you.
  5. I am a week post op today. One thing I’ve been noticing is that some days it is easier to “eat” and get my fluids in and some days I struggle to get things down. Today I’ve tried broth and a protein shake along with crystal light and water, but I have no desire to consume these things. Other days sipping on my water is so effortless. Has anyone else felt like this?
  6. Thanks all for sharing. Glad to know others also experience this!
  7. Jnfinney

    Sick of protein drinks

    I can’t do any protein drinks now.... way too sweet. My doctor suggested skim milk or Fairlife skim milk. I can tolerate that because it isn’t as sweet. The Fairlife milk has more protein as well.
  8. Jnfinney

    Any March 2021 Sleeve Patients?

    I would say my experience was almost identical. I sat in my hospital room the day after surgery panicking about what I had done.... but today I just got done walking my dogs for a mile!
  9. Jnfinney

    Any March 2021 Sleeve Patients?

    How are you feeling? I also had my surgery 3/15 😎
  10. Jnfinney

    Incision Pain

    I was allowed to take Tylenol with the dilaudid I was prescribed. I would check with your doctor first though. I’m no longer on the dilaudid and only need the Tylenol twice a day.
  11. Jnfinney

    Loose stools

    Sorry if this is too much information, but I am almost a week out from surgery and having stools that are completely liquid. This makes sense considering the only thing I’ve been eating is liquid 😂. However, I see a lot of people experience constipation after the sleeve and I seem to be the opposite. Did anyone else have this?
  12. That’s about where I was at day 4. Hang in there!
  13. Jnfinney

    Post op pain

    I’m not even a full week post op and my main incision pain has decreased significantly and is almost just itchy at this point. I don’t even need Tylenol anymore. Please contact your surgeon and keep us posted!
  14. Jnfinney

    Food Before and After Photos

    That's so great! Thank you for sharing.
  15. Jnfinney

    Food Before and After Photos

    @ms.sss I see you are always baking some wonderful looking goodies. What do you do with everything you bake? I can't imagine you bake all this deliciousness and eat a good amount of it while also maintaining a healthy weight. I am asking because I also enjoy baking, but it is a bit counterintuitive when only 2 people (including myself) live in my house.
  16. Jnfinney

    High Abdobmen Fat

    I have lost 18 pounds since I started my pre-op diet and had surgery this past Monday. So 18 pounds in about 3 weeks. I have a lower starting weight, and I can't tell that I've been losing weight when I look in the mirror, however several people have commented on how good I am looking. So, just remember other people probably can see the changes in your body, even if you don't. 36 pounds is great, don't be so hard on yourself and your body 😊
  17. Jnfinney

    Why am I hungry

    I have also been ravenous since my surgery last Monday, but I can't stomach the sweetness of the protein shakes anymore so I've been having skim milk and water or crystal light. @Creekimp13 thank you for your explanation - many people have told me it was head hunger, but I didn't believe it was because I would literally eat a boiled unseasoned chicken breast right now if I could.
  18. Jnfinney

    Sleeve Surgery is Monday!

    I had my sleeve last Monday. My best advice is to trust your surgeon and nurses and follow all their instructions. Also know that the first few days after surgery might be really difficult, but I promise it gets better.
  19. Jnfinney

    GENEPRO & Other Must Haves

    I also really like genepro. I tried Gatorade’s new protein water as well (it’s Gatorade zero with protein) and I really like it.
  20. I also did better with a full water bottle as long as I sipped at it all day long. The first 3 days I was proud of myself if I got 16 oz down, but I’m almost to 32 oz today and the day isn’t even over yet! Find what works for you.
  21. Jnfinney

    Any March 2021 Sleeve Patients?

    @gabbyd I was not prepared either, but I am feeling significantly better today. Please know it will pass 💕
  22. Jnfinney

    Incision Pain

    @gabbyd I am 6 days out and it actually feels a bit better today. I’ve been taking Tylenol around the clock and yesterday I was up and about doing things around my house which I honestly think helped the muscles around the incisions kind of stretch out. It’s still tender of course, but I’m not needing the binder now.
  23. Hi! My surgery is scheduled for March 15th and I have a couple of random questions. 1. What is this dry mouth spray I have seen on here?! I already have cotton mouth from the liquid diet (sounds counterintuitive, but I feel like I can't get enough to drink), so I think I will definitely need this when surgery day arrives. What is the brand? Cost? Where can I find it? 2. This pre-op liquid diet is definitely a struggle. I am SO TIRED and I'm on day 4. Is this normal? Will I be this tired until I have surgery? All I want to do is sleep, I don't even think about food because I just want to sleep all the time. 3. I am terrified to take pain medication for the risk of addiction. My surgeon said he will be prescribing me 2 mg of DILAUDID after surgery, which I hear is highly addictive. Has anyone else taken this pain medication post-op? I haven't had good luck with oxycodone and hydrocodone in the past, as they do nothing for my pain. I trust my surgeon, I am just looking for other people's experiences. 4. What pain treatments did you receive in the hospital? I am apparently going to have IV medication along with 2 other medications. My surgeon explained to me that one of them is given pre-op around the spine (kind of like an epidural, but I've never had kids). The other he said is injected into the blood vessels surrounding my abdomen while I am in surgery. I am a little freaked out about the one that is given pre-op, but he said it really helps people transition smoothly out of anesthesia. Is this a common thing? Has anyone else had it? Sorry for the long post, and thanks for your responses!
  24. Jnfinney

    Any March 2021 Sleeve Patients?

    @JazzyJess20 I also struggle with change. Remember why you started this journal and all the goals you have for yourself. It will not be easy, but you can do it.
  25. Hello everyone! I am a high school teacher and am scheduled to have the sleeve my first day of spring break. I also took off the week following that. I understand that everyone heals and recovers differently and in their own time, however, I am wondering how quickly some of you were able to return to work (if your job isn’t too physically straining)?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
