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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jnfinney

  1. Jnfinney

    Water intake

    UPDATE: I purchased the revolution nutrition fruity protein powder and I HIGHLY recommend them if you’re struggling with the milky protein shakes. This powder tastes like candy and juice!
  2. Jnfinney

    Pre op diets

    I used the seasoning packets from ramen noodles to make broth because they’re so salty and just threw the noodles away.
  3. Jnfinney


    For sure check with your team before doing any strength training and strenuous cardio/high impact. 1 week out I was walking and that was it. I was cleared at 6 weeks and am back to running and weight lifting daily. Also keep in mind that some people fatigue really quickly and with little warning early on. So if you plan to go for a walk, start with a short walk around the block and see how you feel.
  4. Jnfinney

    Surgery Tomorrow

    Good luck. I hope everything goes well!
  5. Jnfinney

    Bile Duct an Gallbladder Issues

    I hear gallstones and issues with gallbladders are common after WLS. I had issues with my gallbladder before my WLS, though. I had one gallstone at the neck of my gallbladder, so I wasn't blocked or anything, but that one stone was making it hard for bile to pass through, causing a lot of pain.
  6. Jnfinney

    Discomfort/pressure while eating?

    Has your surgeon put you on an antacid or PPI like Pepcid or anything like that? I know a lot of surgeons do as a precaution to deal with stomach acid after the surgery.
  7. Jnfinney

    New Here! :)

    Sounds like you are doing well! Congrats on your surgery!
  8. Jnfinney

    Not a huge issue but...

    I also like to check out thrift stores in my area... people donate some really nice name brand stuff! You just have to look for it.
  9. I am 6 weeks post op and have no regrets. I’m actually relieved that I was forced to change my relationship with food because now I can look at things and think “I’m not even hungry” or “that doesn’t even sound good” and I move on.
  10. Jnfinney

    No Stall

    Thank you for all the replies! I had my 6 week post op appointment today and I was told I’m actually ahead of where I was expected to be for my weight loss, so that felt good!
  11. Jnfinney

    Toning Inner Thighs

    I am just over 6 weeks post-op and have lost 35 pounds. I was a regular exerciser before surgery (strength training and cardio 5-6x a week). As I lose more weight, I notice that my thighs are getting a big smaller, but my inner thighs are still really jiggly and blubbery and I'm really self-conscious about them. Not only that, they are uncomfortable when I wear shorts, skirts, and dresses. I have a lot more weight to lose and I've slowly been getting back into exercise with the permission of my surgeon. When I get fully back into the swing of things, I tend to do a lot of running, squats, lunges, and plyometrics. I am wondering: what are the best exercises for toning inner thighs? I do not go to a gym - I have weights, a treadmill, and bands at home that I use to work out. Thanks in advance!
  12. Jnfinney

    Toning Inner Thighs

    Oh well.... at least I will always have 'someone' cheering me on when I am running 😂😂
  13. Jnfinney

    No Stall

    Thank you @ms.sss. I only weigh on Monday morning, so if I have any fluctuation I don't really see it.
  14. Jnfinney

    Toning Inner Thighs

    Dang, not the answers I was hoping for! 😂 @SummerTimeGirl my thighs also resemble the photo you are talking about. I'm not sure I care enough about the physical aspect to get plastic surgery (and I don't think I could afford it - teacher's salary, here!).
  15. Jnfinney

    No Stall

    Thanks @RickM for your insight!
  16. Jnfinney


    Yes I found them at Hy-Vee.
  17. Jnfinney

    Post-op question

    I also have a high pain tolerance and I would say I had more discomfort and soreness than pain. Many people say they have gas pain after surgery but I had no gas pain. I spent the night in the hospital and was only on Tylenol the whole time. I didn’t use the pain meds they sent me home with. I know my surgeon will absolutely not send people home after surgery until their pain is under control, so maybe talk to your team. Remember, as the others have said, everyone and their experiences are different.
  18. Jnfinney

    Protein drinks

    I LIVED on the fairlife protein drinks! Highly recommend! I loved the vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry - both the core power and nutrition plan ones. Chocolate was my favorite, though, because it tastes just like chocolate milk.
  19. Jnfinney

    5 weeks post-op slow weight loss

    @fitgal2021 our stats are pretty similar (height and weight) and I had my sleeve done 1 day before you. I was 217 on the day of surgery this past Monday I was 198, so I've only lost 19 lbs since surgery, but I feel good about it because that is a lot of weight in a month. I expect my progress to slow even more since I was on the "smaller" side to begin with. I've had the same concerns as you though - how the heck will I ever make it to 140 lbs!?! But as long as I keep losing, I will trust the process, I'm just so used to getting so much weight off and then it won't budge so I give up... but now with surgery as a tool I'm hoping to keep my eating in check no matter what.
  20. I think it’s pretty common for a lot of people to get cold feet the closer they get to surgery. I know I did. The first 2 weeks or so after surgery can be pretty tough, but you’re also putting your body through a major surgery. I know complications are not very common and a lot of people who have had the surgery do not regret it. Most people say their only regret was waiting so long to do it. I am about 4 1/2 weeks post op and the first week was tough for me, but I feel great now. I think the “aftermath” you are seeing on here are from people who are really early out from surgery (1-2 weeks). Ultimately it is your decision, but I definitely don’t regret doing it. Best of luck to you!
  21. Jnfinney

    Week 1 clear liquids - Best go-to items?

    I'm not sure you'll want to buy a whole lot.. I found that my tastes changed after surgery and somethings I could tolerate better than others. One thing that I did really enjoy after surgery was Pedialyte and sugar free popsicles.
  22. Jnfinney

    Kitchen supplies for early post-op

    Silicone ice cube trays with lids. Great for freezing small portions. I also bought a lot of the disposable portion cups with lids.
  23. Jnfinney

    Water intake

    @apjweiler thank you for that suggestion!!! I hopped on the website and that drink has incredible reviews, so I ordered some. The only thing I dislike was the shipping to the US was $20, so I hope I really like it 😜
  24. Jnfinney

    Water intake

    I think your water intake is pretty good for being 12 days out, but I hear most people have an overall daily goal of 64 oz (this is my goal). As far as protein, I would recommend talking to your dietician/nutritionist. I also struggled with the protein drinks (and still do), so I got my protein from Fairlife skim milk (I talked to my dietician first, though).
  25. Jnfinney

    Exercise routines??

    I don't consider myself a fitness guru or anything like that, but I have exercised for years. I typically do 30-45 minutes of cardio and 30-45 minutes of strength training each day. However, if you haven't been exercising regularly, it is a great idea to start small and in short amounts. My only suggestion for toning/strength would be to add a variety of moves to your routine. Some ideas are: Squats (and there are many different variations!) Lunges Romanian deadlifts Bicep curls/hammer curls Kneeling Arnold press Chest fly Back fly Skull crushers Tricep kickbacks Overhead press Bent over row ^^ these are just some of my favorites and can be done without weight, with light weight, or with heavier weights. I also highly recommend exercises with resistance bands/booty bands! Also, it can be hard to decide which exercises to do and when. A year or two ago, I discovered this app called FitOn that has free exercise videos that actually got me sweating. There is a subscription available as well, and when I paid for it, it was only $20 a year! I think any exercise is better than nothing. I really have no intentions of working out at a gym because I have suitable exercise equipment at my house, so I see nothing wrong with starting small at home. 😊

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