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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by staplegater

  1. staplegater

    Those that have had surgery this week

    Hi all, I logged on last night and wrote a detailed experience of my surgery but when I clicked submit it disappeared! I was so mad! It took me 30 minutes! So heres a more brief one. I had my surgery on Tuesday afternoon. I felt okay right after, but it was pretty much been downhill from there. I walked down to the computer center in the hotel just now to post and thats the most Ive gotten out of bed today. It felt really good to sleep and sleep and sleep because I havent really since a couple days before my surgery. Ive been in a good deal of pain and my aunt had surgery 20 min after I did and shes doing a bit worse than me. I usually have a very high tolerance for pain so this is somewhat strange for me. Doc said no Protein, only clear liquids for 1 week so I have no energy. Im sure that that is a huge factor in me not feeling very well. Gotta find a grocery store around here and get some of that special K protein Water. I must say, the gas pain was BAD but walking felt sooooo good. I must have walked 4 hours the night of my surgery and early that morning. It was really the only way to get relief. I dont know if Mexico is just against drugging their patients into a near unconsciousness, but thats what I really wanted and they werent giving it to me. Kind of disappointed because I dont think I should have had to be in that much pain. It just wasnt necessary. I'd sad 90 percent of my gas pain is gone and I feel mas bueno. I can still feel some gas right under my boobs. Im just a little tender but getting up is pretty easy. I have 5 incisions! My mom only has 3 and was done by the same doctor and she was heavier than me at her surgery. They are all small though so we'll see how that goes. This is kind of gross, but for some reason the mere act of sitting on the toilet brought SO much relief. Even if nothing comes out, you can feel the gas move down. It felt sooooo good. My aunt was burping a ton but mine seemed to be coming out the other end. I hope everyone is feeling well and if anyone has any questions at all I would love to answer them.
  2. staplegater

    My surgery tmw 04/20

    Woohoo! Mines 4/21 and I leave for Mexico tomorrow morning. I'm so excited now but I know that once I hit that hospital the nerves will kick in. Congrats and good luck!
  3. I'm getting banded on 4/21 by Dr. Zapata in Monterrey, MX! Excited but going through the "let's do it!" "Do I really need to do it?' phase every 10 minutes. I lean more towards lets do it!
  4. staplegater

    Ladies only

    I think I'll be too stressed to even get a period! My body is funky like that though.
  5. staplegater

    LOWER BMI's 2009

    How is everyone doing? I'm 2 weeks away from my surgery on 4/21! I've gotten of the fear for the most part. I'm actually just very excited.
  6. I'm set to be banded on 4/21. I have only told my boyfriend, his mother, my mother, and 2 co-workers who I really trust. I'm not going to tell anyone. I'm a low BMI and people would criticize. My boyfriends mother said "do you really feel like you NEED it?" Everyone likes to say that they don't care what people think, but everyone does. They don't know about your history, your family history, and struggles and the only one who knows exactly what you're going through is you. I'm not going to tell people because I don't feel the need to justify my decisions. When people start noticing (which will be very exciting!) I'm just going to tell them that I've been watching what I'm eating, which is the truth :thumbup: This decision is for YOU and the betterment of your life, and you don't have to explain yourself to anyone that you don't want to.
  7. staplegater

    LOWER BMI's 2009

    Thanks. I guess everyone has had these types of questions. I guess "obsessed" was the wrong term to use. I just want to live a normal life with some aid in portion control. I feel like I'm having to break up with food. Food has always been there, and I anticipate that will be one of the hardest things for me. It's not goodbye, it's just see you later, right? You all have such an awesome community here. I'm excited to get to know all of you and watch everyone's journey.
  8. staplegater

    LOWER BMI's 2009

    Hello all Thanks for all your posts. I just read the 18 pages from the 2008 thread and it was great. I'm 185 pounds and 5'6" (31ish BMI) and I'm set to be banded on 4/21 by Dr. Zapata in Monterrey, Mexico. My mom was banded by him a year ago, only 'needed' to lose 50 pounds but has lost close to 70 and hasn't had a single problem. I go back and forth from "this is a good decision" to "I'm not THAT overweight" "Why am I going to alter a healthy body?" "What am I doing to myself?" "What if I hate it?". I don't know what conclusion I've come to. It seems to change depending on what thread I read. My mom tells me that she doesn't want me to have to struggle my whole life with weight like she did. She weighed much more than I have hit yet, but I'm still young and there's plenty of time. But is there also plenty of time to lose weight? I was thin (120) for 3-4 years because I was on swim team and exercising 6 days a week for 2 hours a day. That is not realistic to my lifestyle now, and I anticipate my free time will continue to diminish as I get older. The transition from college to working full time left me feeling like I have no time, and I don't even have kids. But am I just being lazy and giving up? I'm a smart, independent and generally rational person, but am I being crazy? I'm mostly just scared that it's going to take over my life. My weight affects my life now. I'm not as confident and social as I could be, and it sucks to say, but I'll probably get farther career-wise if I dropped this excess weight. I got a beautiful breast augmentation (I know you're all thinking red flag! but I love them and wouldn't change that decision for anything) 40 pounds ago and would love to be proud of them again. Is it going to go from being quiet at the bar because I'm insecure, to not going out at all because I might PB or have gas pains? I get the feeling from this thread that the band kind of takes over your life. I don't get that feeling from my mom. Her life is totally normal and has improved DRASTICALLY since her weight loss. Is my mom an exception, or are others able to live their day to day lives without it revolving around the band? I understand that this is a huge decision and you're probably constantly reminded of it, but I'm afraid to be obsessed! How has it affected your normal day to day life, other than meal time? I obviously have a lot of questions and concerns. I just want to live a normal, slimmer, healthier life and have one less thing to worry about. It also doesn't help that my steady, best-thing-thats-ever-happened-to-me boyfriend thinks I'm nuts. But then again, he'd love me if I weighed 500 pounds. I need your love/support/comments/concerns
  9. This is my first post, so please be easy on me. I'm 24 years old and am 190 pounds. Most members on both sides of my family are obese and have struggled with their weight since adolescence. I was thin until around 16 and have gradually gained more and more weight over the years. I fight really hard to maintain a weight of 190 pounds. REALLY hard. I don't eat fast food, don't drink soda, exercise and somehow I still manage to slowly but surely gain weight. I don't eat or drink anymore than any of my friends. I've had blood tests and there's nothing wrong with my thyroid and no physical explanation for this. The only explanation I can find is in my genes. So, my question is, do I get a lap band now? I understand how difficult it can be. I've had 4 direct family members get them and they have had awesome results. It just seems inevitable that my weight will continue to grow. I'm so frustrated and discouraged. I'm only 24 and my metabolism is just going to continue to slow. I feel like I'm being silly with only being 50ish pounds overweight, but I don't want to struggle my whole life. Is there anyone in this forum who has a similar story? Anyone who only needed to lose 50-75 pounds to be in their target weight? How did you guys reach your conclusions to do it? I did a forum search and couldn't come up with anything.
  10. Thank you for your responses. My age is what scares me, but my mom (who was banded about a year ago) told me that she doesn't want me to have to struggle my whole life like she did. It seems silly to do anything to a healthy body that isn't necessary, but I guess if I continue on this path my body won't remain healthy. My mom's process has been SO easy. She hasn't had a single issue. I'm just afraid I won't be so lucky!

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